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@Cow's Milk has a point. Besides, pay attention to who opposes Sweden and Finland‘s Nato membership in the tweet, that is Erdogan, not Turkey, nor Turkey’s institutions, just Erdogan. Target singled out, as in pretty much one of the oldest tactics in politics, to overcome opposition. Almost all expect hard bargain on Turkey’s behalf, I say I would not be as surprised if this turns out be yet another failure in the international arena!
So what?
So should Turkey accept Sweden and Finland into NATO just to precent being singled out? Do you know what will happen if pro-pkk countries like SWEDEN and Finland were to join? Turkey will literally be the only country within NATO to oppose PKK while the PKK will have at least 3 countries in support of PKK; This is a fqing catastrophe! Turkey is already suffering from Greece supporting PKK and it has shitty economy and military; just imagine Finland and Sweden with their more advanced and stable militaries further supporting the PKK

This is why I support Erdogan; he is certainly corrupt but still the best of the Worst; even in such conditions, he is trying to get concessions from such countries regarding the PKK. Let the West call him a dictator or whatever but at the end Erdo will still hunt the PKK. When Erdo did everything the West ordered pre-2015, PKK used to strike Istanbul with bombs. Just how many civilians died while sucking the western dick? Now the rate of casualities post 2016 dropped so hard and Turkey's nationalisation of weapons is progressing

Let them call erdogan a bad guy and how he shouldnt mess with the shitty iron ladies of sweden and finland but they know that Turkey can just screw them iver with a veto and time is ticking

With Russia advancing in Ukraine, the moment Putin gets a phyrric victory in ukraine, Finland and Sweden will be next since now Putin recognises them as a potential enemy. Finland and Sweden should realise that the moment Russia enters their countries, their prospects of entering NATO and ensuring oeace within their lands are ZERO!


Azerbaijan Moderator
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I personally think this was stupid and Erdogan shouldn't have declared to the whole world that "we disapprove of Sweden and Finland entering NATO" but simply conducted business behind the scenes. All this has done is put a massive negative spotlight on Turkey and pressure that wouldn't be there otherwise.

Also, I think people are severely overestimating how much Turkey's veto will count for in NATO. The US basically IS NATO and if the government wants Finland and Sweden in (which they do), Turkey's veto will get thrown right out the window and all this will result in is negative backlash. And Turkey can complain about bending the rules all they want, nobody will give a damn because as far as the rest of the world is concerned, Erdogan is being a petty douche at best and a Russian asset at worst and was right to get overruled.

Basically this was an incredibly idiotic move in terms of diplomacy that I really hoped that Erdogan wouldn't be dumb enough to go for. Especially since, while you can sort of justify it for Sweden, there isn't much logic for vetoing Finland since Finland doesn't support the PKK. In fact most Finns I've seen have basically been confused as hell by accusations of PKK support as the Finnish government unlike the Swedish one isn't cucking out to terrorists.


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great thread

Isn't NATO's purpose a joint defense force? You support the PKK on my border, you arm Greece like crazy, you don't sell me arms for whatever reason, how many times have you left me alone against Russia, even stood by the Russians.
You didn't give me the support I needed. I've been cut off from you one way or another. On top of that, do you expect me to be okay with a process where I might have to intervene with my army if the Russians move to 2 Scandinavian countries now? We're not that much of a sucker.
Do not try to create pressure in vain. I am the right one. I have a big trump card, like a veto. No matter what you call it blackmail now, it's none of my business. You will come and convince me. There is no other way.


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Same old rhetoric from the whites and tankies. Always ignore the PKK/YPG terrorist designations, ignore the 10,000s of civilian deaths and boil the issue down to the lie of PKK representing all Kurds because Turkey is supposedly killing them all. Blame Erdogan because it's easier for simple minds to soak the propaganda when it's focussed on one person.

Cow's Milk

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ur naive thats the problem, u assume that better pr would magically cease the support against the PKK it would not, its also very unrealistic to expect better pr from nations that have been running a bad pr scheme against u for centuries.

The only way to remind them is that actions come with consequences like now, what the avg man thinks is irrelevant, it will be the task of their gov to inform them why, if they falsely inform them then they will again have to face the consequences of that lel

something the Swedes have very badly calculated in if they truly think that they can have the biggest pkk farm in europe and get away with it and as such will be vetoed til infinity. I just dont see that nation joining NATO, in fact if that nations joins we should be the ones leaving but we should be leaving anyway with the way thinks develop in europe, as the current conflict shows, a neutral status suits Turkey much better.


with regards to trt world, i think they are doing a good job expanding not everything needs to be western oriented, the western press itself largely serves the western audience (see ukraine conflict)

BTW this is goats milk, i couldn't get that account to work again so i made this account and i think you will agree from my prior content i'm not naïve at all. This is what i think will happen, america will force their membership into the alliance, Turkish veto will be worthless. Swedes will not cease support for PKK just like the americans don't. However erdogan barking about it allowed the media to manipulate his statements to push the same tired narrative of Turks slughtering innocent Kurds.

But to think this way you have to understand the past, understand the enemy and have foresight to see the future variables from actions taken today.

remember getting minorities to revolt against the Turks has been exceptionally easy, its happened so many times in the past. What i see is the Turks don't learn and adapt from it, they keep falling into the same tired traps over and over again.

If erdogan had any brains, before closing the straights he would have either got concessions from NATO over Syria or Russia. If Russia pulls away and lets Turkey clean the area out, the straights stay open, if the Americans pull back their support then the straights close. But he didn't use that card to the advantage of Turkey at all.

