India Hypersonic Programs


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All Indian Scramjet and hypersonic (Mach 5+) programs like:

- Brahmos II
- Other hypersonic platforms

and their underlying RnD and all subsequent developments to be gathered, discussed and archived here.


India’s DRDO Tests Hypersonic Technology Demonstration Vehicle

India’s state-run Defence Research and Development Organisation flight tested Hypersonic Technology Demonstrator Vehicle (HSTDV) today.
“DRDO has today successfully flight tested the Hypersonic Technology Demonstrator Vehicle using the indigenously developed scramjet propulsion system. With this success, all critical technologies are now established to progress to the next phase,” Indian defence minister Rajnath Singh tweeted today.
The HSTDV is an unmanned scramjet demonstration aircraft for hypersonic speed flight. It is being developed as a carrier vehicle for hypersonic and long-range cruise missiles, and will have multiple civilian applications including the launching of small satellites at low cost. The vehicle is capable of cruising at a speed of Mach 6 and can cruise at an altitude of 32.5km in 20 seconds.

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Pic of the first prototype in the assembly jig. Assembly work was handled by L&T Defence. L&T and some other entities were engaged in manufacturing of the various segments. DMRL, a lab of DRDO, made the very fancy alloys that make scramjets work without tearing itself apart :

This is not the one fired today. Today was the second flight test, in the first test the scramjet engine didn't ignite. Everything else worked though.

In today's test we managed to ignite the engine at 30 km height for 22 secs and hit speeds of Mach 6, which was the target for today's test.

The final targeted Mach number for HSTDV is 6.5, it will take a few more tests to iron out the kinks. Here are some old photos of the HSTDV to provide a broader idea of the parameters encountered in scramjet flight:



Test of panel separation. Left: Footage from actual test, Right: CFD simulation. Notice how accurately the simulations managed to predict the panel separation.

Forebody and intake test piece. For designing the proper shape/dimensions of forebody, nose and intakes :

Scramjet engine test stand for testing design and structural integrity of ignitors, flame holders etc. The probes and wires are for gathering valuable pressure, speed and temperature data at various points of the tube :

DRDO isn't the only one making scramjet engines in India. ISRO is also doing the same. They tested successfully flight tested their engine in 2016. The engine design has considerably matured in the last 4 years, they have managed to hit Mach 7 for a few seconds. They have plans of doing another flight test soon. Have pics of that, not sure this is the right thread for it.

Mods, why are there no threads for Indian Missiles ? We make plenty of missiles and a lot of new work in on going too. Would benefit the readers here if there was one.


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Pic of the first prototype in the assembly jig. Assembly work was handled by L&T Defence. L&T and some other entities were engaged in manufacturing of the various segments. DMRL, a lab of DRDO, made the very fancy alloys that make scramjets work without tearing itself apart :
View attachment 985
This is not the one fired today. Today was the second flight test, in the first test the scramjet engine didn't ignite. Everything else worked though.

In today's test we managed to ignite the engine at 30 km height for 22 secs and hit speeds of Mach 6, which was the target for today's test.
View attachment 990

The final targeted Mach number for HSTDV is 6.5, it will take a few more tests to iron out the kinks. Here are some old photos of the HSTDV to provide a broader idea of the parameters encountered in scramjet flight:
View attachment 986
View attachment 987
View attachment 988

Test of panel separation. Left: Footage from actual test, Right: CFD simulation. Notice how accurately the simulations managed to predict the panel separation.
View attachment 989

Forebody and intake test piece. For designing the proper shape/dimensions of forebody, nose and intakes :
View attachment 991

Scramjet engine test stand for testing design and structural integrity of ignitors, flame holders etc. The probes and wires are for gathering valuable pressure, speed and temperature data at various points of the tube :
View attachment 992

DRDO isn't the only one making scramjet engines in India. ISRO is also doing the same. They tested successfully flight tested their engine in 2016. The engine design has considerably matured in the last 4 years, they have managed to hit Mach 7 for a few seconds. They have plans of doing another flight test soon. Have pics of that, not sure this is the right thread for it.

