we should establish cooperation with countries that can gives benefit to us, including Israel. As we can see from those countries having cooperation with Israel, the manfaat will definitely bigger to us than the mudharat.
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with ELTA radar installed, is that mean our T-50 technically FA-50?
Ah yes, obtuse literalism. Because god forbid to waste all that brainpower for critical thinking when it's already written there.First... The Israelis is colonizing the indigenous Palestinian land... Whether you admit it nor not... That is the fact...
Second... I don't like us using kosher stuff... In my daily life I always try to avoid using kosher related products...
Third... The Constitution said colonization is bad, periode... Supporting colonizer, is bad, whether directly or indirectly... Buying kosher products, in my opinion, is supporting their economy, in the end, supporting their colonizong action...
Fourth... You, me, all of us, the next generation of Indonesia never felt being colonized, thus make us can't relate much to our forest fathers vision of freedom and Constitution...
Now, u said, kosher product is okay... Because kosher is not invading us... If kosher are invading us already, u might say the other way around...
Now, u said Chinese products are okay, because they are not invading us, but believe me when they came, we will have the same common hatred...
Colonizer is bad, all of colonizer product should be banned to stop them economically...
Five... The Constitution said so... The law said so... We can't be picky... It is either we uphold the law, or we abandoned it altogether...
Yeah, as I remember, when Operation Alpha the Airmen were disambut by BAKIN agent(s) stationed there. And when BAKIN wanted all the traces of Israel (paperwork or stuffs) to be banished, Israeli told the Airmen to used the photocopy machine and burned the photocopy instead of the real one in front of BAKIN agent(s). Sangar sih, Intel nya pada diboongin wkwk.well.... actually..... we do kind of have......
with ELTA radar installed, is that mean our T-50 technically FA-50?
Since beginning our is T/A 50 version not much different from the Iraqi version, the rest is FFBNW condition
During orba era there were some activities conducted between both int.agency, from training to other stuff as stated in memoar of Benny Moerdani and other book sources. AFAIK there werent any permanent station there at that time, those were conducted from our resource/office close to it (tetangganya). Tho I must say that A4 Skyhawk operation was so cool to read nowadays. Not to mention I kinda like the shape of A4, dongak sombong gimana gitu designnyaYeah, as I remember, when Operation Alpha the Airmen were disambut by BAKIN agent(s) stationed there. And when BAKIN wanted all the traces of Israel (paperwork or stuffs) to be banished, Israeli told the Airmen to used the photocopy machine and burned the photocopy instead of the real one in front of BAKIN agent(s). Sangar sih, Intel nya pada diboongin wkwk.
That show that we actually have relation with them.
Edit : it was BAIS not BAKIN. I forget that operation was under Gen. Benny Moerdani.
I feel sorry for the Sukhoi pilots. It's extremely rare for them to get this kind of patrol tasking, thus severely hurting their flight hours.Pesawat Tempur F-16 TNI AU Patroli Pulau Terluar di Selat Malaka
02 Agustus 2021
Patroli udara di Selat Malaka dan Selat Karimata (photo : Skadron Udara 16)
Pekanbaru (ANTARA) - Pesawat Tempur F-16 yang bermarkas di Skuadron Udara 16 Lanud Roesmin Nurjadin, Pekanbaru, menggelar patroli udara di Selat Malaka dan Selat Karimata yang bertujuan memantau kondisi pulau-pulau terluar di Indonesia.
"Operasi patroli udara untuk pengamanan dan pemantauan kondisi terkini pulau-pulau terluar wilayah Indonesia barat, di antaranya Pulau Berhala, Pulau Batu Mandi, dan Pulau Rupat, Provinsi Riau," kata Komandan Lanud Roesmin Nurjadin Marsma TNI Andi Kustoro SE dalam keterangannya di Pekanbaru, Sabtu.
Dia mengatakan berdasarkan pantauan diketahui kondisi pulau terluar di Selat Malaka dan Karimata masih aman.Sejauh ini belum ditemukan pelanggaran wilayah dan potensi ancaman di udara dan permukaan.
Andi menyebutkan seluruh anggota Skuadron Udara 16, yakni penerbang dan "ground crew" untuk mempersiapkan pelaksanaan operasi dengan sepenuh hati agar hasil yang dicapai lebih maksimal.
"Meski operasi dilakukan pada masa pandemi, diharapkan para prajurit Skuadron Udara 16, terutama untuk para penerbang dminta tetap semangat demi Indonesia tercinta," katanya.
"Operasi Patroli Udara dengan Sandi Operasi Lintas Rajawali-21 dilaksanakan secara terjadwal sepanjang tahun di bawah kendali Komando Operasi TNI AU I sesuai dengan tatanan tugas dan tanggung jawab TNI AU," katanya.
Dalam operasi pesawat termpur tersebut, Komandan Skuadron Udara 16 Letkol Pnb Andri Setyawan ST MMOAS bertindak sebagai "flight leader" dalam Operasi Lintas Rajawali-21 dan tidak ditemukan kendala selama patroli.
What about tukang pijet?It solely depends on whose saying it. Unlike you guys, I've never put much of a credibility in that penjaga kantin Dephan
So the Ukraine deal Vympel contract is for Indonesia
That's what i am afraid there is great possibility China offered their SAM system
there's no mention of rafale or either fremm but .So Rafale, Fremm, T50 got a go?Indonesia increases amount of foreign defence loans approved for 2021
The Indonesian Ministry of Finance (MoF) has granted approval for the country's armed forces (Tentara Nasional Indonesia: TNI) and defence ministry to obtain up to...www.janes.com
Oh God noooo....So the Ukraine deal Vympel contract is for Indonesia
That's what i am afraid there is great possibility China offered their SAM system