Indonesia Indonesian Air Force, Tentara Nasional Indonesia-Angkatan Udara (TNI-AU)


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Parry Brima

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From the way I see it, he's got a point though.

The "pool base technology" and "infrastructure readiness" which often brought up as reasons why we can't have F-35s can't really hold when we consider that the air force of most nations - including us - are among the most tech-savvy service in the military. Furthermore, when it comes to infrastructure readiness, it's not something that can't be prepared within a reasonable amount of time while waiting for the first delivery to arrive.

The "technological gap" thing is just another way of saying that, politically, we're just not trustworthy enough.

Just my 0.2 kepeng, anyway.

Next time they will say that Viper can prove not only that the earth is flat, but also triangle and trapezium at the same time.


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Offered between 12 to 24 used fighter for them (number depend on negotiation) if they taking our proposal. That's with almost complete package to build MRO depo in Philippines soil and training of the crew.

If this Phil's deal get through somehow it could tilt our current backroom dealing isn't ?? Off course some candies are definitely would get thrown around to greaseing the process because somehow i get the impression thing haven't been really finalized as yet .

Parry Brima

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And those of billion of $ comes from a loan were the foundation of a strength in your book ??
If those billion of $ loans were spent of goods produced and created by our own companies or facilities or investing in house to transfom our fledgling state defence sectors so we could somehow alleviate our own economic hardship and furthering our own manufacturing industrial level . i can somehow swallow it . But where most of it were spend on IP right licensing fee without a decent manufacturing outlet for it's usaging in it's production or bought whole from aboard and yet you were bragging because of it ...
Where do you think we should produce those if we ever received the licensing right ?? PT. DI ?? Yeah right ...
And yet somehow you were so confident we could somehow dictate the US to cater our whim when we couldn't even manage our own " bengkel perakitan dan reparasi " to barely a float on it's own .... It's just soo beyond me ...

Wow really?? Is it that bad?? Well, they gotta change the lousy sales pitch man. Lockheed Martin will blame them for this.



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If LM with some miracle win over Dassault, I just hope we can get SCALP equivalent from US, and permission to integrate turkish missile just like @Philips suggesting.


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If LM with some miracle win over Dassault, I just hope we can get SCALP equivalent from US, and permission to integrate turkish missile just like @Philips suggesting.

Dassault Rafale is quite comfortable that's what i can said

Air Force Chief witnesses Indonesian-US joint exercise​

25th Jun 2021 13:28
Air Force Chief witnesses Indonesian-US joint exercise

Pekanbaru, Riau (ANTARA) - Air Force Chief of Staff Marshal Fadjar Prasetyo witnessed a joint exercise between the Indonesian Air Force (TNI AU) and US Pacific Air Force (PACAF), code-named Cope West 2021, at Roesmin Nurjadin Airbase, Pekanbaru, Riau.

"In the coming years, the exercise Cope West is expected to be planned by taking into account various other platforms, including air refueling using a tanker plane,” Prasetyo noted in a written statement released on Friday.

He further highlighted the requirement to use the exercise as an opportunity to hone skills and groom TNI’s young pilots in need of experience to perform an air operation mission.

He also observed the Base Central Debrief System (BCDS) room. BCDS is an exercise facility used to monitor all aircraft movements while conducting air battle exercises, including when the plane conducts shooting, uses rockets and bombs, and sees the accuracy of shooting.

Commander of the Roesmin Nurjadin Air Base Air Commodore Andi Kustoro stated that BCDS can also display audio visually all those aircraft engaged in a real-time air battle exercise. This exercise facility is also used during the joint exercise code-named Cope West that lasted since June 14, 2021.

"Through the monitor screen at the BCDS room, the air battle exercise can be displayed as an input for conducting evaluation during the debriefing attended by exercise participants,” Kustoro noted.

TNI AU Exercise Director Colonel Jajang Setiawan remarked that the first Cope West was conducted in Medan, North Sumatra, in 1995.

He noted that the joint exercise held in Pekanbaru this time is related to Basic Fighter Maneuver (BFM), Air Combat Maneuver (ACM), and Air Combat Tactic (ACT).

The joint exercise, code-named Cope West 2021, is also included in long-distance air battle or Beyond Visual Range (BVR).

Materials for ACT with BVR can already be realized since TNI AU’s F-16s, which have been upgraded through the Falcon Star E_MLU program, are supported by adequate air-to-air guided missile technology and weaponry system.

Colonel Jajang remarked that during the exercise, participants stay disciplined in following health protocols. During the exercise, the TNI AU had sent several F-16s from Air Squadron 3 at the Iswahjudi Airbase, and Air Squadron 16 at the Roesmin Nurjadin Arbase.

"Meanwhile, the USAF had sent six F-16s from the 13th Fighter Squadron US PACAF based in Misawa, Japan," he remarked.
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Translated by: Frislidia/Suharto
Editor: Fardah Assegaf


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If LM with some miracle win over Dassault, I just hope we can get SCALP equivalent from US, and permission to integrate turkish missile just like @Philips suggesting.

The US will definitely block such scenario . The last thing US would ever wish is another rising power drifting away from their sphere . Not to mention the Indonesia and Turkey was a natural born ally even with all both of their current reluctance , economic disparity and political baggages . ( Well , you could somehow add the pakistan in the mix but with their close allignment with china ... Everybody shied away from them ) .
We still could do it ...but more in discreet and gradual manner . Open up a Turkish office branch can pave a much much more leeway and opportunities when the time is ripe .
And @Madokafc .... I really loves to be proven wrong regarding the Scalp's equivalent .