Mods, why are there no threads for Indian Missiles ? We make plenty of missiles and a lot of new work in on going too. Would benefit the readers here if there was one.

I wasn't aware of Indian efforts in this field. I am really impressed with the hypersonic missile studies that India has been working on. Keep us updated please.


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I wasn't aware of Indian efforts in this field. I am really impressed with the hypersonic missile studies that India has been working on. Keep us updated please.

Well here is what ISRO has been up to(Well what they have put out in public anyway) :

Ramjets work between supersonic to hypersonic speed range(Mach 1-5). Scramjets work at and above hypersonic speeds(Mach 5 or higher). Normally the optimal design for ramjets wont work for scramjets and vice versa. However there is a way to achieve both, as in making an air-breathing engine that works in both supersonic and hypersonic speeds. A very difficult task and one that requires many design compromises. This is what ISRO set out to achieve, they called it a Dual Mode Ramjet engine.

In ISRO's website they say : "A dual mode ramjet (DMRJ) is a type of jet engine where a ramjet transforms into scramjet over Mach 4-8 range, which means it can efficiently operate both in subsonic and supersonic combustor modes."

Since the ramjet part is simpler and well established, ISRO sought to test their engine in scramjet mode first. This is what ISRO did in 2016. Pic below shows schematic of the TD missile flown in 2016 with some technical details. It was essentially ISRO's Rohini RH560 sounding rocket with two air-breathing engines strapped to the middle:


And off she goes:

ISRO has put out some more details of the test on their website :

Hydrogen was the fuel for the engine. Hit speeds of Mach 6 for 5 sec, not bad for a first test that too in 2016. DRDO in comparison fu**ed up their first test.

From ISRO's various publications these are the very few images ISRO published of the scramjet engine that was tested in 2016:






2 years later in one of ISRO's publication it was stated that another scramjet engine test has been sanctioned by the name Scramjet Experimental Vehicle (SEV) under ISRO’s somewhat secretive Air Breathing Propulsion Project (ABPP).

This time they aimed to change the intake design of the scramjet engine and increase the duration of operation of the scramjet engine. The Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre (VSSC), a major facility under the ISRO, has been chosen as the nodal centre leading this mission.

Isrosene is a patented version of purified Kerosene similar to JP-7 and RP-1, but ISRO owns the commercial rights for the fuel. So they wanted to replace the previously chosen Hydrogen fuel, redesign the intake, increase speed from Mach 6 to 7 and increase duration of engine ignition.

Unfortunately details are hard to come by and there is no mention of when the test will take place or if it has already taken place.



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Continued from above.............

However details about the intake design was surprisingly easy to come by :




Here is a look at the intake. Its not entirely a clear image. but its the best we have right now:

Then there was a long period of absolute radio silence on the project. Nothing come out of ISRO from the end of 2018 to early 2020. Then in Feb 2020, ISRO published this image:

This was named Hypersonic Air Breathing Vehicle with Air frame integrated system (HAVA). this was also under the ISRO's Air Breathing Propulsion Project (ABPP). This is what ISRO had to say about it :

"Hypersonic Air Breathing Vehicle with Air frame integrated system (HAVA): It is a lifting body hypersonic vehicle integrated with scramjet engine, boosted by ADMIRE booster to an altitude of 44 km and glide down to 25 km altitude with a Mach number of 6. The objective is to demonstrate accelerating flight of a hypersonic vehicle with scramjet engine power from Mach 6 to Mach 7 in 250 seconds at constant dynamic pressure. The data base generated can be used for the design and development of a Two-Stage-to-Orbit (TSTO) vehicle, powered by air breathing combined cycle engine. Isrosene is considered as fuel for HAVA. System engineering and design has been completed.

Fabrication of heat sink version of Scramjet test combustor, configuration of air intake cowl opening mechanism and effervescent Isrosene injector were completed. Hot test of GH2-GO2 based dump igniter was carried out."

