Indonesia Indonesian Air Force, Tentara Nasional Indonesia-Angkatan Udara (TNI-AU)


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Tomorrow will be August..
NO, tomorrow is Monday❗

definitely air defense system. they offered us HQ-9

CRB once promoting J-10. It could be fighter as well.
China Has Been Generous

Kasau Resmikan Satuan Udara Pencarian dan Pertolongan Wing 4 Lanud Atang Sendjaja​

01 Agustus 2021

Satuan Udara Pencarian dan Pertolongan (SATUD PP) TNI AU (photos : TNI AU)

TNI AU. Kepala Staf Angkatan Udara (Kasau) Marsekal TNI Fadjar Prasetyo, S.E. ,M.P.P., meresmikan Satuan Udara Pencarian dan Pertolongan (SATUD PP), di apron SATUD PP, Wing 4 Lanud Atang Sendjaja, Bogor, Jumat (30/7/2021).

Kasau mengatakan, pembentukan Satuan Udara ini, berawal dari inisiatif pimpinan TNI AU, akan kebutuhan pengembangan organisasi, guna melaksanakan tugas Operasi Udara Khusus , dalam bentuk Operasi Pencarian dan Pertolongan atau OPP sebagaimana tercantum pada Doktrin Swa Bhuwana Paksa.

Peresmian, merupakan tindak lanjut dari Peraturan Panglima Tentara Nasional Indonesia Nomor 5 tahun 2021 tentang organisasi dan Tugas Satuan Udara Pencarian dan Pertolongan Wing 4 Pangkalan TNI Angkatan Udara Atang Sendjaja.

“Tugas pencarian dan pertolongan merupakan tugas yang tidak ringan, terlebih cakupan NKRI yang luas. Oleh karena itu, dibutuhkan sinergi TNI AU dengan kementrian dan lembaga lainnya, khususnya dengan Badan Nasional Pencarian dan Pertolongan, ” ujar Kasau.

Dengan diresmikannya Satuan ini, lanjut Kasau, TNI AU telah memiliki satuan yang secara khusus mengoperasikan alutsista guna membina profesionalisme personel dalam melaksanakan tugas pencarian dan pertolongan taktis.

“Saya ingin mengingatkan, bahwa satuan ini memiliki tujuan yang sangat mulia, karena terkait secara langsung dengan keselamatan jiwa manusia,” ungkap Kasau.

Kasau juga melantik Mayor Pnb Tatag Onne Setiawan, sebagai Komandan SATUD PP.

Kasau didampingi Ka BNPP Marsdya TNI Henri Alfiandi dan Pangkoopsau I Marsda TNI Tedi Rizalihadi, juga menandatangani prasasti, launching logo satuan, serta peninjauan fasilitas dan sarana prasana hanggar.

Hadir pada acara tersebut Ka BNPP, Asisten Kasau, Pangkoopsau I, para Kepala Dinas dijajaran Mabesau, pejabat BNPP serta para pejabat Lanud Atang Sendjaja.


This BKO or under control completely by Air Force?
BKO / Bantuan Operasional from the look of it


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Not a wise decision to make such a ruckus about this. It's better just to make this news "tenggelam".
While I can see that some politicians - especially those from the oh-so "islamic" party - will make a ruckus out of it, but I personally would prefer that we just come out clean to say that, yes, our military had bought stuffs from Israel, and will continue to do so if the things that they offered are suitable to what TNI needs.

Parry Brima

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While I can see that some politicians - especially those from the oh-so "islamic" party - will make a ruckus out of it, but I personally would prefer that we just come out clean to say that, yes, our military had bought stuffs from Israel, and will continue to do so if the things that they offered are suitable to what TNI needs.

At this point I expect every politician including those from Islamic parties to be fully aware of the huge Operation Alpha during Suharto regime.

Besides, if the choice is between China and Israel/US, ideologically, they will feel much closer to Jewish/Christianity than to whatever Han people worship :)


4 1,248
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At this point I expect every politician including those from Islamic parties to be fully aware of the huge Operation Alpha during Suharto regime.

Besides, if the choice is between China and Israel/US, ideologically, they will feel much closer to Jewish/Christianity than to whatever Han people worship :)
Everybody aware of that ... It just doesn't fit the narrative they are trying to sell so they bark . And boy ....they barked laudly too


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While I can see that some politicians - especially those from the oh-so "islamic" party - will make a ruckus out of it, but I personally would prefer that we just come out clean to say that, yes, our military had bought stuffs from Israel, and will continue to do so if the things that they offered are suitable to what TNI needs.
The Socio-Political condition of 🇮🇩 has always to keep things "Tau Sama Tau" doesn't matter what that is.

