"Jadi saya tegaskan kembali berbagai berita yang disampaikan sudah ditemukan 21 jam itu sebenarnya belum bisa digunakan sebagai dasar. Oleh karena itu saya berharap kepada rekan-rekan media untuk tidak membuat analisa, tidak memberitakan yang mungkin belum dipastikan kebenarannya sehingga memberikan ketenangan kepada masyarakat khususnya informasi ini," ujar Achmad Riad.
Radar searches have detected an object with 'high magnetism' up to 300ft below the surface, which have come from submarine, officials say.
One of the country's warships, the Riguel, is set to reach the area on Friday morning. It has a high-tech sonar system, which the navy hopes will help locate the missing submarine.
Either TNI AL is not good at giving explanation or the media can't listen properly (+ try to make longer article by adding their own analysis that is not good and try create as many content as possible, even for kompas they just only know that submarine is a warship).

Ada Isu Kapal Selam KRI Nanggala-402 Ditemukan, Ini Kata TNI
Simak penjelasan Kapuspen TNI Mayjen TNI Achmad Riad.

Radar searches have detected an object with 'high magnetism' up to 300ft below the surface, which have come from submarine, officials say.
One of the country's warships, the Riguel, is set to reach the area on Friday morning. It has a high-tech sonar system, which the navy hopes will help locate the missing submarine.

US aiding in desperate rescue mission to save Indonesian submariners
The United States is sending 'airborne assets' to assist with the search, which may only have hours left to find the crew members who are running out of oxygen.
Either TNI AL is not good at giving explanation or the media can't listen properly (+ try to make longer article by adding their own analysis that is not good and try create as many content as possible, even for kompas they just only know that submarine is a warship).