Indonesia Indonesian Air Force, Tentara Nasional Indonesia-Angkatan Udara (TNI-AU)


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Why they are going to buy overpriced US UAVs, TR has all types of cheap drone fulfilling every role.
Because US UAV works well here and we train a lot with US these days.


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Why they are going to buy overpriced US UAVs, TR has all types of cheap drone fulfilling every role.

Political and could be that we already operate scan eagle donated by the U.S and seems the user are satisfied and could be adding more.

I'm not betting any MALE/HALE drones from the US.


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Politics, we need American political gesture to balance the Chinese in ASPAC
Because US UAV works well here and we train a lot with US navy.
Yes, I can understand that.. not economics, neither technical but for politics and getting support of US. Understandable, even though the US also needs you against China. China and Russia are the biggest threats for world peace.


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Cost, not operational restrictions is imo the biggest barrier. I'm a big fan of U.S drones but they ain't come cheap.
Yeah. We could go shopping to Turkey for MALE, but HALE?
We don't have much choice.

Edit: turn out Akinci is HALE, my bad.


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Can kizielma act like loyal wingman?
I don't know, the other thread they talked that Kizillema is a fighter jet on its own which I turns into a heated debate.

Anyways, there's much more drones can do and realistically do other than being loyal wingmen to help as force multiplier for us. Loyal wingmen equipped TNI-AU looks to be very distant dream atm.


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Wamenhan M. Herindra Menerima Deputy Minister for Advanced Capabilities Program DAPA, Tegaskan Komitmen RI Lanjutkan Program KF-X/IF-X
Selasa, 7 Februari 2023

Jakarta – Mewakili Menhan RI, Wakil Menteri Pertahanan (Wamenhan) M. Herindra menerima Deputy Minister for Advanced Capabilities Program, Defense Acquisition Program Administration (DAPA) Mr. Han, Kyoung-ho, beserta delegasi DAPA di Kemhan, Jakarta, Selasa (7/2), dan membahas Program Pengembangan Pesawat Tempur KF-X/IF-X.

Wamenhan menegaskan, bahwa pihak RI memiliki komitmen yang besar untuk melanjutkan program KF-X/IF-X, mengingat hal ini merupakan program strategis guna menguasai teknologi tinggi di bidang industri pertahanan. Bukti komitmen Pemerintah RI itu, sudah ditindaklanjuti diantaranya dengan telah dilakukannya pembayaran Cost Share pada Tahun 2022 dan mengirimkan Engineer PTDI serta Pilot Test secara bertahap.

“Sejak arahan Menhan terkait kelanjutan Program KF-X/IF-X, Kemhan telah melaksanakan koordinasi dengan kementerian terkait agar program berjalan sesuai harapan Presiden RI, yang diantaranya melakukan negosiasi ke-6 yang menghasilkan Joint Agreement (JA) pada 11 November 2021 dan telah dikirimkan 37 Engineer PTDI serta 2 Pilot Test RI untuk mengikuti partisipasi di KAI Korsel”, ungkap Wamenhan M. Herindra.

Pemerintah RI mendukung pembentukan kembali Joint Program Management Office (JPMO) demi tercapainya tujuan program kedua belah pihak. Program pengembangan bersama pesawat tempur KF-X/IF-X antara RI dan ROK dimulai dengan ditandatanganinya Letter of Intent (LoI) pada 6 Maret 2009. Dimana pihak RI diwakili oleh Kementerian Pertahanan RI (Sekjen Kemhan) dan pihak ROK diwakili oleh Defence Acquisition Program Administration (Commissioner of DAPA). Sedangkan tujuan program tersebut, Wamenhan menambahkan, adalah untuk mewujudkan kemampuan Bangsa Indonesia dalam penguasaan teknologi pesawat tempur (Perpres 136/2014), dengan target capaian dapat memproduksi secara terbatas komponen (wing,tail dan pylon) KF-X/IF-X, kemudian dapat melakukan final assembly, uji terbang maupun re-sertifikasi IF-X, juga dapat melaksanakan operasional serta pemeliharaan pesawat IF-X dan melakukan modifikasi atau upgrade pesawat IF-X.

