You really need to wake up from the notion of "we have a strong military so lets just sweep them out"Yeah it's a pathetic government. I don't expect anything good from them. They're sucking up to everyone to fill their own pockets. A lot of the "geopolitical victories" that western journalists say that Erdoğan has had didn't really benefit the nation in any way. All gains went directly into AKPs pockets. This is why we lose at the table time after time, despite being capable of sweeping the floor on the battlefield
We have a lot of advantages over our neighbors. Our geographic position, our military and sense of nationalism is far superior to everyone else in the region. But we can't leverage any of this government that's trying to cling onto power.
We can't make moves that will strategically benefit us. We're just running errands for the USA. After more than a decade we haven't launched an operation to clear YPG off thr map. Kurdistan and PKK flags are flying all over the southeast. Turkmens aren't being protected at all in Iraq or Syria. We haven't made a single move to help Azerbaijanis in Iran.
Not everything is solved militarily bro. In order to fullfill your dream of going all in with the military, the Turkish state and economy must be able to handle the consequences. Turkey's greatest trading partner is the West and Turkey's greatest financier is the West and Med East and all of them are anti-Turkey in anything that would possibly promote its growth
Since you are talking so much about how Turkey's geography is favourable, lets remind you that Turkey's neighbour is the EU and they are supporting the PKK and then you have Iran which is a neighbour and is supporting the PKK. In addition to being Turkey's biggest trading partner, the EU has a lot of leverage and power regarding the EEZ issue with Greece which is also supporting the PKK and I wont even get into how the EU has much more technological and financial means to cripple Turkey in the case of a military intervention. In addition to that, the ridiculously filthy arab monarchs who would pay to see Turkey destroyed and Iam sure you do remember the recent 2016 coup that was financed by the UAE
Moreover, how on earth are you planning on helping the Azeris in Iran? Have you forgotten that Iran is a nuclear state? Have you forgotten, that unlike Turkey, Iran has a more stable internal structure and no nation is fighting against it regarding basic crucial resources like oil and gas which are necessary for the growth of any nation on earth? ALL what it needs is 5 nuclear bombs and it is game over for the current Turkey. Do you know whats even funnier? When Turkey tries to make its own nuclear weapons, they are getting sanctioned by their so-called allies.
And lets talk about nationalism..... Not all of Turkey is united and, with no offense meant, many might run when shit hits the fan just like in any other nation? The most national people in Turkey are probably those in central Anatolia with Kurdish-dominated areas and many in coastal, western, cities like Istanbul may jump ship at any moment just like in the past and since you are a Turk, Iam sure you do know that already since it is recorded in your history books
Moreover, the turkish army while being the strongest in the region isnt the strongest worldwide. When you talk about killing the PKK/YPG in either syria or Iraq, you need to realise that you wont be fighting some third-rate terrorists but rather those who are backing them; particularly the US and Israel. There is a reason why the US has its own soldiers standing between the TSK and the PKK/YPG; its because they know that if even one American soldier gets injured, the consequences imposed on Turkey would be so severe that they wont even be able to breath from it
Finally, to give you an example, lets talk about China! China has a military more advanced than Turkey, an economy more resilient than Turkey, technological levels that are leaps and bounds above Turkey, a nuclear state unlike Turkey, and nationalistic values that are on par with Turkey: YET the Chinese dont even dare of destroying and occupying the small island of Taiwan. Do you know why? Its because the US is stationing its soldiers between China and Taiwan and the Chinese knows that the ramifications of injuring even one American soldier is severe and even China may not be able to endure it. If China cant do it to an Island that it thousands of kilometres away from the US, then how do you expect Turkey to deal with the PKK when the US has nuclear bases all around the region?
You need to wake up from whatever marvel comic you are reading and rejoin reality bro
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