Airbases can be built close to the Turkish border.
Which is still an advantage.
Wrong. To properly control Syria, Turkey does need those bases
There is a reason why the TAF wanted those airbases
These airbases, especially Palmyra, is strategically located in such a way that it allows you to reach the capital in a short time, reach strategic oil and gas reserves in a short time, and is close to the frontline against the SDF
This means that from this airbase alone you can monitor lots of Syria's wealth, initiate air campaigns against the SDF, and protect the capital of Syria (Damascus) with ease
The reason Israel is against this is not only to prevent Turkey from protecting Syria during the next phase of the IDF's operation;i-e, to take Damascus, but also to prevent Turkey from establishing the necessary supply lines to attack the SDF
The problem here is that Natenyahu has already instructed his media to announce that war against Turkey is unavoidable and in such a scenario, the whole world will side with Israel against Turkey since no one wants to see a former imperial power rise to supremacy again and if Turkey controls Syria, then the West will now only have the "economy" card and "Greece/Cyprus" cards to attack Turkey with since TAF is already in Iraq and Syria may be as well
The stakes are high and the West will prefer to start a world war than to lose the few final cards they have to not only pressure/threaten Turkey but also cause ethnical unrest amd divisions within the country
Israel is fighting on too many fronts. They really they think they are unstoppable.
Turkiye has time on its side while Israel going to sink itself even more.
It is in fact the opposite
The one with time is Israel
Leaders go and policies change but the one thing that is constant is Israeli's policy and uninterrupted Western support and if you think that Israel is sinking, then must I remind you that they already control around 5% of Syria, and are only 15km from Damascus?
They even established a Druze autonomous govt just like with the kurds
They even instructed Trump to bring back the Russians (US's presumed rival) just to counter Turkey a fellow NATO ally that promised to increase US's influence amd undermine Russia's if the US sided with Turkey