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RI Successfully Turns Palm Oil Waste Into Bulletproof Vests!




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This is bad, our international reputation is bad now, whatever reason, Violate the agreement is not acceptable in business even more in international diplomacy


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Lesson to learn: never hope you're going to win easily in a war if you depend on hand-over weapon and your enemy is a big supplier.

Actually when it comes to weapons sub component supply we don't need to research everything. many of the components could be sourced from abroad, and in war situation/sanctions we could set up an illicit supply ring getting the necessary components from the balck market or via smugglers. Russia likely source many of its electronics components like Chips from its illegal supply ring in UAE, Turkey etc and brought it back for their industrial use.

Looking at our RN-01-SS missile for example, we could source the engine from abroad with the many turbojet suppliers out there. It will save time instead of trying to reinvent the wheel. Iran's Shahed loitering drone for example uses Rotax engine from Austria, and its Model 358 loitering munitions use mini turbojets sourced from the Netherlands AMTJets.

I think there's a reason why our missile projects comes so slow, compared to other nations. From the look of it we decide to start from the ground up, instead of relying on ready components.


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Indonesia just like Britain and Japan has one biggest flaw, and i don't need to mention it why and what

Russia and Iran cant be an example they are continental country, Japan at the end of WW II is being blockaded severely and they cant even ship back their own troops aboard.


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day by day harimau started to showed their full protection/situational awareness package, those thing simply got more defensive sensor compared to our (even) leopard 2RI, no doubt they were rather pricey....

i wonder if the latest iteration will include milimeter wave Radar for protection purpose ....


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day by day harimau started to showed their full protection/situational awareness package, those thing simply got more defensive sensor compared to our (even) leopard 2RI, no doubt they were rather pricey....
Yet, I wonder why there is still no follow-up order from the army

Simply limited budget and/or still unsure about Harimau's performance/role?


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Yet, I wonder why there is still no follow-up order from the army

Simply limited budget and/or still unsure about Harimau's performance/role?
Unsure about Harimau performance/role, but still adamant to kept and continue to upgrade the less capable AMX-13 doing basically the same role....

Yeah, we know what the real reason here is all about.


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Unsure about Harimau performance/role, but still adamant to kept and continue to upgrade the less capable AMX-13 doing basically the same role....

Yeah, we know what the real reason here is all about.
Next Gov better press Army and DoD to buy more Harimau.

Mereka tak punya alasan buat menolak sebenarnya!


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Army want other lighter tank?
Booker? 🙃


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Army want other lighter tank?
Booker? 🙃

They don't have big budget, as mostly being invested toward intregrated Air defense system' and command control projects


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A bit late

ORPA Targetkan 3 Purwarupa untuk 2023​


Diterbitkan pada 29 Mei 2023
Bogor - Humas BRIN. Bagaimana kita bisa mengoptimalkan Kelompok Riset berbasis aktivitas riset? ada beberapa hal yang harus diberikan perhatian yang lebih. Setiap periset tidak harus masuk ke Kelompok Riset (KR) tertentu, bisa saja melakukan aktivitas mandiri tanpa harus bergabung ke dalam KR. Pembentukan dan keberadaan KR adalah instrumen alami untuk melihat potensi, dinamika topik, dinamika periset, dll di lingkungan PR dan OR. Hal ini diungkapkan Laksana Tri Handoko, Kepala Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional, disela acara pembukaan Pembahasan Program Riset Organisasi Riset Penerbangan dan Antariksa (ORPA), di Gedung Kusnoto, Bogor.
Program dan target kinerja di level OR dan PR tidak serta merta diturunkan ke periset dan atau Kelompok Riset. Pembentukan KR dapat dilakukan secara bottom-up sesuai dengan kebutuhan dari para PI / PJ yang memiliki topik riset dari berbagai sumber pendanaan maupun mandiri. KR ini merupakan kebutuhan dari para PI / PJ untuk mengeksekusi risetnya, Kepala PR dan OR memfasilitasi periset yang memiliki kreativitas yang bagus dibidangnya.
Dunia kreatif memerlukan reviu, sehingga OR-PR harus memperkuat kapasitas kompetensi bidang kepakaran periset dibidang terkait dan mempunyai jaringan. Agar dapat menilai secara subtansif di level proses diperlukan monev, yang bisa dalam bentuk pertemuan mingguan, untuk mengidentifkasi masalah.
Dalam rapat pembahasan tersebut, Kepala BRIN juga berharap semakin banyak peneliti di ORPA dapat melanjutkan studi ke jenjang lebih tinggi dengan senantiasa meningkatkan kapasitas sumber daya manusia (SDM) peneliti melalui berbagai skema, seperti Degree-by-Research BRIN.

