There was technology transfer request in the Sinop nuclear powerplant tender but the Japanese had to withdraw from the tender due to cost increases. Probably, similar demands will be made for Sinop in the negotiations to be held with Russia.
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if our public perception was our top foreign policy priority, this would be the map of our nation:Turkiye's public image always worsens, never goes to right direction...
Why would anyone want to become more dependent on Russia's outdated and old tech. Akkuyu will sell electricity 12 cents per kWh, it will be the most expensive electricity source in Turkiye, citizens will pay Russia for that crap which has a questionable reactor technology background.
You will not only become more depended to one of your regional rivals and get one more risky and expensive plant but also be aligned! with the number 1 villain in the world right now!
Turkiye's public image always worsens, never goes to right direction... then you blame west for seeing you as a threat. Keep courting with the bear until it bites you.
Why would anyone want to become more dependent on Russia's outdated and old tech. Akkuyu will sell electricity 12 cents per kWh, it will be the most expensive electricity source in Turkiye, citizens will pay Russia for that crap which has a questionable reactor technology background.
You will not only become more depended to one of your regional rivals and get one more risky and expensive plant but also be aligned! with the number 1 villain in the world right now!
Turkiye's public image always worsens, never goes to right direction... then you blame west for seeing you as a threat. Keep courting with the bear until it bites you.
only russian are prepared to sell and learn you the tech
Why would anyone want to become more dependent on Russia's outdated and old tech. Akkuyu will sell electricity 12 cents per kWh, it will be the most expensive electricity source in Turkiye, citizens will pay Russia for that crap which has a questionable reactor technology background.
You will not only become more depended to one of your regional rivals and get one more risky and expensive plant but also be aligned! with the number 1 villain in the world right now!
Turkiye's public image always worsens, never goes to right direction... then you blame west for seeing you as a threat. Keep courting with the bear until it bites you.
@Nilgiri reactor tech selling?
But Nuclear is not the only option and this way it is not energy independency. First project somewhat aimed to acquire knowledge, entry to Nuclear technology. But another one would be a clear mistake. Instead, local renewable resources should be maximised, and for base load, there would be other alternatives emerging. I am not against Nuclear but can't see logic behind getting more VVER type old crap with extremely high price. With same amount you can build Solar & Wind plus its storage, without depending on a Terrorist State.In the Akkuyu build-operate-transfer tender, 13 foreign companies purchased the paper and 6 of them returned. 5 out of 6 did not bid and sent a thank you message and only the Russians were the bidder in this tender and they took the lead.
Among the countries that want to work with Turkiye on nuclear technology, Russia and China are at the forefront. The rest do not even bid for some reason, so after the Japanese took a step back in the Sinop tender, Turkiye had to sit at the table with the willing party, Russians again.
Negotiations are being held with China for the third nuclear power plant as well.
Because this is how things work all over the world. Nothing is given in the first switchboard, it is given in the second and third.Tech transfer is not even included in the Akkuyu project.
if our public perception was our top foreign policy priority, this would be the map of our nation:
That 12 cents per kWh is absurd. Solar already cost less than 5 cents per kWh and is forecasted to cost 2 cents per kWh by 2030 but we will be leeched by the Russians for fifteen years and pay a premium 12cents/kWh. That is SIX times more than what the alternative will cost by the end of this decade. They have a contract for scr*wing us for fifteen years and we go ask for more. And in case you don't know under which legal frame and ownership structure this power plant is being built, google the term "YAP İŞLET, SAHİP OL". It's a scheme our "shrewd" politicians came up with. I'm sure Russian's are very proud of it but I am definitely not.
I don't how can people be so oblivious to the political climate they're living in. Europe, at the expense of their economical collapse, went overboard and sanctioned Russia to oblivion and didn't bow down to Russia's demands even though it will bite Europe in the ass. And in this circumstances, you, Turkey, whose majority of exports depends on EU, goes and poses with and makes deals with the "devil". How can you be so confident that these actions won't have consequences? Will they be more lenient with you than they're with themselves? Are these deals worth the risk? Do you know about this map?
It's called "European Customs Union". Can you image what will happen to Turkey's economy if it's removed from it?
According to the people in the forum, the Sinop Reactor has tech transfer as a must for the contract to be signedTech transfer is not even included in the Akkuyu project.