Indonesia Indonesian Air Force, Tentara Nasional Indonesia-Angkatan Udara (TNI-AU)


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Wouldn't it be nice if our air force equip their Hercules with something like this?:

View attachment 27034

And while we're at it, they could also choose to install some SPARC chaff and flares from the same company too.

For our strike / fighter aircraft, these two are nice to have too:

And then, this long range air-to-air missile:

View attachment 27035

Is certified to be used on F-15, F-16, Su-30, F/A-50 and some other aircraft.

Furthermore since we need something good to defend against any ballistic missile attacks or long range bombers from some certain 'Goliaths', this could come in handy:

What? Me? No, I'm not a salesman from any of those above. I'm just someone who understand and agrees to what a high-ranking officer once said to me. It goes something like this:

If it's about defending our nation, I don't care if we have to buy weapons from the devil himself if those are what we really need.

Are we really needed that Winglong then??..... sambil ngacir pake Vespa super

Jokes aside, i don't see any problem about cooperation with Israel as they even don't and never bother with us in the first place unlike China, Malaysia or Australia. And they historically had a lot of cordial cooperation with many Muslim majority countries like Turkey, Iran (before revolution), Jordania, Egypt and now with Marocco, UAE and so on.

Back to the Topic

China Navy bomber fleet of H6J armed with effective AShM which had combat radius to reach the Northern most of Indonesian archipelago can effectively threaten our busy shipping lane. Thus i believe it is a right Choice to have long legged fighter who can intercept them in the mid air far away from our home turf. That's why Refueling tanker and AWACS assets is a must for them to do the job effectively.



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Article about Rampage written by his excellency Joseph Trevithick.
Yup. That's what I'm talking about. We really need a stand-off strike ability and that can be one of the options on the table.

Some "halal" options would be nice too, if there's any.

It's too bad that some, if not most, Arab countries didn't really see the need to build their own weapon manufacturing capability until just a few years ago. As it stands now, they're still nowhere near what Israel can design and produce.


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Are we really needed that Winglong then??
Well, when (not if) push comes to shove, we can always gut the internal of those drones and replace them with Israeli solution, can't we? 😁

Jokes aside, i don't see any problem about cooperation with Israel as they even don't and never bother with us in the first place unlike China, Malaysia or Australia. And they historically had a lot of cordial cooperation with many Muslim majority countries like Turkey, Iran (before revolution), Jordania, Egypt and now with Marocco, UAE and so on.

Yeah, and the latter won't even think of opening a formal diplomatic relation with Israel without Saudi's consent. The only thing that hold Saudi from formally open a diplomatic relation with Israel is because they don't want to lose their "image" - whatever that is.

Thus i believe it is a right Choice to have long legged fighter who can intercept them in the mid air far away from our home turf. That's why Refueling tanker and AWACS assets is a must for them to do the job effectively.

Agree. But don't forget, our would-be adversaries also understand this. So they will also prepare some AWACS killer missiles or to strike first using ballistic missiles against our airbases and other strategic assets.

We currently don't have any defence against those.


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Well, when (not if) push comes to shove, we can always gut the internal of those drones and replace them with Israeli solution, can't we? 😁

Yeah, and the latter won't even think of opening a formal diplomatic relation with Israel without Saudi's consent. The only thing that hold Saudi from formally open a diplomatic relation with Israel is because they don't want to lose their "image" - whatever that is.

Agree. But don't forget, our would-be adversaries also understand this. So they will also prepare some AWACS killer missiles or to strike first using ballistic missiles against our airbases and other strategic assets.

We currently don't have any defence against those.

Just pray we don't intend to acquire Anti balistic Missiles system from China


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Jokes aside, i don't see any problem about cooperation with Israel as they even don't and never bother with us in the first place unlike China, Malaysia or Australia. And they historically had a lot of cordial cooperation with many Muslim majority countries like Turkey, Iran (before revolution), Jordania, Egypt and now with Marocco, UAE and so on.
That's why I wanna see Indonesian Diplomats office there. Doesn't have to be from MoFA tho, KADIN pun gapapa, like our de facto embassy in Taiwan.

