How will Biden impact your country?


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Northern Cyprus
Will Biden negatively affect your nation's interests? What is your prediction.

Personally I think he will push Turkey further away than ever before, possibly reigniting a Turkish-Russian alliance in Syria. This is because he has already mentioned that he wishes to back the YPG. In the eastern Mediterranean he will be much more assertive than Trump ever was.

Overall I think he will cause a headache for Turkey.

Do you think he will be better or worse for your nation in comparison to Trump?


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Will Biden negatively affect your nation's interests? What is your prediction.

Personally I think he will push Turkey further away than ever before, possibly reigniting a Turkish-Russian alliance in Syria. This is because he has already mentioned that he wishes to back the YPG. In the eastern Mediterranean he will be much more assertive than Trump ever was.

Overall I think he will cause a headache for Turkey.

Do you think he will be better or worse for your nation in comparison to Trump?

I don't know about Turkey stance, but overall for Muslims - he is definitely a better choice than Trump. Thank Allah we got rid of that creature!

I expect him as well as Ms. Harris to appoint many Muslim staffers to the White House. Especially Ms. Harris.


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overall I think he will reverse Trump isolationist policy and bring back desperately needed US leadership in the Asia Pacific region, he will still be tough on China albeit with a more calculated and cool headed approach in direct reversal of Trump recklessness.

for Indonesia this mean that peace in the region could remain and Indonesia should not go into a war economy footing. we could maintain a defense budget of less than 1% and focus more into developing economy and infrastructure.

also Indonesia is the worlds largest Muslim populated country, a Biden as US president will definitely reduce the anti-US sentiment that emerge after the Trump administration come to power in '16.


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Biden/Kamala for India:
Immigration and H1B norms will expect reform.
Some developments in tariffs related disputes.
FDI from US investors will increase in India.
Stricter commentary from US State department against India's immigration laws like CAA and NRC
Democrats' traditional balancing act will lead to restarting funding of Pakistan state machinery against India.
Stricter commentary against Kashmir, softer on terrorism in general.
Renewed funding to the NGO's in India.


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At first he will be bad for us but thanks to that he will accelerate our indigenization process and cause new operations in Syria/East Med.
So,all in all,he will be good for us.


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my opinion is biden is worser than trump..

trump may be bad, I dont like him, he is worse, he is also one of the strongest israel lobby amurica had,,

but for biden he is is even worser he will get EU and minions to his side.. he will definitifly begin a war.. he will be against turks or any other rising power..


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You can easily expect some new wars or war like behaviors in ME or South Africa. I don't think there will be new major incidents in Syria cause there is YPG/PKK and they are protecting the oil for US.
After all US and Russia took what their want from Syria(oil, nation in debt, satellite groups for Israel)

But I don't think Biden and especially Harris can'tlive without the war. And don't forget he was the number two in Obama administration which I think the cruelest administration in US. Obama brought new wars to US, ha made arm sellers and oil companies happy and after all that he got the nobel peace prize. You can't write a better joke than that. We will see Obama like movements from Biden/Harris


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overall I think he will reverse Trump isolationist policy and bring back desperately needed US leadership in the Asia Pacific region, he will still be tough on China albeit with a more calculated and cool headed approach in direct reversal of Trump recklessness.

for Indonesia this mean that peace in the region could remain and Indonesia should not go into a war economy footing. we could maintain a defense budget of less than 1% and focus more into developing economy and infrastructure.

also Indonesia is the worlds largest Muslim populated country, a Biden as US president will definitely reduce the anti-US sentiment that emerge after the Trump administration come to power in '16.

Ditto for us. War footing is the last thing anyone wants to get into, these days. Unless it is imposed on us forcefully. An alternate is the Rohingya situation, which is sort of a proxy-annoyance, imposed by Myanmar, but we all know who the main actors are behind it....


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Ditto for us. War footing is the last thing anyone wants to get into, these days. Unless it is imposed on us forcefully. An alternate is the Rohingya situation, which is sort of a proxy-annoyance, imposed by Myanmar, but we all know who the main actors are behind it....
what does Bangladesh plan to do once Biden is in power??


