Grants not purchases .kemhan could just force marine corps to ditch their AAV-7 Procurement plan and go with this instead.
hold on, correct me if im wrong but there was two different thing, there was the one plan that marine corps would receive from US EDA (those 20 unit with option up to 100 unit can be provided) but also a new purchasement directly from BAE Systems if remember correctly.Grants not purchases .
Please differentiate that , fellaz ...
41 Kapal Perang TNI AL Bakal Dimodernisasi Defend ID
Modernisasi 41 kapal perang TNI Angkatan Laut oleh PT PAL Indonesia menjadi salah satu bentuk kerja sama Kemenhan dan Defend
Noh dengerin.Hopefully you're right. I want my expectation to be betrayed.
Eniwei the important thing that also need to be planned carefully is what will PAL do in the future? Keep building foreign design or develop their own?
Is there any procurement Plan of AAV-7 for IMC ...?? As i recall there are no any such plan..enlighten me please...kemhan could just force marine corps to ditch their AAV-7 Procurement plan and go with this instead.
river flowsNoh dengerin.
Eniwei the important thing that also need to be planned carefully is what will PAL do in the future? Keep building foreign design or develop their own?
How many submarine does Indonesia need and will operate in the future? (OEF)
If we take a look at:
SK : they have KSS project separated into 3 phase. KSS-I (Type-209), KSS-II(Type-214), KSS-III.
India : Phase I - P-75, Phase I - P-75(I), Phase II.
India Launches its Sixth and Final Scorpene Submarine - Naval News
Indian shipbuilder Mazagon Dock Limited (MDL) today launched "Vagsheer", the final Scorpene type submarine for the Indian
Do we have any plan at all? Or just mengalir apa adanya mengikuti arus.
Hopefully well make new order 2+2
As far i know while chief of staf and the marines eager for a newer article . There is litle response from the MoD side ... While we never say no to a working freebies .hold on, correct me if im wrong but there was two different thing, there was the one plan that marine corps would receive from US EDA (those 20 unit with option up to 100 unit can be provided) but also a new purchasement directly from BAE Systems if remember correctly.
or it was whole of it were EDA ?
Perhaps it will take decades (and oc crazy amount of Rp Rp Rp) for us to develop dan prove our own ocean-going SSK designEniwei the important thing that also need to be planned carefully is what will PAL do in the future? Keep building foreign design or develop their own?
How many submarine does Indonesia need and will operate in the future? (OEF)
If we take a look at:
SK : they have KSS project separated into 3 phase. KSS-I (Type-209), KSS-II(Type-214), KSS-III.
India : Phase I - P-75, Phase I - P-75(I), Phase II.
India Launches its Sixth and Final Scorpene Submarine - Naval News
Indian shipbuilder Mazagon Dock Limited (MDL) today launched "Vagsheer", the final Scorpene type submarine for the Indian
Do we have any plan at all? Or just mengalir apa adanya mengikuti arus.
Lol, this drawing is older than Zaha. It's been around since 2013/2014 IIRC.
What is that? Different from Zaha, more similar to LVTP-7![]()
there was rumour in the past that due to BT-3F procurement being uncertain, there was an option to add more AAV-7 though that time it was unclear whether it was second hand unit or new fresh AAV-7.Is there any procurement Plan of AAV-7 for IMC ...?? As i recall there are no any such plan..enlighten me please..."Dalam kesempatan ini, Presiden Jokowi juga meluncurkan Kapal Cepat Rudal (KCR 60M) yang digarap PT PAL Indonesia..."
Thank you for the advancethere was rumour in the past that due to BT-3F procurement being uncertain, there was an option to add more AAV-7 though that time it was unclear whether it was second hand unit or new fresh AAV-7.
after that marine corps meeting with andika revealed that there was an attempt from marine corps side to pursue EDA of USMC AAV-7 with first batch consisted of 20 units, and the US side insisted they may even provide those EDA AAV-7 up to 100 unit to our marine corps.
minutes 6:35 onwards.
we need those kind of platform to provide OTHT capability, P-8 may involved on directing and guiding the neptune missile to it's target.Sub sonic missile (and their equipment) isn't good enough apparently.