Dalam kesempatan yang sama, Kepala ORPA BRIN, Robertus Heru Triharjanto, beserta jajarannya, memaparkan progres terkini aktivitas riset di lingkungan ORPA, yang membawahi 5 (lima) Pusat Riset, yaitu; Pusat Riset Teknologi Roket (PRTR), Pusat Riset Teknologi Satelit (PRTS), Pusat Riset Teknologi Penerbangan (PRTP), Pusat Riset Penginderaan Jauh (PRPJ) dan Pusat Riset Antariksa (PRA). Pada aktivitas riset Bidang Penerbangan dan Antariksa pada 2 Rumah Program ORPA 2023, dengan hasil diantaranya Purwarupa Inovasi Teknologi Penerbangan dan Purwarupa Inovasi Teknologi Antariksa. Dalam Rumah Program tersebut disetujui 79 judul Proposal Riset, yaitu 20 judul di PRA, 10 judul di PRTP, 9 judul di PRTR, 12 judul di Pusat Riset Teknologi Satelit, dan 28 di PRPJ.
Heru juga menyampaikan target kinerja ORPA tahun ini selain menghasilkan 1 target Purwarupa Komponen Pesawat Tanpa Awak, 1 target Purwarupa Komponen Pesawat Berawak, dan 1 target Purwarupa Komponen Satelit, juga akan menghasilkan minimum 150 publikasi ilmiah internasional, dan 60 kekayaan intelektual.

Di Program Riset Satelit, BRIN akan meluncurkan LAPAN-A4 tahun depan, yang akan diperkenalkan sebagai satelit pertama dari konstelasi Nusantara Earth Observation pertama (NEO-1), dengan spesifikasi 5 m resolution multispectral imager. Berbagai riset pengolahan data penginderaan jauh dan teknologi satelit akan dihasilkan dengan beroperasinya NEO-1, yang akan melibatkan periset di Organisasi Riset Kebumian dan Maritim (ORKM) dan Organisasi Riset Elektronika dan Informatika (OREI). Dengan asumsi seluruh proses peluncuran satelit lancar, maka data NEO-1 akan masuk di bank data penginderaan jauh nasional yang dikelola di Pusdatin pada akhir tahun 2024. Hingga tahun 2027, diharapkan akan lebih banyak komponen satelit mikro dapat dibuat di Indonesia, terutama dengan beroperasinya particle accelerator BRIN, yang dapat mensimulasikan berbagai gangguan lingkungan Antariksa pada komponen elektronik satelit.
Satelit kedua dari konstelasi atau NEO-2 direncanakan adalah satelit dengan spesifikasi 50 cm imager yang akan dibangun dengan skema KPBU. Untuk program tersebut, tahun ini dilakukan feasibility study oleh tim BPK bersama Bappenas dan Kemenkeu, dan diharapkan program dapat dimulai tahun 2024. ORPA akan menyiapkan tim periset yang akan terlibat dalam integrasi satelit di tempat mitra, dan menyiapkan berbagai software untuk standar koreksi dan pemanfaatan datanya, untuk siap digunakan tahun 2026. Tim yang terlibat dalam integrasi NEO-2, akan menjadi SDM yang akan membangun NEO-3 di Indonesia.
Lebih lanjut Heru menjelaskan tahun ini kebutuhan infrastruktur adalah upgrade stasiun Bumi di Rancabungur, Bogor. Tahun 2024 diperlukan stasiun Bumi baru untuk menggantikan stasiun Bumi di Rumpin, Bogor, yang habis masa operasinya. Stasiun baru tersebut akan dibangun di di Rancabungur, Bogor, yang akan menjadi pusat antena satelit BRIN di pulau Jawa.