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Many are quoting the fact that Cheney will be advising Biden. But that does not mean Biden will be an automatic lapdog for whatever Cheney says, some of which may be way-out-of-line. Establishment Republicans and Democrats are all friends in Washington and feed off of each other's favors, a bog quid-pro-quo situation. There is very little actual policy difference in spite of public appearance that they should be at each others' throats. Reality is different.

Biden is not a progressive US Democrat like AOC, Barney or even the entire "Gang of Four", rather he is a "Centrist" Democrat.

Electing Biden was necessary as a path to getting rid of Trump, but it is only the first step for true progressive Democrats like myself who support AOC, Barney et al.

Barney, AOC and younger Democratic politicians actually represent 90% of the younger progressive left-of-center voters in the US, whose philosophy is dramatically different from what Biden represents.

Try to watch Hassan Minhaj if you want to get the true feel of what US Progressive Democrats are thinking.

And also don't miss the latest from Cenk Uygur from TYT (The Young Turks)

If you see political get togethers in pictures, Biden is very friendly with right wingers, and in US politics there are no last words or enemies, only pawns, goals and objectives and the means on how to reach them.

I suggest people watch "House of Cards" on NETFLIX. It is a more-or-less accurate portrayal of how the higher echelon US politicians operate.

Biden is a longtime Democratic member of the US political establishment since the sixties (some call it a 'Dixiecrat' category, AKA 'Southern Democrat') who are OK with status quo for Whites over Blacks in the US but support some progressive measures such as social security which are important to a majority of Americans. They will not bust their butts to get to visibly support issues which only matter to people with no visible support such as LGBTQ rights or rights of illegal immigrants.

But - long story short, the US needed Biden because we could not stand another four years of Trump. Those with less of a clue may doubt it, but the World's (as opposed to only the US's) interest was at stake, as Trump showed how reckless (in every move) he was.

That first hurdle has now been crossed and the next step, per AOC is the following, (which means a lot less US outside involvements and global wars), except maybe showdowns with China.

It may take us four or more years, but this is the direction the US is headed.
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what does Bangladesh plan to do once Biden is in power??

Well - primary among the most important items.

1. Formation and strengthening of lobby groups in Washington to protect our business interests
2. Restoration of GSP protection in US market for Bangladesh exports
3. Possibly signing an FTA with the US for US exports to Bangladesh

Notice these are all trade related. Bangladesh will not prefer China over US or vice-versa defence strategy wise. Indo-Pacific strategy will change under Biden for sure but Bangladesh intends to play it neutral. It will maintain its stance as the Switzerland of the region.


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Biden is not Biden alone. Biden is the Clintons, The Rockenfellers, The Rothschilds, Google, Facebook, Yahoo, Twitter and Amazon. Biden is the Chinese Communist Party. Biden is George Soros and Bill Gates together.

Biden is not progressive or a peace activist. Biden is just Obama in white.

Biden will shift from the Pacific to the East Med and the Atlantic Ocean.

Biden will sign the climate accords (restricting Western industry and destroy Western jobs in favour of China)

Biden will sign a new Iran-deal (Iran must be competitive with Israel and Turkey)

Biden will show US strength again and pay his sponsors back with a war against North Korea.

After destroying North Korea, Biden will give a message to Turkey and intervene in the East Med.

Biden will be the coming disaster this world needs.


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Biden is not Biden alone. Biden is the Clintons, The Rockenfellers, The Rothschilds, Google, Facebook, Yahoo, Twitter and Amazon. Biden is the Chinese Communist Party. Biden is George Soros and Bill Gates together.

Biden is not progressive or a peace activist. Biden is just Obama in white.

Biden will shift from the Pacific to the East Med and the Atlantic Ocean.

Biden will sign the climate accords (restricting Western industry and destroy Western jobs in favour of China)

Biden will sign a new Iran-deal (Iran must be competitive with Israel and Turkey)

Biden will show US strength again and pay his sponsors back with a war against North Korea.

After destroying North Korea, Biden will give a message to Turkey and intervene in the East Med.

Biden will be the coming disaster this world needs.

That is a very gloomy doomsday prediction. :)

I don't watch FOX news - or am not an evangelical Christian, these are all ideas parroted everyday on FOX News.

Yeah - the world is going to end... :)

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