Indonesia Indonesian Air Force, Tentara Nasional Indonesia-Angkatan Udara (TNI-AU)

Parry Brima

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Btw Malaysia just got a sudden visit of uninvited guest yesterday, the guest is a full squadron of mixed Strategic Airlifter of PLAAF comprised of Il 76 and Xian Y 20, the map indicated the fleets is not too far from Northern coast of Malaysian Borneo a range not too far from Indonesian side.

View attachment 22027 View attachment 22028 View attachment 22029 View attachment 22030

This move is indicated Borneo (at least the Northern and Eastern Shore) is well placed within the PLAAF reach to do air dropping para trooper or other war ordnances.

Hope Indonesian Air Force can increase the total fighter assets in our side of Kalimantan, the threat perception is more vivid there at least triple the number of what we already had right now or more.

Connie : "I know exactly how to deal with this. Let's buy J-10!"


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Btw Malaysia just got a sudden visit of uninvited guest yesterday, the guest is a full squadron of mixed Strategic Airlifter of PLAAF comprised of Il 76 and Xian Y 20, the map indicated the fleets is not too far from Northern coast of Malaysian Borneo a range not too far from Indonesian side.

View attachment 22027 View attachment 22028 View attachment 22029 View attachment 22030

This move is indicated Borneo (at least the Northern and Eastern Shore) is well placed within the PLAAF reach to do air dropping para trooper or other war ordnances.

Hope Indonesian Air Force can increase the total fighter assets in our side of Kalimantan, the threat perception is more vivid there at least triple the number of what we already had right now or more.

Busset dah 1 Squadron

Van Kravchenko

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Ibu kota baru : chuckles im in danger
Except you construct multi layered air defence before constructions started.

And i think Indonesia Is not dire need of Capitol.
Since all is decentralized and spawn accros Thousands of island (you know, history show us that Indonesia has lost the Capital multiple time) its still wouldnt make Indonesian to surrender

Van Kravchenko

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Btw Malaysia just got a sudden visit of uninvited guest yesterday, the guest is a full squadron of mixed Strategic Airlifter of PLAAF comprised of Il 76 and Xian Y 20, the map indicated the fleets is not too far from Northern coast of Malaysian Borneo a range not too far from Indonesian side.

View attachment 22027 View attachment 22028 View attachment 22029 View attachment 22030

This move is indicated Borneo (at least the Northern and Eastern Shore) is well placed within the PLAAF reach to do air dropping para trooper or other war ordnances.

Hope Indonesian Air Force can increase the total fighter assets in our side of Kalimantan, the threat perception is more vivid there at least triple the number of what we already had right now or more.
Cino has found a Hush, they will push as hard as possible to gain total control.

For worst situation, if all of 16 planes mentioned above carry a fully armed paratroops with complete support equipment, within 24 hour they can captur ome or two major city and setup defence while waiting for reinforcements.

Imagine they head toward natuna


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perhaps those russian already smell a large procurement on the way , they tried to lobby Mrs.Red Bull




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In the past we are doing this kinda of move but not anymore, as after Reformation in 1999 the Law stipulated all of the Armed Forces fund must come from state budget drafted by regular channel just like other State Departments. This including to transfer of many military owned business and industry to the central Government. This move to ensure Civillian government supremacy over the Armed Forces and this actually very important to ensure the smooth transition of Indonesian reform at early years of reform.

And in my opinion this act to restrain military is more important than shining military tools or else we are risking our stability and hard earned reform and democracy.
The fund can be still in control of the state, it will be managed by regular channels and it will be allocated when Army and needs and submits request.
At least it won't be a drama when the money is needed,it won't go through multiple commissions, up and down between president and ministries for an authorization to retrieve loans, either foreign or local.
Also the state won't be able to use it anything except military spending, or extreme disaster relief that may threat national security could.
My point was it will be much simpler if money is there and available in the pocket, existing in a fund for special needs that state can allocate rapidly.


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perhaps those russian already smell a large procurement on the way , they tried to lobby Mrs.Red Bull

View attachment 22108

View attachment 22107
Lha iyo ngono kui trus dadi opo mak e iku kapasitas e opo...well in what capacity of her does the discusion

Oh yes pardon me i just remember that she is a what it called....damn i forgot again....

Some one please enlighten me regard..😌
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Menhan Prabowo Subianto bersiap mengikuti rapat kerja dengan Komisi I DPR di Kompleks Parlemen, Senayan, Jakarta, Rabu (2/6/2021). Rapat tersebut beragendakan pembahasan anggaran dan rencana pembelian alat utama sistem persenjataan atau alutsista yang menelan anggaran hingga Rp1.750 triliun. ANTARA

So this move is very serious? This would be the largest ever shopping spree Indonesian military ever do, well considering the Big Brother up North is quite a bully


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And i think Indonesia Is not dire need of Capitol.
Since all is decentralized and spawn accros Thousands of island (you know, history show us that Indonesia has lost the Capital multiple time) its still wouldnt make Indonesian to surrender
We are in serious need of that new capital. Just in case you (and others) haven't noticed, 🇮🇩 in on our way for being Balkanized by SARA issues. It doesn't matter if the new capital is in "garis lurus" position, as long we can manage to maintain the entire Nusantara under Sang Dwi Warna that will be good enough.