Parry Brima

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I hate to argue about this particular stuff . Because i do loath the israel code of conduct regarding palestine . But , i guess you and i don't read/watch from the same media source obviously ...
Everybody doesn't like this akward situation mostly because they mostly feel the same . Yet , sometime some hard choices are just had to be made . No matter how bitter that is ....
It's just some element were always bitching around just to get their 5 minute of fame without ever offering some real or achievable alternative/solution ...
Going to promote for a Russian sub par product over and over again compared to the proven Israelis stuff when CAATSA threat looming over head ??
Insanity wasn't a sufficient word for it anymore ...


I was not talking about what the Israelis been doing in the Palestine. I was focusing on your claim that the politicians have been barking loudly about our military procurement from Israel.

I admit I'm not really active in Indonesian social media environment. Heck, I even set the Twitter trending in my account to UK. But even simple quick google search doesn't show this "political elites barking loudly about military procurement from Israel" claim of yours.

Look, military stuff for most people is not really entertaining. Only few people actually interested in this military stuff. All of us members here are the minority bunch. I'm pretty sure that those politicians would prefer to use other Jewish products to "bark loudly" about Israel and leave the military procurement as the least preference:ROFLMAO:. That's why I made a point that the government will find it very easy to play and muddle the narrative if they start to bark about our military procurement from Israel.

Parry Brima

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That's why I wanna see Indonesian Diplomats office there. Doesn't have to be from MoFA tho, KADIN pun gapapa, like our de facto embassy in Taiwan.

I don't think any political party would want to risk losing many votes by doing this (especially in East Java and West Java). It's not worth it. The goal is only to get their products. No more no less. Pretty sure there are smart ways to do it without risking anything.


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That's why I wanna see Indonesian Diplomats office there. Doesn't have to be from MoFA tho, KADIN pun gapapa, like our de facto embassy in Taiwan
That wont happen soon enough. Our former President Gus Dur Alm. try it, he wanted to open kind of consulate just to focus on the trade/economic area. Too bad he steped down before it happened. I personally agree with him in this case, no Embassy just some representative office to conduct trade.
But even simple quick google search doesn't show this "political elites barking loudly about military procurement from Israel" claim of yours.
Those anti Israeli statements by some politician is just for domestic consumption aka to gain support just like you and others have said. The reality in todays Indonesian politics the major political power beside political party is Organisasi keagamaan, TNI & Polri. All of them have huge political influence and TNI/Polri is officially & legally armed to the teeth. Who dare to blatanly open the defense product acquisition from Israel where it is use solely to defend the nation? And how many ex military generals are now currently hold office in govt body? They are some arguments among them but their jiwa korsa will kick in when their former Institution being verbally/politically attacked, and most of them would be united to challenge it. (salh stu sebab sshnya beresin procurement mreka :LOL: )

TNI/Polri will always play their part as the "balancer" in Indonesian political ground, just like they do since the beginning of kemerdekaan. Altho their role is different now but still Indonesian people oftenly look to some military General figure when they are looking for "Strong" leadership. Why? Its in our blood to accept Good feodalism, its in our long history of Kerajaan followed by long lasting of Dutch occupation, The demokrasi terpimpin on Soekarno era and Soeharto. Like it or not its in our "culture".

So yeah, all those politician can say anything they want about Israeli product to public but to bring that word openly right infront the Govt/TNI/Polri is a political suicide. That is why only few issues emerged "officially" regarding this, even mbah google having a hard time finding it 😁


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Maaf maksud saya laris manis bukan habis terjual, saya tidak bisa bahasa Inggris dan saya menemukan kata itu dari terjemahan di handphone
your attachment don't show up


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First... The Israelis is colonizing the indigenous Palestinian land... Whether you admit it nor not... That is the fact...
According to your habib you mean❓ Tack-Beer YAAAY