Dalam program riset juga terdapat jadwal pengembangan konstelasi satelit NEI (Nusantara Equatorial IoT). Tahun 2023 masih dilakukan proses desain dari satelit NEI-1 dan user terminalnya. Diharapkan komponen satelit dapat dibuat tahun 2024-2025, sesuai dengan kondisi pendanaan dari BRIN dan mitra (moda join development). Pada periode yang sama pengembangan user terminal dijadwalkan sudah selesai. Dengan asumsi tahap tersebut dilalui dan mitra berinvestasi, satelit NEI-2 hingga 10 dapat dibangun dan diluncurkan pada tahun 2025-2029. Pengembangan NEI akan banyak menghasilkan komponen satelit lokal dan kekayaan intelektual yang menyertainya.
Heru menambahkan salah satu pengembangan metode data penginderaan jauh tahun ini adalah platform untuk perancangan dan monitor infrastruktur mitigasi banjir. Proyek yang dipimpin PUPR tersebut akan didanai dari pinjaman Asian Development Bank mulai tahun 2024. Selain itu, saat ini juga tengah dilakukan integrasi metode perhitungan sawah baku menggunakan penginderaan jauh yang dikembangkan PRPJ dengan data survei lapangan yang dilakukan BPS. Integrasi ini direncanakan selesai tahun depan dan menjadi platform baku untuk statistik produktivitas pangan Indonesia.

Hingga tahun 2029, akan dilakukan berbagai penelitian karakteristik spektrum penginderan jauh dari berbagai jenis obyek tanaman pangan dan industri, sehingga kelak bisa diciptakan platform baku penginderaan jauh untuk pemantauan kelapa sawit, mangrove, dll. Secara konsep, platform berbasis sains data yang multi-input dan multi-output dapat dibangun untuk menyatukan masing-masing aplikasi tersebut. Menanggapi hal tersebut, kepala BRIN menyarankan agar diusulkan RIIM khusus untuk platform penginderaan jauh ke DFRI. Sehingga BRIN dapat membuat Open Call untuk pengembanganya, yang melibatkan potensi nasional, termasuk perguruan tinggi dan PPBR.
Dalam bidang pengembangan teknologi kunci roket, ORPA pada tahun 2023-2024 akan mengembangkan propelan (bahan bakar roket) yang mempunyai energi lebih tinggi, tabung roket dari komposit, dan insulasi panas yang menggunakan bahan lokal. Pada tahun tersebut juga direncanakan akan ada pelatihan untuk calon pelatih (ToT) mengenai teknologi produksi motor roket padat dari PRTR ke industri pertahanan. Pada waktu yang sama dilakukan desain dan simulasi mengenai sistem kendali roket, sesuai dengan permintaan mitra untuk mengembangkan roket berdaya jangkau yang lebih jauh. Direncanakan tahun 2025 hingga 2027, desain tersebut akan diimplementasi di prototype RHAN450 yang dikembangkan oleh industri pertahanan.
Sementara itu untuk program riset teknologi kunci pesawat berawak dan tak berawak, tahun 2022 hingga 2024, bersama dengan periset Organisasi Riset Nanoteknologi dan Material (ORNM), dibangun data base komposit untuk aplikasi pesawat terbang, seperti float N219A, sayap dan badan UAV, yang akan dibangun bersama periset dari Organisasi Riset Energi dan Manufaktur (OREM). Direncanakan tahun 2025, teknologi float komposit N219A yang dikembangkan BRIN akan siap untuk diintegrasikan oleh PT. DI, sebagai certified aircraft manufacture. Untuk riset pesawat tanpa awak, riset teknologi kunci tahun 2023-2026 adalah pada subsistem autopilot, untuk pesawat tanpa awak ukuran 50 kg dan ukuran 200 kg, yang harus mengikuti peraturan keselamatan penerbangan yang berbeda. Riset pengembangan moda operasi pesawat tanpa awak untuk berbagai misi (pengamatan daerah bencana/gunung berapi, pemetaan, dan smart farming) juga tetap berlanjut, bekerjasama dengan mitra kementerian/lembaga dan swasta.
Terakhir, terkait dengan program riset sains Antariksa tahun 2023-2029, terbagi dalam topik Fenomena Matahari, Lingkungan Antariksa, dan Astronomi (Observatorium), dan sampah Antariksa (pengamatan benda jatuh). Teleskop di Observatorium Timau direncanakan beroperasi bulan Juli 2023, sehingga perencanaan penggunaan bagi periset BRIN maupun mitra tengah dilakukan. Fenomena Matahari, dan interaksinya dengan medan magnet Bumi, mempengaruhi cuaca, baik di dalam atmosfir dan diluar atmosfer, yang dikenal sebagai cuaca antariksa.
Fokus riset adalah pemodelan dengan berbagai skema machine learning, untuk bisa membuat prediksi atas cuaca yang mempengaruhi propagasi gelombang radio tersebut. Dengan semakin bergantungnya sistem navigasi pesawat pada satelit, maka prediksi cuaca Antariksa menjadi sangat penting untuk memitigasi gangguan pada transmisi radio tersebut.
Dengan semakin banyaknya jumlah satelit yang diluncurkan, maka penanganan sampah Antariksa menjadi isu yang penting untuk menjamin keberlangsungan penggunaan teknologi satekit. Dengan bekerjasama dengan berbagai badan Antariksa internasional, Indonesia dapat menjadi salah satu titik pengamatan bagi Space Situational Awareness tersebut.(sh/rht/edt. akb)