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So this move is very serious? This would be the largest ever shopping spree Indonesian military ever do, well considering the Big Brother up North is quite a bully
Well, you tell me. You still inside the related bureaucracy. Is this for real or just a smoke & mirror typical of PakDe political manoeuvring❓


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Well, you tell me. You still inside the related bureaucracy. Is this for real or just a smoke & mirror typical of PakDe political manoeuvring❓

Well, i had asked My friend in Ministry of Finance part of government policy assessment bureau, he had confirmed my question about this request of MoD and his superior had giving green light for this move. Technically, most of them would be like on how Indonesia taking loan from Soviet in the past,quite a low cost loan long term commitment (that's why they had calculated the interest rate for this long term loan and risk assessment of Indonesian fiscal ability).

Considering they are already talking with many countries who like to finance this projects, including our Middle Eastern friend, Japan and European consortium. But still i don't believe it at first, considering Prabowo is the most likely strongest contender for the Next Presidential election and he along with Jokowi take a great deal to move with this great project. This kinda move would be financial budget burden, though the low cost of this loan but the number is kinda huge nonetheless, for the next Presiden in my opinion.


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Menhan janji jelaskan rencana strategis pertahanan di Raker Komisi I​

Rabu, 2 Juni 2021 11:42 WIB
Menhan janji jelaskan rencana strategis pertahanan di Raker Komisi I

Jakarta (ANTARA) - Menteri Pertahanan Prabowo Subianto berjanji akan menjelaskan secara gamblang terkait rencana strategis Indonesia bidang pertahanan-keamanan dalam Rapat Kerja (Raker) Komisi I DPR pada Rabu (2/6).

"Nanti kami akan paparkan rencana ke depan. Dan akan ada tanya jawab, akan kami jelaskan secara gamblang," kata Prabowo di Kompleks Parlemen, Jakarta, Rabu.

Baca juga: Anggota DPR ingatkan Menhan merincikan rancangan Perpres Alpalhankam

Namun Prabowo enggan menjelaskan terkait isi rancangan Peraturan Presiden (Perpres) tentang Pemenuhan Kebutuhan Alat Peralatan Pertahanan dan Keamanan Kementerian Pertahanan dan Tentara Nasional Indonesia Tahun 2020-2024 (Alpalhankam).

Dia hanya mengatakan akan menjelaskan semua poin-poin dalam rancangan Perpres tersebut kepada Komisi I DPR RI.

"Nanti DPR yang akan tanya saya, bukan kamu," ujarnya.

Saat membuka Raker, Ketua Komisi I DPR RI Meutya Hafid menjelaskan Komisi I DPR sudah musyawarah dan sepakat agar rapat tersebut berlangsung secara tertutup.

Hal itu menurut dia karena rapat tersebut terkait anggaran di antaranya pembelian Alat Utama Sistem Senjata (Alutsista) dan sistem pertahanan negara.

Baca juga: Menhan diminta transparan soal rancangan Perpres Alpalhankam

Dalam rancangan Peraturan Presiden (Perpres) tentang Pemenuhan Kebutuhan Alat Peralatan Pertahanan dan Keamanan Kementerian Pertahanan dan Tentara Nasional Indonesia Tahun 2020-2024 (Alpalhankam) yang beredar, Pasal 2 ayat (1) disebutkan menteri menyusun perencanaan kebutuhan (Renbut) Alpalhankam Kemhan dan TNI untuk 5 (lima) Renstra Tahun 2020-2044 yang pelaksanaannya akan dimulai pada Renstra 2020-2024 dan membutuhkan Renstra Jamak dalam pembiayaan dan pengadaannya.

Dalam Pasal 3 ayat 1 disebutkan bahwa renbut Alpalhankam Kemhan/TNI seperti yang diatur dalam Pasal 2 ayat 1 sejumlah 124.995.000.000 dolar AS.

Rincian dari anggaran tersebut dijelaskan dalam Pasal 3 ayat 2 yaitu:

a. Untuk akuisisi Alpalhankam sebesar 79.099.625.314 dolar AS

b. Untuk pembayaran bunga tetap selama 5 Renstra sebesar 13.390.000.000 dolar AS

c. Untuk dana kontijensi serta pemeliharaan dan perawatan Alpalhankam sebesar 32.505.274.686 dolar AS.

Pasal 3 ayat 3 dijelaskan bahwa dari kebutuhan anggaran senilai 124.995.000.000 dolar AS, telah teralokasi sejumlah 20.747.882.720 dolar AS pada Daftar Rencana Pinjaman Luar Negeri Jangka Menengah Khusus Tahun 2020-2024.

Pasal 3 ayat 4 dijelaskan selisih dari Renbut sejumlah dolar AS yang akan dipenuhi pada Renstra Tahun 2020-2024.

Baca juga: Komisi I DPR akan tanyakan Kemhan terkait Rancangan Perpres Alpahankam

Baca juga: Dahnil klarifikasi beredarnya dokumen Raperpres Alpalhankam

Pewarta: Imam Budilaksono
Editor: Nurul Hayat



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The fund can be still in control of the state, it will be managed by regular channels and it will be allocated when Army and needs and submits request.
At least it won't be a drama when the money is needed,it won't go through multiple commissions, up and down between president and ministries for an authorization to retrieve loans, either foreign or local.
Also the state won't be able to use it anything except military spending, or extreme disaster relief that may threat national security could.
My point was it will be much simpler if money is there and available in the pocket, existing in a fund for special needs that state can allocate rapidly.
That is one way to see it. But unfortunately, not all people are as honest as you are mate...

Those kind of practice are vulnerable for corrupt action. There is no independent third body to investigate the whole process...

So far, we have Irjen for internal audit, BPK for goverment body audit, KPK for corrupt practices law enforcer and prevention (not happening), and of course the prosecutor and the police... All are third independent watch men (suppose to be) and yet we had corruption happened every where...

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