innalilahi, RIP for the fallen who died in service for their country and my deepest condolences for their friend and family.
now start the hardest phase of the operation, the search / recovery of the sub and remain of those sailor so that they can get proper burial.
and start putting pieces together to see what wrong so we can prevent it for happening again in the future.
While i wished for it too's time to move on and face the harsh reality . And the first step to solving problem is always to recognized it ...
And boy , we got tons of problems waiting for a resolvation in the pipelines
Compared to a materiel lost i grieve more on the experienced talent loss . We allready had so litle of them and today we get slashed by 53 of them ....
Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'un. May Allah grant them jannah.
And for every TNI personnel regardless wherever they are, may Allah always guide them.
A sea-fearer from eksisozluk, turkish social media, has uploaded image of kri 402 nanggala which they have last spotted and established radio comm 5 days ago.