Indonesia Infrastructure Program and Progress


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Minister Pandjaitan inaugurates Yogyakarta Airport Railway services​

3 hours ago

Jakarta (ANTARA) - Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment, Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan, has inaugurated operations at the Yogyakarta International Airport's Railway on Friday.

Construction work on the project had begun in 2015. The project fell under the national strategic projects list and its investment is valued at 1.1 trillion Indonesian rupiahs.

"I would like to express my appreciation to the Minister of Transportation. Through the national strategic project, we built a railway infrastructure that needed a high amount of investment," Pandjaitan said at the virtual launch of operations on Friday.

In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, he also asked for airport railway services to be integrated with the government's PeduliLindungi application to ensure the safety and health of people using the services.

Meanwhile, Transportation Minister Budi Karya Sumadi said that the Yogyakarta Airport Railway project was among President Joko Widodo's visions that had been successfully manifested.

"This is one of the President's visions and missions that we must deliver. During this pandemic, we are still moving and we are still running this project," he remarked.

He said that the airport railway infrastructure development involved local residents through cash-intensive programs, so as to improve the community's economy.

The Minister of Transportation also proposed to build an additional station to attract potential airport train users, especially in the western part of the city, where tourist destinations and culinary centers are located.

Related news: Yogyakarta airport curbs operating hours to stem COVID-19 transmission
Related news: Yogyakarta airport train resumed operation

Reporter: Adimas RFP, Aria Cindyara
Editor: Suharto



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We have gained independence for decades yet Kalimantan only have toll road just now somehow.

Good job Jokowi.


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We have gained independence for decades yet Kalimantan only have toll road just now somehow.

Good job Jokowi.

Next should be railway system in Southern and Eastern Kalimantan


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Pekerja PT Jakarta Propertindo (Perseroda) (JakPro) melakukan pengujian metode 'stick roding' untuk memastikan pipa utilitas terhubung dengan baik di lokasi pembangunan Sarana Jaringan Utilitas Terpadu (SJUT) di Jalan Wolter Monginsidi, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta, Selasa (31/8/2021). Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta mempercepat penataan kabel udara yang semrawut dengan memindahkannya ke dalam tanah di 68 ruas jalan di Ibu Kota untuk mendukung estetika wilayah dan keamanan warga. ANTARA FOTO/Aditya Pradana Putra/wsj.


Pekerja PT Jakarta Propertindo (Perseroda) (JakPro) melakukan pengujian metode 'stick roding' untuk memastikan pipa utilitas terhubung dengan baik di lokasi pembangunan Sarana Jaringan Utilitas Terpadu (SJUT) di Jalan Wolter Monginsidi, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta, Selasa (31/8/2021). Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta mempercepat penataan kabel udara yang semrawut dengan memindahkannya ke dalam tanah di 68 ruas jalan di Ibu Kota untuk mendukung estetika wilayah dan keamanan warga. ANTARA FOTO/Aditya Pradana Putra/wsj.


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Refinery project to improve eastern Indonesia's economy: Hutama Karya​

23 hours ago

PT Hutama Karya (Persero) is pursuing the completion of the Joint Operation Project of Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) of the Development of the Open Access of PT Pertamina's Refinery Unit VII Kasim. (ANTARA/HO-Hutama Karya/uyu)

The open access development is a national strategic project which aims to maintain the supply and stock stability of crude oil.
Jakarta (ANTARA) - State-owned construction company PT Hutama Karya (Persero) is pursuing the completion of the joint operation project of engineering, procurement, and construction (EPC) of the development of the open access of Refinery Unit VII Kasim.

The refinery unit located in Seget sub-district, Sorong district, West Papua, belongs to state-owned oil and gas company PT Pertamina (Persero), with a contract value of Rp684 billion, an official informed.