250 seconds ?!?! That's a lot of time, a significant increase from the previously known test lasting just 5 seconds. How is it that they are jumping from 5 sec to 250 sec ? We don't know. But I think there has been testing happening through out the period of radio silence.

Also for the people wondering, ADMIRE is another ISRO project to establish a two-stage-to-orbit vehicle. The lower stage will be Space X like recoverable, the upper stage will be scramjet powered and recoverable. Here is the lower stage :



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It's good to see another country being involved in groundbreaking tech. Turkey's Scientific institutes are hoping to get funding so they can start some studies in it also, here's hoping they are given grants by the government.


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India Goes Hypersonic: New Missile Technology May Be Answer To China’s Navy

Cutting-edge hypersonic missiles could massively increase the potency of Indian Navy warships in a future conflict. India test fired its first hypersonic missile demonstrator on September 7. The test comes amid heightened tensions with China. There have been a series of clashes and shots fired on the border the same day. The rivalry between the two powers extends into the maritime domain where the rapid expansion of the Chinese Navy may soon reach into the Indian Ocean.

Artist's impression of a hypersonic missile

The indigenous Hypersonic Technology Demonstrator Vehicle (HSTDV) should prove technologies which can be incorporated into next generation weapons. This may be one way that the Indian Navy can counter-balance the Chinese Navy’s move into ant-ship ballistic missiles.

The HSTDV test vehicle has been developed by DRDO (Defence Research and Development Organisation). It has a short range and does not carry a warhead. An anti-ship missile using the same technology could have a range of several hundred miles. But the increased speed, relative to current missiles, may come at the expense of range. Hypersonic missiles can still have a useful range however and their speed makes them extremely difficult to counter.

The HSTDV launch appears to have been delayed since August. It was anticipated by Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) observers using the warning notices given to shipping in the area.

Twitter account @detresfa_ reported a launch window of August 20-22, but this was subsequently postponed. The final notice closed airspace from 4.30am on September 7 to 8.30am on September 8. Whatever the cause of the delay, the test was reportedly a success.

DRDO is known to be working on a hypersonic anti-ship missile known as BrahMos-II. This will succeed the Indian Navy’s BrahMos anti-ship missile which is already supersonic. That flies at 3 times the speed of sound, known as Mach 3. It was jointly developed with Russia and is based on the P-800 Oniks missile and uses a ramjet to reach its high cruising speeds.

Ramjets are a type of jet engine which is mechanically simple. But they need to be travelling at about the speed of sound to start producing thrust. For this reason they need a launch booster to get them up to speed.

Hypersonic missiles will be about twice as fast, flying at speeds in excess of Mach 6. They do this by using a scramjet, which stands for supersonic combustion ramjet. This is even simpler than a ramjet but needs to be going even faster to work.

The benchmark hypersonic anti-ship missile is the Russian 3M22 Zircon. This is only now entering service aboard warships and submarines. BrahMos-II, which is a joint Indian-Russia project appears to be very similar to Zircon and is possibly related. Exactly how the HSTDV relates to the Brahmos-II is unclear.

India’s main rival, China, is rapidly expanding its naval capabilities. It will soon have at least three aircraft carriers and a host of large destroyers, frigates and submarines. While China is not reported to have a hypersonic anti-ship missile, it has a number of sophisticated weapons projects. Many of its warships carry high performance anti-ship missiles. And they are complemented by anti-ship ballistic missiles which present their own challenges in defending against.

India’s hypersonic anti-ship missiles will give Chinese Navy planners a headache however. In some respects they are the counter to China’s increasingly potent naval fleet.



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Bas bakchodi shuru ! These days I feel that American news sites are often more enthusiastic/hyperventilating about Indian missiles than the Indian media. Should've seen their coverage of India's ASAT test. They lost their marbles. I am not sure why.