ORPA Targets 3 Prototypes for 2023

Bogor - PR BRIN. How can we optimize Research Groups based on research activities? there are some things that should be given more attention. Each researcher does not have to join a particular Research Group (KR), he can just carry out independent activities without having to join the KR. The formation and existence of KR is a natural instrument to see potential, topic dynamics, researcher dynamics, etc. in the PR and OR environment. This was disclosed by Laksana Tri Handoko, Head of the National Research and Innovation Agency, during the opening ceremony for the Discussion of the Aviation and Space Research Organization (ORPA) Research Program, at the Kusnoto Building, Bogor.

Programs and performance targets at the OR and PR levels are not necessarily handed down to researchers and/or Research Groups. The formation of KR can be carried out in a bottom-up manner in accordance with the needs of PIs / PJs who have research topics from various sources of funding or independently. This KR is a requirement for PIs / PJs to execute their research. The Head of PR and OR facilitates researchers who have good creativity in their fields.

The creative world needs a review, so OR-PR must strengthen the competence capacity of researchers in related fields and have a network. In order to be able to evaluate substantially at the process level, monitoring and evaluation is required, which can be in the form of weekly meetings, to identify problems.

During the discussion meeting, the Head of BRIN also hoped that more and more researchers at ORPA could continue their studies to a higher level by continuously increasing the capacity of human resources (HR) researchers through various schemes, such as the BRIN Degree-by-Research.

On the same occasion, the Head of ORPA BRIN, Robertus Heru Triharjanto, and his staff, explained the latest progress of research activities within ORPA, which oversees 5 (five) Research Centers, namely; Rocket Technology Research Center (PRTR), Satellite Technology Research Center (PRTS), Aviation Technology Research Center (PRTP), Remote Sensing Research Center (PRPJ) and Space Research Center (PRA). In research activities in the Aviation and Space Sector at 2 ORPA 2023 Program Houses, the results included Aviation Technology Innovation Prototypes and Space Technology Innovation Prototypes. Within the Program House, 79 Research Proposal titles were approved, namely 20 titles at PRA, 10 titles at PRTP, 9 titles at PRTR, 12 titles at the Satellite Technology Research Center, and 28 at PRPJ.

Heru also conveyed that ORPA's performance targets this year apart from producing 1 target Unmanned Aircraft Component Prototype, 1 target Prototype Manned Aircraft Component, and 1 target Prototype Satellite Component, will also produce a minimum of 150 international scientific publications, and 60 intellectual property.

In the Satellite Research Program, BRIN will launch LAPAN-A4 next year, which will be introduced as the first satellite of the first constellation of the Nusantara Earth Observation (NEO-1), with the specifications of a 5 m resolution multispectral imager. Various research on remote sensing data processing and satellite technology will result from the operation of NEO-1, which will involve researchers at the Earth and Maritime Research Organization (ORKM) and the Electronics and Informatics Research Organization (OREI). Assuming that the entire satellite launch process goes smoothly, the NEO-1 data will enter the national remote sensing data bank managed at Pusdatin by the end of 2024. Until 2027, it is hoped that more micro-satellite components can be made in Indonesia, especially with the operation of the particle the BRIN accelerator, which can simulate various disturbances in the space environment on satellite electronic components.

