I assume its the 18 units from the 1st batch, which 8 units readied from FNSS, and 10 being assembled (hull made by FNSS) in PindadIs this previous batch FNSS just send or new batch?
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I assume its the 18 units from the 1st batch, which 8 units readied from FNSS, and 10 being assembled (hull made by FNSS) in PindadIs this previous batch FNSS just send or new batch?
No, never, well maybe just is a facebook or somethingHave you seen video or photo of their facilities? It's on workshop aka bengkel level. Not really on the level of proper modern facilities like Honda, Toyota and other automotive companies have. They need to upgrade the whole facilities, more or less. The same with their ammunition factory.
FNSS Facilitywhat kind of facility that Pindad doesn't have yet to make it happen??
Karya anak bangsaI don't get why we renamed Pandur 2 as Pindad Cobra.
still dont get it, from your post i only see that FNSS is more "exclusive"FNSS Facility
View attachment 44560
Pindad facility
View attachment 44561
View attachment 44562
I don't get why we renamed Pandur 2 as Pindad Cobra. No major difference can be seen (at least outside). We don't seem to manufacture any parts for it (only assembling).
Tools and hardware which FNSS has but Pindad doesnt have.i dont see the difference in term of capability and other
modern supply chains, integrated procurement system, R & D sophisticated line bla bla bla blaTools and hardware which FNSS has but Pindad doesnt have.
still dont get it, from your post i only see that FNSS is more "exclusive"
i dont see the difference in term of capability and other
And keep in mind this is only scratching the tangible capability. Pindad certainly does not have manpower / SDM that would qualify to operate that facility, tools, hardware, and machinery. To train the SDM it will need more time.Tools and hardware which FNSS has but Pindad doesnt have.
Contract for joint production Indonesian MALE UCAV mission system
Rabu, 1 Juni 2022
Jakarta, 31/05 Pesawat Terbang Tanpa Awak (PTTA) jenis Medium Altitude Long Endurance (MALE) yang mampu terbang terus menerus 24 jam merupakan wahana yang diperlukan untuk menjaga kedaulatan NKRI dari udara. Pada tahun 2017 telah terbentuk perjanjian bersama berupa Konsorsium Pesawat Terbang Tanpa Awak (PTTA) Klas MALE dengan anggota yang terdiri dari Kementerian Pertahanan RI yaitu Ditjen Pothan Kemhan dan Balitbang Kemhan, Badan Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi (BPPT), TNI AU (Dislitbangau), Institut Teknologi Bandung/ITB (FTMD), LAPAN, BUMN yaitu PT Dirgantara Indonesia dan PT Len Industri.![]()
Pada hari Selasa (31/5/2022), Ditjen Pothan Kemhan yang diwakili Sesditjen Pothan Kemhan Laksma TNI Sri Yanto, S.T., dan PT. Len Industri (Persero) yang diwakili oleh Direktur Bisnis dan Kerjasama PT. Len Industri (Persero) Wahyu Sofiadi menandatangani Kontrak Program Joint Production PTTA Mission System Klas MALE TA. 2022. Program ini merupakan tahun ke-4 penguasaan teknologi Mission System PTTA Klas MALE sebagai bagian dari pengembangan PTTA MALE Elang Hitam dengan Scope of Work EH1-B Data Alignment, GCS Upgrade Design System dan On Board Test Bench for Proof of Concept (PTTA).
Dalam sambutannya Sesditjen Pothan Kemhan menyampaikan kepada PT. Len Industri (Persero) yang mendapatkan penugasan melalui program ini agar melaksanakan tugas tersebut sesuai dengan kesepakatan dalam Kontrak. Diharapkan dengan penguasaan teknologi Mission System PTTA MALE tersebut dapat mewujudkan kemandirian Industri Pertahanan dalam memproduksi PTTA MALE guna mengisi kebutuhan TNI AU dalam menjaga kedaulatan NKRI melalui udara. (Red Bagdatin-Dittekindhan)
Direktorat Jenderal Potensi Pertahanan Kemhan RI
No surprise here.No words yet regarding its first flight? *Sigh*
Hmm... That light MLRS, we can copy how Ukraine did it. https://www.indomiliter.com/di-tangan-ukraina-mitsubishi-strada-l200-4x4-jadi-self-propelled-mlrs/
How's this project going? https://www.indomiliter.com/peluncur-roket-70mm-dengan-sistem-mekatronik/
Ukraine did it pretty easily.
Do not underestimate the power of "kepepet".Survival is mother of invention