Anyway, you mention two terms that are key points here, they are ;
  • indigenous =belonging to a particular place rather than coming to it from somewhere else (Oxford Learners Dictionaries)
  • colonization = the act of taking control of an area or a country that is not your own, especially using force, and sending people from your own country to live there (Oxford Learners Dictionaries)
So who or what are the Palestinian you were referring to❓
Anyway, let's examine a few things beforehand, shall we.
  1. Before the creation of PLO (by at the time the KGB if I'm not mistaken) what we're now referring as Palestinian were referring themselves as Arab which is basically saying that they are a part of the Greater Arab Nation (whatever that was).
  2. Prior to the creation of PLO there was never any claim whatsoever from Arab leadership to claim the region as their own
  3. 19th century travel account had indicate that what we have now known as Palestine is a wasteland only inhabit by small number of poor Jews settlement with far fewer equally poor Arab, along with the occasional Bedouins marauder.
  4. Not until the wave of returning Jews in late 19th - early 20th century does the region began to thrive, with the Jews rebuilding everything, and the Arabs came there to seek jobs & business.
Second... I don't like us using kosher stuff... In my daily life I always try to avoid using kosher related products...
And yet here thy are

Third... The Constitution said colonization is bad, periode... Supporting colonizer, is bad, whether directly or indirectly...
Who colonizing who❓

Buying kosher products, in my opinion, is supporting their economy, in the end, supporting their colonizong action...
And yet here thy are

Fourth... You, me, all of us, the next generation of Indonesia never felt being colonized, thus make us can't relate much to our forest fathers vision of freedom and Constitution...
Relatable is something that happen in your state of mind

Now, u said, kosher product is okay... Because kosher is not invading us... If kosher are invading us already, u might say the other way around...

Now, u said Chinese products are okay, because they are not invading us, but believe me when they came, we will have the same common hatred...
And yet here thy are

Five... The Constitution said so... The law said so... We can't be picky... It is either we uphold the law, or we abandoned it altogether...
Finally, mentioning something about the law (not sure which though)

There are 3 prerequisites for a sovereign nation :
  1. Territory (This requires more than a hollow claim, but also both the presence & ability to enforce policy)
  2. People.
  3. Recognition by previously recognize nation state
That being said, who is now having the more of it❓

Well, this already a gross detraction to the thread topic, but I was willing to entertain you for a short while for the benefit of others before I put you in my ignore list along with your other account (I did say for you to be very careful before responding, didn't I)

BTW If I were you, I would wait for at least a month or so before creating another account in this forum
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Pesawat Tempur F-16 TNI AU Patroli Pulau Terluar di Selat Malaka​

02 Agustus 2021

Patroli udara di Selat Malaka dan Selat Karimata (photo : Skadron Udara 16)

Pekanbaru (ANTARA) - Pesawat Tempur F-16 yang bermarkas di Skuadron Udara 16 Lanud Roesmin Nurjadin, Pekanbaru, menggelar patroli udara di Selat Malaka dan Selat Karimata yang bertujuan memantau kondisi pulau-pulau terluar di Indonesia.

"Operasi patroli udara untuk pengamanan dan pemantauan kondisi terkini pulau-pulau terluar wilayah Indonesia barat, di antaranya Pulau Berhala, Pulau Batu Mandi, dan Pulau Rupat, Provinsi Riau," kata Komandan Lanud Roesmin Nurjadin Marsma TNI Andi Kustoro SE dalam keterangannya di Pekanbaru, Sabtu.

Dia mengatakan berdasarkan pantauan diketahui kondisi pulau terluar di Selat Malaka dan Karimata masih aman.Sejauh ini belum ditemukan pelanggaran wilayah dan potensi ancaman di udara dan permukaan.

Andi menyebutkan seluruh anggota Skuadron Udara 16, yakni penerbang dan "ground crew" untuk mempersiapkan pelaksanaan operasi dengan sepenuh hati agar hasil yang dicapai lebih maksimal.

"Meski operasi dilakukan pada masa pandemi, diharapkan para prajurit Skuadron Udara 16, terutama untuk para penerbang dminta tetap semangat demi Indonesia tercinta," katanya.

"Operasi Patroli Udara dengan Sandi Operasi Lintas Rajawali-21 dilaksanakan secara terjadwal sepanjang tahun di bawah kendali Komando Operasi TNI AU I sesuai dengan tatanan tugas dan tanggung jawab TNI AU," katanya.

Dalam operasi pesawat termpur tersebut, Komandan Skuadron Udara 16 Letkol Pnb Andri Setyawan ST MMOAS bertindak sebagai "flight leader" dalam Operasi Lintas Rajawali-21 dan tidak ditemukan kendala selama patroli.


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