"The open access development is a national strategic project which aims to maintain the supply and stock stability of crude oil, thus the fuel supply from the Refinery Unit VII Kasim to the Eastern regions of Indonesia -- Maluku, Papua, and West Papua – can be sustained," director of operations II at PT Hutama Karya (Persero), Ferry Febrianto, said in a written statement received here on Friday.

The scope of the company’s work in the project comprises all EPC phases of four oil tanks, with a capacity of 110 mega barrel each, a jetty with a capacity of 50 thousand dead weight tons along with supporting facilities, as well as a piping network, he informed.

However, there are several challenges the company is facing in finishing the project, Febrianto said.

“The main challenge is the remoteness of the construction site, which makes it difficult to get materials, tools, as well as 500 manpower needed for the project. However, by using the existing jetty closest to the site, the supply of the materials and tools has been facilitated,” he said.

The company is not only focusing on project development, but also on its corporate social responsibility towards the local community by improving the roads used by residents, PT Pertamina, as well as construction material transport providers, he informed.

Related news: UAE explores investment for Balikpapan refinery development

The project has also created job opportunities and absorbed the local workforce, and the company has launched a human capital program to optimize the potential of Papuan youth, he added.

PT Hutama Karya (Persero) is also "grateful" and always open for support from various parties to complete the project successfully, Febrianto said.

Meanwhile, in carrying out the work, the company is consistently implementing the zero-working accident and COVID-19 prevention protocols, he added. The company is ensuring that all employees involved in the project have been vaccinated against COVID-19, he informed.

The open access development project is being carried out with the use of floating roof technology in storage tanks to minimize evaporation output to maintain emission, in accordance with regulatory compliance, Febrianto said.

The company is optimistic that the development begun on January 22, 2021 can be completed on time and in accordance with the specifications and planned targets by the end of 2022, he added.

The project is expected to provide benefits and improve the economy of the people in the eastern regions of Indonesia, he said.

Related news: Oil refinery development will reduce imported fuel: President

Reporter: Aji Cakti, Uyu Liman
Editor: Suharto



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Petugas mengecek instalasi di area Kilang RU VI Balongan, Indramayu, Jawa Barat, Rabu (22/9/2021). PT Pertamina (Persero) melalui Subholding Refining & Petrochemical PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional (PT KPI) mencatatkan hingga September 2021, tahapan Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) RDMP Balongan Fase ke-1 telah mencapai 30,43 persen dari target 29,77 persen. ANTARA FOTO/Dedhez Anggara/aww.


Petugas mengecek instalasi di area Kilang RU VI Balongan, Indramayu, Jawa Barat, Rabu (22/9/2021). PT Pertamina (Persero) melalui Subholding Refining & Petrochemical PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional (PT KPI) mencatatkan hingga September 2021, tahapan Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) RDMP Balongan Fase ke-1 telah mencapai 30,43 persen dari target 29,77 persen. ANTARA FOTO/Dedhez Anggara/aww.


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Solo-YIA road expected to have positive economic impact: minister​

24th September 2021

The construction of the 96.57-km Solo-Yogyakarta-Yogyakarta International Airport (YIA) Kulon Progo Toll Road. (ANTARA/HO-Public Works and Public Housing Ministry/uyu)

It is hoped that the toll road can be one of the solutions to overcome heavy traffic at the region -- especially regarding the transport of commodities.
Jakarta (ANTARA) - Construction work has begun on the 96.57-km Solo-Yogyakarta-Yogyakarta International Airport (YIA) Kulon Progo Toll Road, which is expected to benefit the economy, Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Minister Basuki Hadimuljono has said.

The toll road – which will connect a number of vital areas -- will reduce logistics costs, increase Indonesia's competitiveness to attract investment, as well as accelerate the development of tourism destinations, Minister Basuki Hadimuljono said in a written statement received here on Friday.

"It is hoped that the toll road can be one of the solutions to overcome heavy traffic in the region -- especially regarding the transport of commodities," he added.

In addition, the project, which will connect Central Java and the Special Region of Yogyakarta, is expected to further facilitate economic connectivity in the industrial, goods, and service sectors as it will be linked to the Semarang-Solo section of the Trans Java Toll Road, Hadimuljono said.

