42 Rafale + 2 Scorpene
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"Selain akuisisi jet Rafale, penandatangan kontrak enam unit tersebut juga sepaket dengan adanya dukungan latihan persenjataan dari Perancis."Prabowo Signs Contract, Indonesia Legally Acquires 6 Dassault Rafale Jets
Kemenhan Teken Kontrak, Indonesia Sah Akuisisi 6 Jet Dassault Rafale
Secara keseluruhan, Indonesia berencana memboyong 42 jet Rafale. Sisa 36 unit Rafale sisanya akan segera menyusul dalam waktu dekat.nasional.kompas.com
Based on budget ( total foreign loan ) allowed by both Planning Minister and Finance Minister
"Selain akuisisi jet Rafale, penandatangan kontrak enam unit tersebut juga sepaket dengan adanya dukungan latihan persenjataan dari Perancis."
(6 unit with weapon and training)
So it's not FFBNW afterall.
Yeah, Kompas got it wrong. CNBC one is more clearer.I see weapon training, not weapon. The news doesnt say about when the plane start coming and for TOT I believe it is maintenance TOT for PT NTP.
3 squadron worth of 14 aircraft?
36 is still MOU/LOI.42 I believe is still MOU/LOI, what is real is the effective contract for 6 planes
36 is still MOU/LOI.
Judging from Prabowo's word and Parly's tweet, we can expect another contract coming soon(ish).
Why tho ? The budget for MEF 3 is not even here yet.I dont expect it to come soon as it is related to Planning Minister and Finance Minister. Even another order is still a question mark, but I expect it will likely to complete into 16 planes so another 10 planes order but could happen in next administration after all planes are arrive and we are satisfied with the order and all OFSET and TOT are given as promise.
Both Prabowo and Parly just want to get political score on the event. Parly will not want to say it just for 6 planes for France public and media.
We will see in April as AH has stated, but I dont expect there is another order before all planes arrive in Indonesia, just like how previous history of our military acquisition tells.
Why tho ? The budget for MEF 3 is not even here yet.
Those 6 rafale is using MEF 2 budget from SU-35 right ?
Isn't that mean that the budget that supposedly for MEF 3 has not even been use yet ?