The second satellite from the constellation or NEO-2 is planned to be a satellite with a 50 cm imager specification which will be built under the PPP scheme. For this program, a feasibility study was carried out by the BPK team together with Bappenas and the Ministry of Finance this year, and it is hoped that the program will begin in 2024. ORPA will prepare a team of researchers who will be involved in satellite integration at partner sites, and prepare various software for standard correction and data utilization. , to be ready for use in 2026. The team involved in the integration of NEO-2, will become the human resources who will build NEO-3 in Indonesia.

Heru further explained that this year's infrastructure needs are upgrading the Earth station in Rancabungur, Bogor. In 2024 a new Earth station is needed to replace the Earth station in Rumpin, Bogor, which has expired. The new station will be built in Rancabungur, Bogor, which will become the center for the BRIN satellite antenna on the island of Java.

The research program also includes a development schedule for the NEI (Nusantara Equatorial IoT) satellite constellation. In 2023 the design process for the NEI-1 satellite and its user terminal will still be carried out. It is hoped that the satellite components can be made in 2024-2025, in accordance with the funding conditions of BRIN and partners (joint development mode). In the same period the development of the user terminal is scheduled to be completed. Assuming this stage is passed and partners invest, NEI-2 to 10 satellites can be built and launched in 2025-2029. NEI development will result in many local satellite components and accompanying intellectual property.

Heru added that one of the remote sensing data method developments this year is a platform for designing and monitoring flood mitigation infrastructure. The PUPR-led project will be funded from an Asian Development Bank loan starting in 2024. In addition, currently integration of the standard rice field calculation method using remote sensing developed by PRPJ is currently being carried out with field survey data conducted by BPS. This integration is planned to be completed next year and become the standard platform for statistics on Indonesia's food productivity.

Until 2029, various studies will be carried out on the characteristics of the remote sensing spectrum of various types of food and industrial plant objects, so that in the future a standard remote sensing platform can be created for monitoring oil palm, mangroves, etc. Conceptually, a multi-input, multi-output data science-based platform can be built to unify each of these applications. Responding to this, the Head of BRIN suggested that RIIM be proposed specifically for remote sensing platforms to DFRI. So that BRIN can make an Open Call for its development, which involves national potential, including universities and PPBR.

In the field of developing key rocket technologies, ORPA in 2023-2024 will develop propellant (rocket fuel) which has higher energy, composite rocket tubes, and heat insulation using local materials. In that year, it is also planned that there will be training for prospective trainers (ToT) on solid rocket motor production technology from PRTR to the defense industry. At the same time, the design and simulation of the rocket control system was carried out, according to the partner's request to develop a rocket with a longer range. Planned for 2025 to 2027, this design will be implemented in the RHAN450 prototype developed by the defense industry.

Meanwhile for the manned and unmanned aircraft key technology research program, from 2022 to 2024, together with researchers from the Nanotechnology and Materials Research Organization (ORNM), a composite data base for aircraft applications, such as float N219A, UAV wings and body, will be built. was built with researchers from the Energy and Manufacturing Research Organization (OREM). It is planned that in 2025, the N219A composite float technology developed by BRIN will be ready to be integrated by PT. DI, as a certified aircraft manufacture. For unmanned aircraft research, the key technological research for 2023-2026 will be on the autopilot subsystem, for 50 kg and 200 kg unmanned aircraft, which must comply with different aviation safety regulations. Research on the development of unmanned aircraft operating modes for various missions (observation of disaster/volcano areas, mapping, and smart farming) is also continuing, in collaboration with ministry/institutional and private partners.

Finally, related to the 2023-2029 Space science research program, divided into the topics of Solar Phenomenon, Space Environment, and Astronomy (Observatory), and Space debris (observation of falling objects). The telescope at the Timau Observatory is planned to operate in July 2023, so plans for use by BRIN researchers and partners are being carried out. Solar phenomena, and their interaction with the Earth's magnetic field, affect the weather, both within the atmosphere and outside the atmosphere, which is known as space weather.

The focus of research is modeling with various machine learning schemes, to be able to make predictions about the weather that affects the propagation of radio waves. With the increasing dependence of aircraft navigation systems on satellites, Space weather predictions are very important to mitigate interference with radio transmissions.

With the increasing number of satellites being launched, the handling of space waste is an important issue to ensure the continued use of satellite technology. By cooperating with various international space agencies, Indonesia can become one of the observation points for the Space Situational Awareness. (sh/rht/edt. akb)


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