As for TRT world its failing in the west because its to Islamist focussed. The west in general don't like Muslims, meanwhile we got a western news outlet that keeps pushing it, which only cements the western prejudice of Turks. I got no issues with TRT playing the Muslim card in the Muslim world, but in the western world its causing us to look bad.

Then TRT does things like "when the white man arrived" exposing the global crimes of europeans, which makes whites hate Turks and Muslims even more. Most media outlets are no more then propaganda pieces to push geopolitical interests of said nation, TRT world harms Turkish geopolitical interests.

To go back to the "veto" the Turkish veto will be worthless, just like NATO left Turkey alone against Russia in multiple theatres. Article 5 will never be used to protect Turkey even if Russia directly invaded Turkey tomorrow, the media would portray it as a Turkish issue only. Who forgets how hostile the western world was towards Turkey when we downed a Russian jet, most cowardly europeans rushed to Putins side and denounced Turkey.

So just like i believe article 5 in the case of if Turkey is attacked is worthless, the Turkish veto will also be worthless. We got to play the game better, we got to learn from the past.
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2 3,159
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BTW this is goats milk, i couldn't get that account to work again so i made this account and i think you will agree from my prior content i'm not naïve at all. This is what i think will happen, america will force their membership into the alliance, Turkish veto will be worthless. Swedes will not cease support for PKK just like the americans don't. However erdogan barking about it allowed the media to manipulate his statements to push the same tired narrative of Turks slughtering innocent Kurds.

No one cares about such a narrative anyways. They are now in the process of waking up and facing the reality of an awakened albeit weakened and frustrated bear lel
But to think this way you have to understand the past, understand the enemy and have foresight to see the future variables from actions taken today.
thats what im doing, remember im the only one here for has foreseen russias action against these nations.
remember getting minorities to revolt against the Turks has been exceptionally easy, its happened so many times in the past. What i see is the Turks don't learn and adapt from it, they keep falling into the same tired traps over and over again.
bruh, most kurds these days dont even speak kurdish anymore, the only dangerous demographic these days are the refugees and illegals. everything else is tamed.
If erdogan had any brains, before closing the straights he would have either got concessions from NATO over Syria or Russia. If Russia pulls away and lets Turkey clean the area out, the straights stay open, if the Americans pull back their support then the straights close. But he didn't use that card to the advantage of Turkey at all.

i dont think erdo had anything to do with the closing of the straits, that was the works of the military and from what i read, montreux is holy for them. They wouldnt allow adding concessions to it anyway.

But when it comes to Syria and such, Turkey is now in a much more powerful situation. The russians wont remain there forever and neither the americans lel

Cow's Milk

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United Kingdom
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United Kingdom
No one cares about such a narrative anyways. They are now in the process of waking up and facing the reality of an awakened albeit weakened and frustrated bear lel

thats what im doing, remember im the only one here for has foreseen russias action against these nations.

bruh, most kurds these days dont even speak kurdish anymore, the only dangerous demographic these days are the refugees and illegals. everything else is tamed.

i dont think erdo had anything to do with the closing of the straits, that was the works of the military and from what i read, montreux is holy for them. They wouldnt allow adding concessions to it anyway.

But when it comes to Syria and such, Turkey is now in a much more powerful situation. The russians wont remain there forever and neither the americans lel

We will just have to agree to disagree.

Erdogan and AK party overplayed their value and their western alliance over syria and turned into a complete disaster where they had to sit back and watch both Russia and the USA ally together with the PKK against Turkey.

Turkey bore the brunt of the economic, social and political cost of Syria and we even had the USA threatening to attack us if we attack the PKK.

So yeah i don't believe Turkeys "veto" in NATO is worth anything. But if AK party and erdogan want to play that game by all means go for it.


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If South Korea was attacked I think the Turks would not hesitate in defending SK.

Thats how our bond is with them while Sweden and Finland can get f****
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Finland military history is just a crummy ass victory against the soviets while they spent centuries under Swedish and Russian rule.

"Warriors my ass"

Whoever thinks Turks and Finns are equal are a joke.


2 3,159
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We will just have to agree to disagree.

Erdogan and AK party overplayed their value and their western alliance over syria and turned into a complete disaster where they had to sit back and watch both Russia and the USA ally together with the PKK against Turkey.
erdo didnt overplay, he is at fault for not launching the operations earlier and letting such consequences as the pkk or refugees develop afterwards. Consequences would also develop afterwards if we let Sweden join NATO. Its not difficult to foresee this.
Turkey bore the brunt of the economic, social and political cost of Syria and we even had the USA threatening to attack us if we attack the PKK.

So yeah i don't believe Turkeys "veto" in NATO is worth anything. But if AK party and erdogan want to play that game by all means go for it.

And now think ahead, letting sweden enter the alliance, guess which country will have to come and protect them? Who would have to bore the brunt?

I think Turkeys veto is going to put pause into their aspirations and this is necessary, times are changing and we have to make sure that the countries that have caused mischief will be reminded of their actions.


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I could not give a rats ass if Finland is more richer than Australia or even Turkiye.

In geopolitics they are an irrelevant country.


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Up until the 80's in Sweden they were forcefully sterilising finish women too. European criminality is generally hidden from the media and history books.

Nordic countries are even more f'ed then I thought.

They are the most unfriendly and most cold people I ever met in my life.


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Finland military history is just a crummy ass victory against the soviets
calling that a victory would be an overstatement. Finns held their own because of the winter conditions they were in. When the summer rolled around they were promptly BTFO'd by the red army and had to give territory away in the peace treaty.
There wouldn't be a thing called "Finlandisation" if they've won in the 1st place, right?

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