Everybody aware of that ... It just doesn't fit the narrative they are trying to sell so they bark . And boy ....they barked laudly too
Exactly my point (y)

Parry Brima

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Everybody aware of that ... It just doesn't fit the narrative they are trying to sell so they bark . And boy ....they barked laudly too

The politicians bark loudly about our military procurement from Israel? Nah :ROFLMAO:

What the politicians are barking has always been about the Israel military's conduct in the Israel vs Palestine conflict, which is fair, but barking loudly about our military procurement from Israel? We love to exaggerate things don't we:ROFLMAO:

Even if they do it's very easy for the government to play and muddle the narrative. Just pour some "ban Jewish products" and mixed it with Facebook, Coca Cola, Starbucks, and add Hollywood movies to spice it up. They will switch their barking and forget about the military stuff:ROFLMAO:


4 1,248
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The politicians bark loudly about our military procurement from Israel? Nah :ROFLMAO:

What the politicians are barking has always been about the Israel military's conduct in the Israel vs Palestine conflict, which is fair, but barking loudly about our military procurement from Israel? We love to exaggerate things don't we:ROFLMAO:

Even if they do it's very easy for the government to play and muddle the narrative. Just pour some "ban Jewish products" and mixed it with Facebook, Coca Cola, Starbucks, and add Hollywood movies to spice it up. They will switch their barking and forget about the military stuff:ROFLMAO:
I hate to argue about this particular stuff . Because i do loath the israel code of conduct regarding palestine . But , i guess you and i don't read/watch from the same media source obviously ...
Everybody doesn't like this akward situation mostly because they mostly feel the same . Yet , sometime some hard choices are just had to be made . No matter how bitter that is ....
It's just some element were always bitching around just to get their 5 minute of fame without ever offering some real or achievable alternative/solution ...
Going to promote for a Russian sub par product over and over again compared to the proven Israelis stuff when CAATSA threat looming over head ??
Insanity wasn't a sufficient word for it anymore ...



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Why everyone consider Khoser stuff is *Harom*

Its the same they also pray/recite to God while slaugthering, if you eat the Chiken/meat based Kosher food 😄😆

Back to the topic I hope in the future army get the Irondome and our Arhanud complement Nasams with spyder Hybrid 😁😁

First thing first. .. According to our law, it said... "All colonization over the world must be removed". .. Put that in your tiny little mind...

That is why we don't not open embassy at kosher... The law said " No can do Jose"... Put that in your tiny little mind...

Because they law said so... Thus we can not officially buy kosher stuff... If we buy kosher stuff, we are officially agree with their act of colonization... Pit that in your tiny little mind...

Don't base your prejudice upon religion basis... In my term, it is called racist... Pit that in your tiny little mind...


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First thing first. .. According to our law, it said... "All colonization over the world must be removed". .. Put that in your tiny little mind...

That is why we don't not open embassy at kosher... The law said " No can do Jose"... Put that in your tiny little mind...

Because they law said so... Thus we can not officially buy kosher stuff... If we buy kosher stuff, we are officially agree with their act of colonization... Pit that in your tiny little mind...

Don't base your prejudice upon religion basis... In my term, it is called racist... Pit that in your tiny little mind...

if it is according to your tenet, we must put close our relationship with many countries in the world, like the Russian (who annexed Crimea illegaly and had serious contending issue in Chechnya), China (who had Uyghur issue), UK (which had Northern Ireland issue), France (in which still maintained colony in Southern America), the US of A (in which made an enclave at guantanamo and other places around the world) not to mention other numerous countries in which had such issue right now (Marocco, Algeria, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and so on) so your point will made Indonesia look like a pariah country none better than North Korea if it is implemented so seriously.

Just look at this point how hypocrite our foreign policy right now? why not adjust everything into what will bring the more benefit into Indonesia and Indonesian people at whole in the first place, let everything decided upon Indonesian first policy, not Palestinian first, not the Arabs first, not the Yankee first, not the Middle Kingdom first or so on.


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First thing first. .. According to our law, it said... "All colonization over the world must be removed". .. Put that in your tiny little mind...

That is why we don't not open embassy at kosher... The law said " No can do Jose"... Put that in your tiny little mind...

Because they law said so... Thus we can not officially buy kosher stuff... If we buy kosher stuff, we are officially agree with their act of colonization... Pit that in your tiny little mind...