There are some errors in that article

India test fired its first hypersonic missile demonstrator on September 7.
2nd flight test. First flight happened on 12th July 2019 from the Integrated Test Range (ITR) at the Abdul Kalam Island in the Balasore district of Odisha at 11:27 IST.
It has a short range and does not carry a warhead.
It was never meant to carry a warhead. There is no need for explosive warheads when we are trying to test the scramjet engine.

The benchmark hypersonic anti-ship missile is the Russian 3M22 Zircon. This is only now entering service aboard warships and submarines. BrahMos-II, which is a joint Indian-Russia project appears to be very similar to Zircon and is possibly related.
As far as Naval AShM goes the largest one we have in service is the Brahmos. Thus the among naval VLS, Brahmos' launcher is the biggest. Comparing the Brahmos' size with HSTDV we have :

Difference = 2.8Difference = 2

Assuming the Brahmos VLS dimensions are kept as benchmark for a HSTDV based AShM, we would have 2.8m of length and 2 tons of weight to play with. The task will be to design a solid rocket booster with those parameters that can get the HSTDV to Mach 6-6.5

We might already have something like this. The booster of the Shaurya missile :

That thing can hit Mach 7.5 and maintain that speed for over 700 kms. Only one problem with the Shaurya, unlike Brahmos it doesn't have sea-skimming capability. While the Brahmos can get down to 3-4 meters from the surface, the Shaurya can barely go as low as 5 kms.

Still, I can't imagine what its like to face a missile coming at you at Mach 7.5. Though we have the building blocks, a HSTDV powered sea-skimming AShM is still a few years away.


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An awesome article on the background of the HSTDV test flight :

India's development of the hypersonic speed vehicle

By T. S. Subramanian • 17/09/2020 at 3:29PM

The successful launch of the HSTDV caps about 14 years of sustained efforts and perseverance of DRDO personnel, making India only the fourth country in the world to successfully develop and launch hypersonic technology demonstrator vehicles.

It was a convincing camouflage. In the midst of a scrub jungle were two sheds, shaded by the trees around them. The place looked sequestered. Near the sheds was a tall wall which had developed cracks caused by a tree growing on it. In a clearing nearby, there was a banyan tree. In one of the sheds, a high-technology project was in progress. There was a maze of wires, box-like structures and pipes, both made of metal. It was obviously an aero engine that was being built. It was January 2013.

Three young men, A. Raju, P. Satya Prasad and A. Rolex Ranjit were bustling about in the shed, and they were a picture of calm confidence. It was the premises of the Defence Research and Development Laboratory (DRDL), on the outskirts of Hyderabad. The project under way then in the shed was the Hypersonic Technology Demonstrator Vehicle (HSTDV), spearheaded by the DRDL. What was being developed there was a powerful animal called the air-breathing Supersonic Combustion Ramjet or Scramjet engine. It was an ambitious project of the DRDL, which comes under the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO). The Project Director of the HSTDV at that time was Dr. R.K. Sharma.

More than seven and a half years later, on September 7, 2020, the dream of DRDO’s missile technologists, including that of DRDO Chairman, Dr.G. Satheesh Reddy, Dr. Sharma, the HSTDV's current Project Director, Dr. B.V.N. Charyulu, and the three young men came to pass.


The sketch shows the HSTDV or the cruise vehicle that was flight tested on September 7, 2020 for 20 seconds at a hypersonic speed of more than Mach six. FTC stands for Fin Tip Control. Cylindrical Shroud Assembly is the heat shield covering the cruise vehicle. Credit: By Special Arrangement.

At 11.03 a.m. on that day, a launch vehicle which was derived from DRDO's Agni I ballistic missile rose from a launch complex on the A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Island, off the Dhamra coast, Odisha. On top of the launch vehicle stood the HSTDV. The lift-off weight of the launch vehicle plus the HSTDV mated on top was about 14 tons.