Saat pertemuan, Wamenhan RI didampingi oleh Sekjen Kemhan, Dirjen Strahan, Kabalitbang, Kabaranahan, Dirtekindhan, Dirut PT DI, dan Katimlak KKIP. Sementara dari pihak DAPA, turut hadir adalah DAPA Director General for KF-21 Program Group, Mr. Noh, Jiman; DAPA KF-21 Coordination and Contract Team Leader Jeon, Namhee; Deputy Director in KF-21 Coordination and Contract Team, DAPA Mr. Heo, Kwangbum; KAI, Director and Head / Aircraft Program Management Department, Mr. Jeong Minjae; serta Athan Korsel di Jakarta, Captain Navy LEE Judeok. (Biro Humas Setjen Kemhan)

English translate from google

Deputy Minister of Defense M. Herindra Receives Deputy Minister for Advanced Capabilities DAPA Program, Affirms RI's Commitment to Continue the KF-X/IF-X Program
Tuesday, 7 February 2023

Jakarta – Representing the Minister of Defense of the Republic of Indonesia, Deputy Minister of Defense (Wamenhan) M. Herindra received the Deputy Minister for Advanced Capabilities Program, Defense Acquisition Program Administration (DAPA) Mr. Han, Kyoung-ho, along with the DAPA delegation at the Ministry of Defense, Jakarta, Tuesday (7/2), and discussed the KF-X/IF-X Combat Aircraft Development Program.

The Deputy Minister of Defense emphasized that the Republic of Indonesia has a big commitment to continuing the KF-X / IF-X program, considering this is a strategic program to master high technology in the defense industry. Evidence of the Indonesian Government's commitment has been followed up, including by paying Cost Share in 2022 and sending PTDI Engineers and Pilot Tests in stages.

"Since the Minister of Defense's directive regarding the continuation of the KF-X/IF-X Program, the Ministry of Defense has coordinated with relevant ministries so that the program runs according to the expectations of the President of the Republic of Indonesia, which includes conducting the 6th negotiation which resulted in a Joint Agreement (JA) on 11 November 2021 and has sent 37 PTDI Engineers and 2 RI Test Pilots to participate in the South Korean KAI," said Deputy Minister of Defense M. Herindra.

The Government of Indonesia supports the re-establishment of the Joint Program Management Office (JPMO) in order to achieve the program objectives of both parties. The joint development program for the KF-X/IF-X fighter aircraft between RI and ROK began withegan with the signing of a Letter of Intent (LoI) on March 6, 2009. Where the Republic of Indonesia was represented by the Indonesian Ministry of Defense (Secretary General of the Ministry of Defense) and the ROK was represented by the Defense Acquisition Program Administration (Commissioner of DAPA). While the aim of the program, the Deputy Minister of Defense added, was to realize the ability of the Indonesian people in mastering fighter aircraft technology (Perpres 136/2014), with the achievement target being able to produce limited components (wing, tail and pylon) KF-X/IF-X, then can carry out final assembly, flight test and re-certification of IF-X, can also carry out operations and maintenance of IF-X aircraft and modify or upgrade IF-X aircraft.

During the meeting, the Deputy Minister of Defense of the Republic of Indonesia was accompanied by the Secretary General of the Ministry of Defense, Director General of Strahan, Kabalitbang, Kabaranahan, Dirtekindhan, President Director of PT DI, and Katimlak KKIP. Meanwhile from DAPA, also attending was DAPA Director General for KF-21 Program Group, Mr. Oh, Jiman; DAPA KF-21 Coordination and Contract Team Leader Jeon, Namhee; Deputy Director in KF-21 Coordination and Contract Team, DAPA Mr. Hey, Kwangbum; KAI, Director and Head / Aircraft Program Management Department, Mr. Jung Minjae; and Athan South Korea in Jakarta, Captain Navy LEE Judeok. (Bureau of Public Relations of the Secretariat General of the Ministry of Defense)



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with the achievement target being able to produce limited components (wing, tail and pylon) KF-X/IF-X, then can carry out final assembly, flight test and re-certification of IF-X, can also carry out operations and maintenance of IF-X aircraft and modify or upgrade IF-X aircraft.
Most important part, will we get them?

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