Don't base your prejudice upon religion basis... In my term, it is called racist... Pit that in your tiny little mind...
hmmm... me think with meh tiny brain & low IQ so bear with me carefully before you respond (if at all)

In order to determine "colonization" common sense dictate that one first need to determine the subject of the said colonization, which typically a territory along with the indigenous people who live there. That being said, what is the subject of this "colonization" of yours will be❓

BTW, is there any reason why you yourself is currently seem fine using "kosher" product & service❓


4 1,248
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hmmm... me think with meh tiny brain & low IQ so bear with me carefully before you respond (if at all)

In order to determine "colonization" common sense dictate that one first need to determine the subject of the said colonization, which typically a territory along with the indigenous people who live there. That being said, what is the subject of this "colonization" of yours will be❓

BTW, is there any reason why you yourself is currently seem fine using "kosher" product & service❓
It look like a high time to close our australian embassy and sealed off our diplomatic relation for good ..

Sorry ,that's just the closest thing suddenly pop in i my mind



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hmmm... me think with meh tiny brain & low IQ so bear with me carefully before you respond (if at all)

In order to determine "colonization" common sense dictate that one first need to determine the subject of the said colonization, which typically a territory along with the indigenous people who live there. That being said, what is the subject of this "colonization" of yours will be❓

BTW, is there any reason why you yourself is currently seem fine using "kosher" product & service❓
First... The Israelis is colonizing the indigenous Palestinian land... Whether you admit it nor not... That is the fact...

Second... I don't like us using kosher stuff... In my daily life I always try to avoid using kosher related products...

Third... The Constitution said colonization is bad, periode... Supporting colonizer, is bad, whether directly or indirectly... Buying kosher products, in my opinion, is supporting their economy, in the end, supporting their colonizong action...

Fourth... You, me, all of us, the next generation of Indonesia never felt being colonized, thus make us can't relate much to our forest fathers vision of freedom and Constitution...

Now, u said, kosher product is okay... Because kosher is not invading us... If kosher are invading us already, u might say the other way around...

Now, u said Chinese products are okay, because they are not invading us, but believe me when they came, we will have the same common hatred...

Colonizer is bad, all of colonizer product should be banned to stop them economically...

Five... The Constitution said so... The law said so... We can't be picky... It is either we uphold the law, or we abandoned it altogether...


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First... The Israelis is colonizing the indigenous Palestinian land... Whether you admit it nor not... That is the fact...

Second... I don't like us using kosher stuff... In my daily life I always try to avoid using kosher related products...

Third... The Constitution said colonization is bad, periode... Supporting colonizer, is bad, whether directly or indirectly... Buying kosher products, in my opinion, is supporting their economy, in the end, supporting their colonizong action...

Fourth... You, me, all of us, the next generation of Indonesia never felt being colonized, thus make us can't relate much to our forest fathers vision of freedom and Constitution...

Now, u said, kosher product is okay... Because kosher is not invading us... If kosher are invading us already, u might say the other way around...

Now, u said Chinese products are okay, because they are not invading us, but believe me when they came, we will have the same common hatred...

Colonizer is bad, all of colonizer product should be banned to stop them economically...

Five... The Constitution said so... The law said so... We can't be picky... It is either we uphold the law, or we abandoned it altogether...
I don't care where you consider yourself on political spectrum, but Carlos The Jackal will be proud of you.
Five... The Constitution said so... The law said so... We can't be picky... It is either we uphold the law, or we abandoned it altogether...
Baca ni..... kalian semua tu jangan pragmatis, yang idealis + kaffah gitu lho...


Indonesia Correspondent
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Wouldn't it be nice if our air force equip their Hercules with something like this?:


And while we're at it, they could also choose to install some SPARC chaff and flares from the same company too.

For our strike / fighter aircraft, these two are nice to have too:

And then, this long range air-to-air missile:


Is certified to be used on F-15, F-16, Su-30, F/A-50 and some other aircraft.

Furthermore since we need something good to defend against any ballistic missile attacks or long range bombers from some certain 'Goliaths', this could come in handy:

What? Me? No, I'm not a salesman from any of those above. I'm just someone who understand and agrees to what a high-ranking officer once said to me. It goes something like this:

If it's about defending our nation, I don't care if we have to buy weapons from the devil himself if those are what we really need.
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A wise man once said something and then get quoted repeatedly ....
" Words and pledges are dead while mans are living " And " the victors/living who were always writing the history books " and " you could only speak your voice when you in possesion of strength !!

Take that as you will .... while i despised the Israel nation with all their zealotry . Yet , Our nation survival take a precedence before anything else

Over and out .....

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