At the heart of the HSTDV was the indigenous air-breathing, scramjet engine, developed at the DRDL. The HSTDV was called the cruise vehicle or the cruiser. The mission sequence was as follows :

1. There were no glitches in the countdown prior to the lift-off. The launch vehicle vaulted off the launch pad at the appointed time of 11.03 a.m. and sliced steadily through the atmosphere at a speed of Mach 5.6. The launch vehicle was rugged enough to withstand the loads imposed on it when it raced through the atmosphere at that velocity.

2. Once the launch vehicle carried the HSTDV cruise vehicle to a height of 30 km, the nose cone and the circular panels (the heat shield), which encapsulated the cruise vehicle and protected it from severe heating and atmospheric turbulence, separated and fell away. Then, the cruise vehicle, which was totally exposed to the atmosphere, was pushed out of the parent/launch vehicle. The launch vehicle fell into the Bay of Bengal. The cruiser took a little longer to stabilise.

3. Then the real action began. As the intake ducts in the HSTDV opened, air from the atmosphere rushed at a supersonic speed of more than Mach 2 into the combustion chamber of the scramjet engine and ignited the ethylene fuel. The scramjet engine ignition took place in an autonomous mode. For the next 22 seconds, the HSTDV cruised smoothly at Mach 6 and fell 40 km away in the Bay of Bengal. The duration set for this technology demonstrator's flight was twenty seconds. The mission was a huge success. It signalled that DRDO had mastered the highly complex Supersonic Combustion Ramjet or Scramjet engine technology. There was joy in the Mission Control Centre on the tiny island.

In an air-breathing scramjet engine, air from the atmosphere is rammed into the engine's combustion chamber at a supersonic speed. In the chamber, the air mixes with the fuel to ignite a supersonic combustion but the flight will be in a hypersonic regime. So it is called Supersonic Combustion Ramjet or Scramjet.

Soon after the mission's success, DRDO Chairman Dr. G. Satheesh Reddy told this writer over the phone, "This is a great technological achievement of the country. The scramjet engine has been successfully flight-tested at hypersonic speeds within the atmosphere. It paves the way for the development of many more critical technologies, materials and particularly hypersonic vehicles."


The HSTDV cruise vehicle. Photo credit: DRDO.

Dr. Avinash Chander, former DRDO Director General, put his finger on where the mission's success lay. He said, "We have been able to demonstrate the ignition and sustain the ignition for the flight duration of 20 seconds. The engine should be ignited when the air from the atmosphere is rammed into its combustion chamber at a supersonic speed. It has to be done in milliseconds. The flame should be held when the cruise vehicle is flying in the atmosphere at a hypersonic speed of Mach 6 - 7.

Dr. Sharma offered a comparison. He said that igniting the engine when the air was being rammed into the combustion chamber at a supersonic speed was akin to "lighting a match-stick in a hurricane." He added, "Our job was to prove the scramjet engine. We did it."

A hypersonic vehicle has huge potential in both "military and civil applications", said Dr. Avinash Chander, who was a key architect of India's Agni III, Agni IV and Agni V missiles. "Tomorrow, it can be upscaled and used as a hypersonic missile. With its hypersonic speed, it will pose a big challenge for interception." The scramjet engine could be used in civilian passenger air transportation. It could cut down the time of air travel from India to the US by one-sixth. Hypersonic vehicles can put satellites into orbit at a low cost.

Besides, as a DRDL engineer said, a hypersonic missile "will give you a global reach in targeting places and striking them because of its speed."

Dr. Sharma told this writer in 2013 that the critical technologies needed to be developed for the mission included the scramjet engine and hydrocarbon fuel, the engine's ignition and sustaining it, aero-propulsion integrated configuration, and the development of materials to take care of high temperatures that occurred due to air friction on the leading edges of the cruise vehicle's wings, tail surface and nose tip. The temperature in these areas could exceed 1,000 degrees Celsius. "The internal propulsion system will be very hot. So you need heat-sink materials, which can absorb the temperature," he said. The proper separation of the HSTDV from the launch vehicle was also critical. They were all developed for the September 7, 2020 flight.


