Has Macron declared war on Islam?


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There are thousands of women who refuse to be treated by a male gynacologue not because of religion but because they feel uncomfortable otherwise.
Will they also pay a fine or get jailed?
And does that law mean that you cant refuse to participate in religious class at school if you dont want to?

There has been no other details yet about this law other than the few words from the interior's minister interview to a regional newspaper. (Which I posted above) I'll come back to you once there are more details.

The entire and final bill "against separatism" will be presented to the council of ministers on the 9th of december. The date is symbolic because the law establishing state secularism in France came into effect on 9th of december 1905. The law will be presented to the national assembly in february 2021 and the senate later. The government hopes for the bill to be adopted before the coming summer,so there's still a long way to go....


Well if they know there is problems with Muslim community or Islam it self then why they started talking now they should done that before bringing Muslim immigrants


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Well if they know there is problems with Muslim community or Islam it self then why they started talking now they should done that before bringing Muslim immigrants

today there is war on islam..

its crystal clear on tv on politicians tongue and visible for everyone..

we had recently the war against the nazis..
we had recently the war against the communists..
and now we have the war against the muslims..

same rethorics, same tactics, same manipulation of people, same short sighted people who follow the masses

this is not just fairytails or destructive thinking no this is reality its not just macron its whole EU and it started in US.. we will see how muslim nations will be more and more under fire (one after the other).. maybe it just needs to come directly to us to understand that this is reality..?




“Death to Turks, Death to Erdoğan”: Turkish butcher shop attacked for the second time in a week in western France’s Nantes



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Well if they know there is problems with Muslim community or Islam it self then why they started talking now they should done that before bringing Muslim immigrants

I think muslim immigrants were brought in for labour. Other reason is most likely is that superior western civilisation would make Muslims give up their identity and religion. Well that backfired.


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You would stil be primitive Turk for them, inferiority complex reeks from every sentence you wrote.


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I think muslim immigrants were brought in for labour. Other reason is most likely is that superior western civilisation would make Muslims give up their identity and religion. Well that backfired.
The first generation of migrant chidren were even separated from german kids at school, they didnt even properly learn the language and they ask why integration failed today...


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You would stil be primitive Turk for them, inferiority complex reeks from every sentence you wrote.
Do you think I give a damn about what they are thinking about me? We should've been the leaders of this war against Islam. But unfortunately love for Arabic tales in our country is so damn high.

If you ask me I don't even like French people and their imperial games in Africa but when you fight against Islam you can find a lot of supports around the world. It can be in even countries where people dislike France.

Secularism was once peaked it's head on these lands but the religion fanatics in Anatolia and their stupidity, ignorance kill that movement. And when people says about this, people like you can only think about inferior complex no sir, Turks are great nation and they are ancient. I am proud of being in the same nation that brought people like Ataturk, Fatih Sultan Mehmet and so on.

And I can imagine when I say Fatih Sultan Mehmet you are only thinking about glorious Ottoman Islamic rule. But let me tell you he was a visionary, he wants to be next Caesar, he aimed for Rome and he signed as Ceaser(Kayser). He didnt think about Islam or cihad or nonsense like that. If you read about him you can easily see he was a man ahead of his time. (Not from Islamic narrative source ofc)

Problem: Islam
Solution: Get rid of Islam


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Do you think I give a damn about what they are thinking about me? We should've been the leaders of this war against Islam. But unfortunately love for Arabic tales in our country is so damn high.

If you ask me I don't even like French people and their imperial games in Africa but when you fight against Islam you can find a lot of supports around the world. It can be in even countries where people dislike France.

Secularism was once peaked it's head on these lands but the religion fanatics in Anatolia and their stupidity, ignorance kill that movement. And when people says about this, people like you can only think about inferior complex no sir, Turks are great nation and they are ancient. I am proud of being in the same nation that brought people like Ataturk, Fatih Sultan Mehmet and so on.

And I can imagine when I say Fatih Sultan Mehmet you are only thinking about glorious Ottoman Islamic rule. But let me tell you he was a visionary, he wants to be next Caesar, he aimed for Rome and he signed as Ceaser(Kayser). He didnt think about Islam or cihad or nonsense like that. If you read about him you can easily see he was a man ahead of his time. (Not from Islamic narrative source ofc)

Problem: Islam
Solution: Get rid of Islam

Hold your fairy fake stories about Mehmet to your own :LOL: .


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Hold your fairy fake stories about Mehmet to your own :LOL: .
Well its true that Mehmet claimed the Kaiser title after conquest of Constantinople.
Think about it, he has not a Khaliph but called himself Kaiser, there is something to his theory at least.


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Well its true that Mehmet claimed the Kaiser title after conquest of Constantinople.
Think about it, he has not a Khaliph but called himself Kaiser, there is something to his theory at least.