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The US will definitely block such scenario . The last thing US would ever wish is another rising power drifting away from their sphere . Not to mention the Indonesia and Turkey was a natural born ally even with all both of their current reluctance , economic disparity and political baggages . ( Well , you could somehow add the pakistan in the mix but with their close allignment with china ... Everybody shied away from them ) .
We still could do it ...but more in discreet and gradual manner . Open up a Turkish office branch can pave a much much more leeway and opportunities when the time is ripe .
And @Madokafc .... I really loves to be proven wrong regarding the Scalp's equivalent .

French Dassault Rafale is quite comfy, they just waiting for final steps of the contract to be realized. The SCALP Missiles would be part of it just like Egypt and India ordered.


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From all the points I mentioned in #2962, the first one is the least likely to succeed. As a replacement for this I would indeed go for the Rafale for the best platform+missile capability Indonesian money can buy. The US won't give Indonesia anything close to the Scalp. Forget about the F-15. It will only tie Indonesia more to the whims of the US. Get some transports and perhaps utility helicopters to keep the US satisfied and involved in the SCS, but no new US fighters.


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From all the points I mentioned in #2962, the first one is the least likely to succeed. As a replacement for this I would indeed go for the Rafale for the best platform+missile capability Indonesian money can buy. The US won't give Indonesia anything close to the Scalp. Forget about the F-15. It will only tie Indonesia more to the whims of the US. Get some transports and perhaps utility helicopters to keep the US satisfied and involved in the SCS, but no new US fighters.

It was been said before and i'll said it again ... There could be only 1 item from US . Either F 16 or F 15 but never both . That's alone allready send our message across the pond very clearly .


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French Dassault Rafale is quite comfy, they just waiting for final steps of the contract to be realized. The SCALP Missiles would be part of it just like Egypt and India ordered.
It's good to know that Rafale is coming. As much as I hate the fact that it will create a logistical & maintenance nightmare, the experience we will gain from operating 4.5G fighter will be more than worthed.



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To balance the forum from Lockheed Martin sales and pawns attack ;)
Unfortunately, I don't see them around here (in Indonesia threads) lately. What I do notice lately is either those few whose "mabuk agama", or those whose basing their viewpoint from whatever Indon medias was tell them.

Parry Brima

1 1,057
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Offered between 12 to 24 used fighter for them (number depend on negotiation) if they taking our proposal. That's with almost complete package to build MRO depo in Philippines soil and training of the crew.

Thailand also have their own in-service support for Gripen, delivered by local maintenance, repair and overhaul firm Thai Aircraft Industries (TAI). Worried about "bengkel" MRO for Gripen? Nah, it's part of the package.

Thailand has also received technology transfer in areas including electronic warfare, datalinks, avionics and logistics, and 63 Thai personnel have been funded through scholarship programmes in Sweden.

Parry Brima

1 1,057
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It was been said before and i'll said it again ... There could be only 1 item from US . Either F 16 or F 15 but never both . That's alone allready send our message across the pond very clearly .

Wait a minute, I thought you want us to buy both. My mistake🙏😁


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It was been said before and i'll said it again ... There could be only 1 item from US . Either F 16 or F 15 but never both . That's alone allready send our message across the pond very clearly .
Well, let's face it, there is a clear need for interceptor squadron (ska-14). And Viper doesn't qualify to fill in that role, only Typhoon or F-15EX will

Var Dracon

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Halcon and Rheinmetall Air Defence Team Up for The Skynex​

Halcon, the company part of the EDGE group, specialised in guided weapons, unveiled at IDEX its SkyKnight air defence missile. The new weapon has a maximum range of 10 km, and is being integrated into the Skynex air defence system, developed by Rheinmetall Air Defence around its Oerlikon Skymaster command and control system, linked to sensors and effectors via a tactical communications network, allowing a very flexible configuration. Rheinmetall can provide in-house radars, such as the latest AESA Multi Mission Radar (AMMR), and effectors, the latter being the Oerlikon Revolver Gun Mk3, which at EDEX 2018 was shown in the HLP (Hook Lift Platform) configuration, easily deployable using a flatbed truck.


Each container can launch in sequence up to 20 missiles, the system being able to handle up to 80 missiles in flight at the same time. According to data provided by Halcon, the SkyKnight can cope with rotary wing aircraft and UAVs up to 10 km, against fixed wing aircraft at 8-10 km, against precision guided munitions and cruise missiles at 6 km, and against rocket-artillery-mortar threats at 4 km range. At shorter ranges it is the turn of Revolver Guns to take over the burden, these being capable to operate against fixed and rotary wing aircraft up to 4 – 4.5 km, and against mortars and small UAVs at 1.5 km, generating a wall of tungsten thanks to their 1,000 rounds per minute rate of fire and the use of AHEAD 35 mm ammunition. The containerised launching system of the SkyKnight is very similar to that of the Cheetah, the missile architecture being also pretty similar, although the range seems higher that what disclosed by Denel in the past. In any case this puts Halcon amongst the air defence missile manufacturers. As stated by H.E. Faisal Al Bannai, EDGE Group CEO and Managing Director in the press release announcing the development of the new missile, “SkyKnight is the UAE’s first, but will not be the last air defence missile developed by HALCON.” Presenting its Skyranger 30 mobile air defence system Rheinmetall included the SkyKnight among the missiles that can be integrated into its new system.


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