The launch vehicle, with the cruise vehicle, mated on top, on the. A P J Abdul Kalam Island, off the Odisha coast, just before the launch, on September 7, 2020. Photo credit: DRDO.

A DRDO top brass called the HSTDV success "one of the greatest technological achievements of India in the past 40 years because it paves the way forward for building missiles that can fly at a hypersonic speed of Mach 6 - 7. " What was important was that it was not an experimental vehicle that was involved in the HSTDV mission. It was almost a prototype vehicle. "The vehicle's design is close to building bigger systems involving the fundamentals. This is the message from the mission", he said.

On May 23, 2016, the Indian Space Research Organisation's (ISRO) Reusable Launch Vehicle -Technology Demonstrator (RLV-TD) flew at a hypersonic speed and its winged space plane made a hypersonic re-entry into the earth's atmosphere. The winged space plane splashed down in the Bay of Bengal. ISRO had earlier tested the air-breathing scramjet engine technology on its Advanced Technology Vehicle (ATV) on August 28, 2016, holding the flame for five seconds at a hypersonic speed.

However, DRDO's HSTDV mission on September 7, 2020 was of a much higher magnitude. The cruise vehicle flew at a hypersonic velocity of Mach 6 for over 20 seconds. While ISRO's ATV was a small one, the HSTDV had a practical configuration which would aid in designing a hypersonic missile later.

Dr. A. Sivathanu Pillai, founder and former Chief Executive Officer of the BrahMos Aerospace Private Limited, called the HSTDV success "a significant milestone" in DRDO's journey for "developing a long range hypersonic missile." The flight was to prove the scramjet engine which forms "the crux of the hypersonic technology". In an interview in 2013, Dr. Avinash Chander, then DRDO Director-General, said, "The HSTDV is a very strong thrust area of our future. But it is also a very high technology area. It has a lot of challenges in the areas of dynamics, hypersonic regimes etc... The internal scramjet combustion is a totally new area. We have tremendous heat generation there, the sustenance of combustion, the air intake - they are all very critical..." (Frontline, January 24, 2014).

The fuel used in the mission was ethylene, and air from the atmosphere was the oxidiser. Air was injected into the fuel at a particular, very high temperature. If that temperature was not achieved, ethylene would not burn, he said.

The missile complex at Hyderabad, comprising three facilities, played important roles in developing the HSTDV. The three facilities were DRDL, the Research Centre, Imarat (RCI) and the Advanced Systems Laboratory (ASL). Despite being hobbled by the coronavirus pandemic, the HSTDV project team worked energetically to carry forward the mission activities. The Project Director, Dr. B.V. N. Charyulu, Director, DRDL, Dr. Dashrath Ram, Director, RCI, Dr. B.H.V.S. Narayana Murthy, Director, ASL, Dr. M.R.M. Babu and Director-General (Missiles and Strategic Systems), DRDO, Dr. M.S.R. Prasad led the launch operations. A lot of credit should go to the nodal facility, the DRDL, for designing, developing and building the HSTDV and its scramjet engine. Testing the scramjet engine on the ground required advanced expertise.

The RCI came up with mission-critical avionics systems, including the navigation, control and guidance systems. It developed the software for these. The RCI made key contributions in actuation and telemetry systems.

The ASL delivered the total launch vehicle, which was derived from the Agni 1 missile. But the Agni 1 underwent certain modifications which were required for the mission. Its control systems were fine-tuned to meet the mission requirements. When the launch vehicle climbed vertically at a speed of Mach 5.6 through the atmosphere, with the HSTDV sitting on top of it, there were huge demands on its control systems. So its control systems were ruggedised. Simulation tests were done on the ground to test the ruggedness of the control systems and the margins available in the systems.

While the earlier flight-trial of the HSTDV in June 2019 had control problems, there were no glitches this time. The launch vehicle put the HSTDV in the correct trajectory and its scramjet engine worked well.

