Thats makes me curious too, maybe they got backing from their govt after AUKUS ?i dont know why the Dassault that push so hard to win![]()
Thats makes me curious too, maybe they got backing from their govt after AUKUS ?i dont know why the Dassault that push so hard to win![]()
If u read the article, u will know the answer.i dont know why the Dassault that push so hard to windeal. Eventhough
side give some illness in payment.
If u read the article, u will know the answer.
The same reason why they push hard in India.
Once you taste a frech wine, you’ll be a forever customer…From this art?
Indonesian runway resurfaces for Dassault Rafale -
They betting us if we become to be a loyal customer with our gdp projections in the future?
F3 could be F3r. Just like saying F16c without saying which block.
Interim MRCA, with the same budget we intended to buy Austrian EF back then?
does F3 and F3R have different airframe ? i dont think so, if it was really F3 without the (R) then we're probably not getting the following things :F3 could be F3r. Just like saying F16c without saying which block.
I don think F3 vanilla still in production.
All rafale use the same airframe.does F3 and F3R have different airframe ? i dont think so, if it was really F3 without the (R) then we're probably not getting the following things :
The F3-R standard is an evolution of the Rafale F3 standard, with the exceptional versatility being further reinforced. It is part of the ongoing process to continuously improve the aircraft in line with the operational requirements and the feedback from experience of the pilotes. It enables the Air Force and Navy Rafale aircraft to carry the following equipment and weapons:
F3 R also includes upgrades to the Rafale sensors and to systems ensuring total interoperability.
- The European Meteor long-range air-to-air missile produced by MBDA. This high-performance missile achieves maximum effectiveness thanks to the “active array” radar which equips all production Rafale aircraft delivered since mid-2013.
- The Thales Talios new-generation laser designator pod. Primarily used for air-to-ground strikes, in daylight or darkness, this pod further enhances the high degree of precision that the Rafale has shown since its first engagements (in 2007 in the Afghan theatre).
- The laser homing version of the Safran AASM Air-to-Ground Modular Weapon. This family of weapons, with GPS primary guidance and an additional booster, is unmatched. It enables the Rafale to destroy targets at ranges of several tens of kilometers with metric precision. The laser homing version is particularly adapted to moving targets.
but let's have some positive assumption that we'd skip the F3-R to save and ensure the budget, and straightly jump for F4 standard upgrade package in the future.
I don't think 08 that foreseeable in air force matter.but let's have some positive assumption that we'd skip the F3-R to save and ensure the budget, and straightly jump for F4 standard upgrade package in the future.
Even on Rafale case AH said Bach 1 will be delivered in 2025 (if contract signed on January 2022)meanwhile
"Fadjar mengaku, tim dari F-15EX sudah menemuinya untuk membahas rencana pengadaan pesawat tempur tersebut. ”Ini sedikit informasi, F-15 EX timnya sudah datang ke saya. Saya tanya kalau hari ini kita sepakat unit awal pertama yang akan kita terima kira-kira kapan? Jawabannya ya kira-kira tahun 2027,” ujarnya.
"Fadjar admitted that the team from the F-15EX had met him to discuss the plan to procure the fighter aircraft. "This is a little information, the F-15 EX team has come to me, I asked if today we agreed on the first initial unit , when will we receive it? The answer is around 2027, "he said.
Blin !
This also the expression of Russophille fansboy rightnow, my deepest condolence for them.When you realized that F15 EX use flying boom for aerial refueling then the A400M "air tanker" will be useless to support the old F16 and F15 EX.