It can also improve accessibility to tourist areas in the southern region of Java Island, for instance, the Borobudur Temple Super Priority Tourism Destination, he added.

Related news: Solo-Yogyakarta toll road construction to commence in November 2020

The construction of the Solo-Yogyakarta-YIA Kulon Progo Airport Toll Road comprises three sections and nine interchanges, he informed.

The first section, Kartosuro-Purwomartani, spans 42.37 km and its construction has currently reached 2.07-percent completion, the minister said.

The construction of the section is being carried out by state-owned construction company PT Adhi Karya (Persero) Tbk and is targeted to be completed in September 2022, he added.

Meanwhile, the 23.43-km Section II (Purwomartani-Gamping) and 30.77-km Section III (Gamping-Purworejo) are still in the preparation stage and will be completed in 2024, Hadimuljono said.

The toll road will be managed by toll road business entity PT Jogjasolo Marga Makmur, with an investment of Rp26.63 trillion and a concession period of 40 years, he added.

The completion of the Kartosuro-Purwomartani section, which will be connected to the Trans Java Semarang-Solo section, is expected to make a significant contribution to improving the economy of the people in the golden triangle area of Joglosemar (Yogyakarta-Solo-Semarang), the minister said.

Meanwhile, Sections II and III are expected to ease traffic movement around the Sleman-Yogyakarta-Wates and Purworejo region as well as create a multiplier effect for local economic growth, especially the tourism sector in Borobudur Temple, he added.

Related news: Construction of toll road in Yogyakarta being reviewed: Minister

Reporter: Aji Cakti, Uyu Liman
Editor: Suharto



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Are Indonesian railway should do major electrification programme toward their existing lines, that's including major routes connecting major Cities in Java and Sumatra? I believe there is pros and cons, but with increased daily rides among population especially with the increasing income and economy activities this move should be considered in near future

There is only 500 km of railway routes in Indonesia got electrification from the current around 6000 km track length, compared that with India in which had more than 48,000 km of their track length already being electrified from around 128,000 total track length they had. Indonesia should be more active to promote railway based economy along with the tollway to preserved the median usage of our tollway as heavy cargo lorries should be discourage and instead promote the use of railway cargo


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Two high profile highway crash within days!! (Edit: WITHIN IN A DAY!!!)
There are something wrong with highway design or how we drive.

These crash are pretty shocking to me personally. Moreover I'm building one of them right now. 😔


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There are something wrong with highway design or how we drive.
yeah sometime it could feel sleepy when u drive at highway, with fatigue, especially when there is no other vehicle on your ways.

But one of the accident: how could the driver made insta story while driving!!


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Two high profile highway crash within days!! (Edit: WITHIN IN A DAY!!!)
There are something wrong with highway design or how we drive.

These crash are pretty shocking to me personally. Moreover I'm building one of them right now. 😔

well, we are kinda new with these inter province highways, we need socialization of some kind to provide knowledge to drivers for non-stop long range driving since more than 5 hours of continuous driving (regardless of distance) without half an hour of rest is not recommended

with a higher speed (more than 120km/h) of driving the time it took for fatigue to strike the driver becomes much shorter than normal driving

so i guess since we cannot do anything with the highway quality, design and safety other than complaining to twitter and stuff, we need to give drivers knowledge regarding these new culture of roadtripping


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170 km long railway track is slated to being finished this year. This including Makassar Pare pare routes

In detail, priority program railway this year:
1. Route Krueng Geukueh di Aceh
2. Jalan Kereta Api Layang Medan-Binjai di Sumatera Utara
3. Double track Kiaracondong-Cicalengka segmen Gedebage-Haurpugur di Jawa Barat
4. Jalur ganda Bogor-Sukabumi di Jawa Barat
5. Jalan Kereta Api Layang Solo Balapan-Kadipiro tahap I
6. Elektrifikasi Kereta Api Solo Balapan- Solo Jebres di Jawa Tengah
7. Reaktivasi Semarang Tawang- Tanjung Mas di Jawa Tengah
8. Jalur ganda Mojokerto-Sepanjang di Jawa Timur
9. Jalan Kereta Api lintas Makassar-Parepare di Sulawesi Selatan


