Im wondering about the naval base that TSK is building I cant find any info mamy say it got cancelled others say its on hold or unknown.
The ruler who signed that deal got couped by the saudis so i´d say its on hold for now.
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Im wondering about the naval base that TSK is building I cant find any info mamy say it got cancelled others say its on hold or unknown.
Meanwhile, exports to Saudi Arabia have reached almost zero in April 2021. So the informal embargo is effectively in place now.
Is there source for this export data?
After a controversial first text, some of whose signatories are threatened with sanctions, a new military forum against the “disintegration” of the country was published on the site of Valeurs Actuelles, requested to publish it. “This is a new forum, this time from active soldiers, who thought of us to publish it because we had published” the previous forum, told Geoffroy Lejeune, editorial director of the weekly.
While some signatories of the forum published on April 21 are under sanctions, the soldiers gathered behind this new text insisted on remaining anonymous. It is, according to Le Parisien, which, a few days before its publication, evoked the fears of the Élysée as for a new platform, of “2000 active soldiers”. It is moreover to the Head of State, the government, parliamentarians and general officers that the platform is addressed.
“Our elders are fighters who deserve to be respected”
In this new forum, the signatories present themselves as “recently entered in the career”, what the newspapers have called “the generation of fire”, men and women, active soldiers, of all armies and of all ranks, from all sensibilities ”and, with Marseillaise in support, defend their elders. “Our elders are fighters who deserve to be respected. These are, for example, the old soldiers whose honor you have trampled on in recent weeks ”, we can read, referring to the criticism provoked by the forum led by retired generals whom Agnès Pannier-Runacher had qualified, diverting from Gaulle, of “quarteron of generals in Charente”.
In line with the previous forum which denounced the “disintegration of France”, the signatories of this second text declare to see “violence in our towns and villages”. “Yes, our elders are right on the substance of their text, in its totality. We see communitarianism taking hold in public space, in public debate, they write. We see hatred for France and its history becoming the norm. ”
“If a civil war breaks out, the army will maintain order”
If the first text had triggered a lively controversy in the political class, some denouncing a quasi-call to the insurrection, the signatories of the platform of May 9 are in disagreement. “These people who fought against all the enemies of France, you have treated them as factious when their only fault is to love their country and to mourn its visible downfall. We have seen this decline in many countries in crisis. It precedes the collapse. It announces chaos and violence, and contrary to what you are asserting here and there, this chaos and this violence will not come from a “military pronunciamento” but from a civil insurrection. “
And to continue: “Yes, if a civil war breaks out, the army will maintain order on its own soil, because we will ask it. It is even the definition of civil war. No one can want such a terrible situation, our elders no more than us, but yes, again, civil war is brewing in France and you know it perfectly well. “” Take action, Ladies and Gentlemen, finally urge the signatories of the platform. This time, it is not about custom emotion, ready-made formulas or media coverage. It is not about extending your terms or conquering new ones. It is about the survival of our country, of your country. “
#Tribunedesmilitaires is trending in France.
The French army is about to stage a coup in the country because of its hostility to Muslims. I don't know what cave you live in. But you don't have to live in France to follow what's going on.Well, Bulgaria and the Balkans for sure aren’t included in the (Western) Europe Erdo talks about so I am doing okay... can’t comment on Germany, France, Britain etc.
But why do you even care about the nonsense he says- it’s all for internal political consumption and nothing else. A barking dog that doesn’t bite.
His problem is that even many of his own voters don’t believe the shit he says anymore and many start to see his bullshit more clearly every single day. When the pockets are empty and the refrigerator has no food in it most don’t care about what he tells about Europe, Israel, Palestine etc. So let him talk...
No point in talking to Zoodi Arabia but why not? Let's give it a try.
To my Muslim brothers and sisters who say you got to cancel all trade with Israel.
I say this when Saladin and the crusaders had wars we still traded with them.
When the Mongols invaded the Islamic World we still traded with them.
Many examples of wars and trade being treated separately in other words cutting off trade and relations with israel wont achieve crap.
I posted this because people use Turkey and Israel having relations along with trading as a punching bag against us Turks. Its childish and ridiculous.
He makes a rather compelling argument and its not like you guys don't have a history of being the white mans lackey. Don't you hindus even have a caste system where the lighter the skin the higher up the individual?
And lets be honest, modi is absolute moron.
We can bring up this stuff against muslims too,since you guys have more weirder practices.
But not like you,a troll which shouldn't be engaged