The success caps about 14 years of sustained efforts and perseverance of DRDO personnel.



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From an old study published in 2015 :

DRDO conducted studies on scramjet combustor with alternating wedge shaped strut fuel injector. The tests were conducted at Mach 7 & at 3 different angles of attack ( α = −3°, α = 0°, α = 3° ).

The results show that the geometry with negative angle of attack (α = −3°) have lowest ignition delay and it improves the performance of scramjet combustor as compared to geometry with α = 0°, α = 3°. The combustion phenomena and efficiency is also found to be stronger and highest in case of α = −3°.

The placement of the Combustor:
Screenshot (66).png

Full view of the entire combustor/fuel injector arrangement :
Screenshot (67).png

Test model used for the simulation study :
Screenshot (68).png

The strut design. The holes are fuel injectors. The wedges are to create compression shockwaves behind the strut. When the shock waves converge they will greatly increase the temperature and pressure thus creating conditions conducive for Ethylene ignition and combustion :
Screenshot (69).png

From the simulations :
Screenshot (73).png

Screenshot (74).png

Screenshot (75).png

The conclusions from the simulations are :

1. There is no impact of the wedge formed strut injector in upstream course towards the isolator when α = 0°. Meaning at α = 0°, the shockwaves created by the struts do not cause any backflow in the direction of the intake. All shockwaves are formed in the direction of the exhaust nozzle.

2. The flow properties, shock structure, mixing and combustion phenomena are exceptionally sensitive to the variation of the angle of attack. Here there is a displacement of the shock train in the upstream direction for a negative angle of attack was found. This shock displacement improved the combustion phenomena and decreased the ignition delay. This shock also helps in modifying the shock pattern in the combustor.

3. No thermal choking was found for this setup. The range increment in the different combustor is adequate to keep away from inlet instabilities.

4. The highest temperature found for a negative angle of attack α = −3° is approximately T = 2,980 K. The least ignition delay was enlisted for negative angle of attack (α = −3°) which was ~95 mm downstream the fuel injection and longest ignition delay was found for positive angle of attack (α = 3°). The combustion efficiency is the best for α = −3°.

From the conclusions it is pretty clear that to create initial scramjet ignition just after separation of the first stage. The HSTDV is to be maneuvered to attain an angle of attack ( α ) = −3°. That is the intake nose slightly pointing down. In this α we have the lowest ignition delay and the highest combustion efficiency. Once the ignition stabilizes we can go for α = 0°, as at the α we can get the maximum speed. Although speed will come at the cost of less than the optimum combustion efficiency.

HSTDV's early wind tunnel models were aimed at developing the intake of the scramjet. When that was accomplished design studies of combustor began. With the recent successful test flight it can be said that the intake and combustor designs have attained a degree of maturity. Early wind tunnel models :
1. Earliest wind-tunnel model :

2. Wind-tunnel model seen in the intermediate years :

In the new wind tunnel model ( shown below ) there is an expander nozzle at the end of the engine. Nozzle designs are crucial as they determine the IR signature of the missile. More importantly they play a direct role in maneuverability and thus survivability of the missile. This indicates an increasing focus towards weaponisation of the technology. Some time later when the nozzle design attains maturity and the scramjet engine is able to ignite & combust for longer durations, we should start seeing wind tunnel models with control surfaces like wings, fins etc. That will allow proper aerodynamic drag measurements to be done.
Screenshot (65).png


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From an old study published in 2015 :

Quite fascinating stuff. Could you give the source/name of paper?

More then 4 years back I posted this on another forum regarding the basic idea of a shock train using boundary layer effect:

I remember reading a paper on shock trains by some germans. Will have to dig that up and re-acquaint myself.

As far as I understand they arise because of a detached boundary layer phenomenon around the shock at various mach ranges.

They are useful in dual mode scramjet design IIRC (where the scramjet can operate in ramjet mode as well when subsonic). As far as I understand the precombustion shocktrain helps to create the necessary additional compression without the need for a restricting inlet (which would make a scramjet impossible because of permanent choked flow) in a conventional ramjet and thus is of great importance to a dual mode scramjet.

