Regarding funds from India to MQM and supporting Altaf hussain .Such claims are as tenous as the claim the NSA has made against India over this incident. To what degree you buy in to these claims pretty well depends on which side of the fence you sit or your geo-political stance.
You talk as if these are incontrevertible facts. Pakistan's most wanted terrorist Altaf Hussain has sat right in middle of London. In fact his MQM even murdered one of their own in London. Yet Altaf still lives in a mansion in London.
As Imran Khan said would UK allow Pakistan a drone attack on him or accept a SSG squad killing him in London? Such issues are complex and not cut/dry like you make out them.
I have no doubt that MQM has recieved funds from India. This even came up in a Metropolitan Police investigation in London when they found large amounts of unexplained cash.
Is MI6 sleeping when India is funding a terrorist on British soil ?
Sometimes back after the london tube attacks , they said MI6 become most active agency in Pakistan . Do you know when Mumbai attacks happened MI6 even have the browising history of of Lashkar's technical head , when he searched for Indian Naval excercise in Arabian sea

In 2008 Mumbai Attacks, Piles of Spy Data, But an Uncompleted Puzzle
Indian and British intelligence agencies monitored the online activities of a key plotter but couldn’t connect the dots.

Regarding Altaf hussian , he might have save lives of Britishers by providing them assets on ground . Still not sure why he supports or helps India in any possible way ?