That he called the Kaiser after he take Istanbul, you can also read that he called his self Khalif in his Kanunname. Why he called himself Kaiser is about Geo Politics.

The point is, what he called himself is not important. What important is in this case, they are raping history. Because of reading a page of one book, and building a history on that book :LOL: .
Last edited:


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Bosnia & Herzegovina
Do you think I give a damn about what they are thinking about me? We should've been the leaders of this war against Islam. But unfortunately love for Arabic tales in our country is so damn high.

If you ask me I don't even like French people and their imperial games in Africa but when you fight against Islam you can find a lot of supports around the world. It can be in even countries where people dislike France.

Secularism was once peaked it's head on these lands but the religion fanatics in Anatolia and their stupidity, ignorance kill that movement. And when people says about this, people like you can only think about inferior complex no sir, Turks are great nation and they are ancient. I am proud of being in the same nation that brought people like Ataturk, Fatih Sultan Mehmet and so on.

And I can imagine when I say Fatih Sultan Mehmet you are only thinking about glorious Ottoman Islamic rule. But let me tell you he was a visionary, he wants to be next Caesar, he aimed for Rome and he signed as Ceaser(Kayser). He didnt think about Islam or cihad or nonsense like that. If you read about him you can easily see he was a man ahead of his time. (Not from Islamic narrative source ofc)

Problem: Islam
Solution: Get rid of Islam
Think what you want, it was not call for debate just my observation. Your solution is to change one religion with other, good luck with that. Study China example harder it is nearest exa p,e for your utopia.


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Think what you want, it was not call for debate just my observation. Your solution is to change one religi9n with other, good luck with that.
Get rid off every religion! Not just Islam. You can't even comprehend what you are reading.

Whatever good luck


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That he called the Kaiser after he take Istanbul, you can also read that he called his self Khalif in his Kanunname. Why he called himself Kaiser is about Geo Politics.

The point is, what he called himself is not important. What important is in this case, they are raping history. Because of reading a page of one book, and building a history on that book :LOL: .
Thats true tho.


Experienced member
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Bosnia & Herzegovina
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Bosnia & Herzegovina
Get rid off every religion! Not just Islam. You can't even comprehend what you are reading.

Whatever good luck
You are right absurdity of your vision is uncomprehendable :)

Good luck to you too.

KKF 2.0

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Pourquoi le président turc, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, attaque violemment Emmanuel Macron

"Le président turc a multiplié, dimanche, les attaques contre son homologue français, provoquant le rappel de l’ambassadeur de France à Ankara. En voulant imposer la formation d’imams locaux, Paris contrarie la politique d’influence de la Turquie via la religion."

"Les autorités turques n’ont pas digéré le fait qu’Emmanuel Macron cherche à renforcer le contrôle des lieux de culte musulmans et décide d’en finir avec les envois d’imams étrangers en France."

Why Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan violently attacks Emmanuel Macron

"The Turkish president stepped up attacks on his French counterpart on Sunday, prompting the recall of the French ambassador to Ankara. By wanting to impose the formation of local imams, Paris thwarts Turkey's policy of influence through religion."

"The Turkish authorities have not digested the fact that Emmanuel Macron seeks to strengthen control of Muslim places of worship and decides to put an end to the sending of foreign imams to France."

Well well... I've read half of foreign imams sent each years to France were from Turkey...
Just two months ago I met a Kurdish guy from Paris. He openly said that he's a member of DHKPC. I hope you understand our problem. France is a magnet for radical leftists and your government is ignoring this. Laicite doesn't mean being left.


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Do you think I give a damn about what they are thinking about me? We should've been the leaders of this war against Islam. But unfortunately love for Arabic tales in our country is so damn high.

If you ask me I don't even like French people and their imperial games in Africa but when you fight against Islam you can find a lot of supports around the world. It can be in even countries where people dislike France.

Secularism was once peaked it's head on these lands but the religion fanatics in Anatolia and their stupidity, ignorance kill that movement. And when people says about this, people like you can only think about inferior complex no sir, Turks are great nation and they are ancient. I am proud of being in the same nation that brought people like Ataturk, Fatih Sultan Mehmet and so on.

And I can imagine when I say Fatih Sultan Mehmet you are only thinking about glorious Ottoman Islamic rule. But let me tell you he was a visionary, he wants to be next Caesar, he aimed for Rome and he signed as Ceaser(Kayser). He didnt think about Islam or cihad or nonsense like that. If you read about him you can easily see he was a man ahead of his time. (Not from Islamic narrative source ofc)

Problem: Islam
Solution: Get rid of Islam

You should care what they are thinking about you. They don't make a distinction between Turks and Muslims. To Europe, they are not mutually exclusive. To be a Turk is to be a Muslim, despite whatever protestation you want to make to the contrary. They don't care.

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