Has Macron declared war on Islam?



You should care what they are thinking about you. They don't make a distinction between Turks and Muslims. To Europe, they are not mutually exclusive. To be a Turk is to be a Muslim, despite whatever protestation you want to make to the contrary. They don't care.
As a Balkan immigrant' grandson, I must say that we have experienced this sociological situation for generations. My ancestors were exiled from homelands and we took refuge in Anatolia, not just because we are Muslims, but because we are Turks.

(However, there are some exceptions, such as the Turkish-Greek population exchange. In accordance with the Treaty of Lausanne, millions of people mutually changed their homeland. During this population change, also some Christian Turks were brought to Greece, on the other hand, while some Muslim Greeks thousands more people from other nations were brought to Anatolia.)

Ultimately, the identity ideology and racism getting stronger today in Europe, actually was the main factor that led to the dissolution of the Balkan geography. Today again, the demonization of Turkish identity is the strongest dynamic of Islamophobia in Europe.


I think muslim immigrants were brought in for labour. Other reason is most likely is that superior western civilisation would make Muslims give up their identity and religion. Well that backfired.
Yes but why they give them a citizenship and try to assimilate them in the first place why they don’t do what the gulf countries do with south Asian workers they work on contract soon it’s over they get send back to their countries


today there is war on islam..

its crystal clear on tv on politicians tongue and visible for everyone..

we had recently the war against the nazis..
we had recently the war against the communists..
and now we have the war against the muslims..

same rethorics, same tactics, same manipulation of people, same short sighted people who follow the masses

this is not just fairytails or destructive thinking no this is reality its not just macron its whole EU and it started in US.. we will see how muslim nations will be more and more under fire (one after the other).. maybe it just needs to come directly to us to understand that this is reality..?
It’s core evangelical beliefs that they should start a war with Muslims for their end time prohecies


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It’s core evangelical beliefs that they should start a war with Muslims for their end time prohecies

Irony is that the rapture is pretty much anti semitic to its core. Basically Prophet Jesus will come back to Israel and either make the Jews convert to Christianity or get killed off.

For that to happen that part of the world has to be in chaos to unleash the end of times.


Irony is that the rapture is pretty much anti semitic to its core. Basically Prophet Jesus will come back to Israel and either make the Jews convert to Christianity or get killed off.

For that to happen that part of the world has to be in chaos to unleash the end of times.
Evangelicals and Jews hate each other but they act as friends because of their mutual agenda. The old evangelicals hated the Jews but they believe if they return to the holy land the savior will come while the modern day evangelicals worship the Jews because even in evangelical standards modern day evangelicals are heretics


I've been deeply thinking what to say about France where Muslims attacked with religion intensives local people.
İf it had happened in Turkey ( non- muslim migrants attacked Türkish people) , unanimously we would have massacred them.

After that if we converted christianity , attitude of France wouldnt change us. Look at how they look down south Americans, east europeans, armenians.
Don't wait respect from other people . Just respect yourself.

Finally all Turkish citizens remember about RENAULT as we consider turkish automobile.


I've been deeply thinking what to say about France where Muslims attacked with religion intensives local people.
İf it had happened in Turkey ( non- muslim migrants attacked Türkish people) , unanimously we would have massacred them.

After that if we converted christianity , attitude of France wouldnt change us. Look at how they look down south Americans, east europeans, armenians.
Don't wait respect from other people . Just respect yourself.

Finally all Turkish citizens remember about RENAULT as we consider turkish automobile.
But the thing is turkey didn’t colonize the countries of these immigrants who will immigrate to turkey unlike France most of their immigrants are from the countries that they killed and looted its peoples


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Starts promising, but the moment this article tries to connect terrorism with Erdogan, Muslim Brotherhood. In same sentence as wahabism and salafist. They lose any credibility.

It really amazes me, how superficial and unrealistic their arguments are. How they connect the dots and try to drag other things into it.

It is comparable with me saying France committed genocide in all their military endeavors.


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Bosnia & Herzegovina
France is on fast pace becoming pseudo fasist state.


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"It won't work," says Olivier Roy, "for a very simple reason: the terrorists don't come from Salafi mosques. If you take the biographies of terrorists, none of them is a product of Salafi preaching." Salafism is a hardline, ultra-conservative movement identified with political Islam.

Fuzuli NL

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France: Liberté, égalité, qu'est-ce qu'il s'est passé?

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