France's Macron: Social media platforms should help tame violence amid riots


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Why does this kind of stuff always ends up with riots or destruction?

We seen with the George Flpyd protests it always ended in an orgy of destruction and violence.


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Interesting part is, most Germans I meet, say, let France burn.

Most Europeans don't really like each other, they find common purpose in hating non-whites and Muslims, but between each other is contempt. Growing up in England made me see first hand how English for example see themselves superior to pretty much most other Europeans.

They maybe see Germans and Nordic countries as equals, while they see eastern europeans slav balkan types as backward.

Then you get this thing where eastern euro's are desperate to impress western europeans and they do it by shilling the same hate of non-white/muslims etc.
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Most Europeans don't really like each other, they find common purpose in hating non-whites and Muslims, but between each other is contempt. Growing up in England made me see first hand how English for example see themselves superior to pretty much most other Europeans.

They maybe see Germans and Nordic countries as equals, while they see eastern europeans slav balkan types as backward.

Eastern Europe and Southern Europe has always been seen as backwards by Northerners or people from Germanic origins.

Interesting with the various races and ethnic groups among Europeans have always been in competition.

Germanic Europe vs Slavic Europe vs Romance/Latin Europe.

Then you have religious aspect of rivalry with Catholics vs Protestants vs Eastern Orthodox.

Bosnia, Kosovo and Albania represent Muslim Europe or even sometimes Turkish Europe since a lot of Europeans in the past believe anybody from Europe who became a Muslim were called Turks.


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Rioters have also destroyed lots of Muslim businesses in the country.

Good going retards what a way to push communities to even more poverty.

A community that has no means to defend itself will end up destroyed.

Koreans protected their community and property with guns.


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Switzerland Correspondent
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These are not protesters. These are thugs. These riots will not be good for Türkiye in the long run. Western Europeans in particular will become paranoid when it comes to Türkiye. They weren't rational anyway, but they're going to go astray.
You reap what you sow, Frences colonial past is catching up to them.

That being said, Turkey will have similar problems with the millions of Syrians, Afghans and Pakistani.
Think whatever you want about me but mark my words.
Import the third world, become the third world.


South Korea Correspondent
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Rioters have also destroyed lots of Muslim businesses in the country.

Good going retards what a way to push communities to even more poverty.

A community that has no means to defend itself will end up destroyed.

Koreans protected their community and property with guns.
Geez, I hate those right-wing US rednecks praising "Rooftop Koreans" firing on Afro-Americans to masturbate on their white supremacy gun fantasies.

Racist white LAPD mofos caused the riots by beating up petty criminal Rodney King on local TV.
Then white LAPD told Korean shop owners in Koreatown they would withdraw police forces against the rioting, looting, burning black ghetto mob to protect predominantly white middle class districts like Beverly Hills.

Korean taxpayers had to defend themselves with arms because the US authorities failed them. Thank God to military conscription every Korean male immigrant knew how to handle pistols and assault rifles ... and these guys from that generation were the toughest hardcore, no-joke Koreans you can imagine.

PS: They set up elevated firing posititons on rooftops and sectioned shooting perimeters on the ground just what they learned in old-school ROK Army. The guy in the video thumbnail holds an Daewoo K2 standard assault rifle and the old gentleman with red cap in the clip looks like an ex-ROK Marine 😅
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Import the third world, become the third world.
I agree with you, of course. If you take people like Einstein and Fermi as brilliant immigrants, your society will move forward. If you take barbarians like the Taliban, your society will degenerate. Simple math.

Nobody needs an uneducated and barbaric immigrant.

Fuzuli NL

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We need to find a prompt solution for the refugee problem.
The important thing is to do it without resorting to populist or racist rhetorics.


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censoring and controlling social media is the sign of a loser who fears his people, its not a surprise that someone like macron resorted to it.


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If you know about French history, violent and bloody revolution is common for them. The minorities should be prepared that if push comes to shove the French may just go round executing them in the streets. The french have a fanatical and brutal quality to them. And truth be told all minority groups should really learn european history, its not a far stretch to think that one day in the future concentration camps open for minorities.

We have watched the media work day and night to dehumanise specially Muslims and non white peoples. There is a long range game at play here.

take for example Zionist sympathising owned murdoch media sky news.

The entire report is basically saying islamist/muslims are to blame for everything. France is innocent of everything and these brown islamists hate us. The biggest purpeturors of hate crime and divisions are these few media corporations with a global outreach. The entire Muslim ummah should be exposing these familes day and night, their affilations and their histories and their agendas. But the Ummah does nothing, it sleeps.

And Turks the media promoting constant lies/propeganda/hate has stayed in the same family hands for decades. Do you remember how they portrayed the Turkish army when they saved the Turkish cypriots from a greek/christian inspired genocide?


Think of all the Muslims and islamist orders, why none of them use their media to expose these most evil families and their agenda against the Muslim Race and I say race because at the end of the day they treat the religion as a monolithic race. Whether your Moroccan or Turkish, when they say Muslim or Islamist they mean all of us, even if your not religious.

There is also another element of the dehumanisation of Muslims being pushed, its to indirectly legitimise isreals extermination of the Palestinians Muslims. Basicallly to delegitimise any muslim issue on the global scene.

Unfortunatly all of this chimping out plays into their hands, where they can point fingers and say look i told you these people were backward savages. Muslims are losing and losing big time.
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Experienced member
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United Kingdom
You reap what you sow, Frences colonial past is catching up to them.

That being said, Turkey will have similar problems with the millions of Syrians, Afghans and Pakistani.
Think whatever you want about me but mark my words.
Import the third world, become the third world.

As long we can counter outside influence we can stop the problems. France has no outsider influence and that country is on fire. Could you imagine if what Turkiye experiences from Russia, USA, EU, Isreal and others to influence trouble in our country was applied to France, that county would be a thousand pieces by now.

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