This characteristic is probably what ISRO is investigating here.

Glad to see they are this far along.

Other member reply:

Its checking the formation and preservation characteristics of the shock train.

Hopefully you understand with supersonic flows the air flow must be controlled (you will see this in fighter planes with external ramps like F-15, external cones like Mig 21 along with internal vanes on almost all of them).

If its subsonic flight only, then you can use a fixed geometry (its why say ramjets simply have a fixed inlet size and throat diameter...and also why commercial jet engines simply expose the LP spool with no fancy pre-compression needs).

Shock train in essence acts like a compressor for post sonic regime of airflow which is important for a scramjet to be able to operate at those velocities as a ramjet (dual mode)....but not be restricted in scramjet operation at speeds above say Mach 3 when you cannot have the permanent fixed geometry of a ramjet which would make scramjet operation impossible.



It is indeed heartening to see major progress on validation of this concept. The angle of attack sensitivity is now something I will bring up with a professor-friend of mine next year (Canada's top most scramjet expert arguably) should we both get some time to sit down for a long chat.

I suspect there are harmonics and resonances involved that are particular to each geometric inlet setup. With this validation (esp given the high sensitivity to alpha thats proven now) I bet DRDO team can now make a much simpler model with simple transfer functions rather than leaving too many PDE's...which will make next phases of system improvement approach more readily available with better solving times. Those will also bring the next set of challenges, especially on how to sustain the combustion for longer periods of time which is the big obstacle currently to the technology along with the control discipline needed.
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Quite fascinating stuff. Could you give the source/name of paper?
Its not one but a bunch of papers actually. I've added some of them, the others wont upload. It says : " The uploaded file is too large ". What is the file size limit here ?

The names of the two files that I couldn't upload are :

1. Numerical Studies on the Performance of Scramjet Combustor with Alternating Wedge-Shaped Strut Injector by Gautam Choubey and K. M. Pandey

2. Validation of Three-Dimensional Simulation of Flow through Hypersonic Air-breathing Engine by Thangadurai Murugan, Sudipta De and V. Thiagarajan.

The papers were published on ResearchGate.
It is indeed heartening to see major progress on validation of this concept. The angle of attack sensitivity is now something I will bring up with a professor-friend of mine next year (Canada's top most scramjet expert arguably) should we both get some time to sit down for a long chat.
Canada is working on scramjets too ? Nice. What is their state of progress so far ?


  • Final_mod.pdf
    2.6 MB · Views: 258
  • Alterations_of_Cowl_Lip_for_the_Improvement_of_Sup.pdf
    881.3 KB · Views: 278
  • paperApril2018 (1).pdf
    548.4 KB · Views: 291


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Its not one but a bunch of papers actually. I've added some of them, the others wont upload. It says : " The uploaded file is too large ". What is the file size limit here ?

The names of the two files that I couldn't upload are :

1. Numerical Studies on the Performance of Scramjet Combustor with Alternating Wedge-Shaped Strut Injector by Gautam Choubey and K. M. Pandey

2. Validation of Three-Dimensional Simulation of Flow through Hypersonic Air-breathing Engine by Thangadurai Murugan, Sudipta De and V. Thiagarajan.

The papers were published on ResearchGate.

Canada is working on scramjets too ? Nice. What is their state of progress so far ?

Great I'll look up the other two myself along with reading these ones (some of which I might have already, lets see) You can also try remote host and just provide link here etc if its a big file. There might be a limit on how much you can do in just one post too (so more posts needed etc).

Canada has quite a lot of fundamental research side on propulsion + fluids (incl for scramjets)..hence the high level research minds you can find here..... but the engineering + application dev side of it is not as advanced as the biggest players like US etc...that needs a huge amount of sustained funding as you can imagine, needs stuff like NASA, JPL and US military etc.

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