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Construction of Semarang-Demak toll road 80.63% complete​

16th May 2022

An aerial view of the under-construction Semarang-Demak toll road. (ANTARA/HO-BPJT PUPR Ministry/rst)

The construction is targeted to finish by the end of 2022
Jakarta (ANTARA) - The construction of the Semarang-Demak, Section 2, of the Sayung-Demak Toll Road has reached 80.63-percent completion, the Toll Road Regulatory Agency (BPJT) of the Public Works and Public Housing Ministry (PUPR) has said.

"The construction is targeted to finish by the end of 2022," BPJT said in an official statement here on Monday.

The Semarang-Demak Toll Road is expected to augment the connectivity of the toll road network and main arteries on the north side of Java. Coupled with the Semarang City Sea Wall facility, it will further support the new economic center in Central Java.

The toll road will also function as a tidal flood barrier and prevent flooding, which has been a problem in Semarang city.

The 27-km-long toll road has two sections: the 10.69-km Semarang/Kaligawe-Sayung section, which is being built by the government and is expected to be completed by 2024, and the 16.31-km Section 2 of the Sayung-Demak segment, which is being built by toll road business entity (BUJT) Semarang Demak Housing Development (PP).

Related news: PUPR Ministry revitalizes three TPA in East Java

The Semarang-Demak Toll Road will have two interchanges (SS), namely Sayung and Demak. The construction of the road will involve the use of domestic products such as PT WIKA's precast concrete.

The Semarang-Demak Toll Road will be integrated with a sea embankment and reinforced with 17 layers of bamboo mats.

In addition to the bamboo mat system, the soil will be strengthened by installing prefabricated vertical diverting material, or PVD, and carrying out loading using sea sand material taken using a trailing suction hopping dredger (TSHD).

In an effort to minimize the negative impact on the environment from the construction of the toll road, the PUPR Ministry is collaborating with the local government to prepare a mangrove land relocation program around the Semarang-Sayung section. There will be three mangrove relocation sites, covering a total area of 46 hectares.

Related news: Cash Labor-Intensive Program targets fund disbursal in remote areas

Efforts to preserve the mangrove area aim to maintain its function as a habitat for flora and fauna on the north coast of Java and protect the coastline, including reducing the risk of abrasion.

The mangroves' robust root system will also help form a natural barrier against storm surges and floods. River and land sediments are trapped by mangrove roots, thereby protecting coastal areas and slowing erosion.

Related news: PUPR Ministry readies sarhunta at Borobudur Temple ahead of Vesak Day

Related news: PUPR Ministry to apply green infrastructure concept at IKN Nusantara

Reporter: Aji Cakti, Resinta S
Editor: Fardah Assegaf



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KAI transports 4.39 million people during Eid​

14th May 2022

A view of a train station during the Eid period this year. At least 2,557,130 long-distance passengers and 1,830,904 local train passengers used KAI’s services during the 22 days of the Eid holiday period, or from April 22 to May 13, 2022. (ANTARA/HO-PT KAI)

Jakarta (ANTARA) - At least 4.39 million people utilized state railway firm PT Kereta Api Indonesia’s (PT KAI’s) services during the 22 days of the Eid al-Fitr period, or from April 22 to May 13, 2022.

"The high number of passengers during the 2022 Eid period is an outstanding achievement. The figure almost touches the achievement of passengers in 2019. Thus, we are optimistic about optimizing our services in 2022," president director of KAI, Didiek Hartantyo, said in a statement, which was accessed from here on Saturday.

The total 4.39 million train passengers consisted of 2,557,130 long-distance passengers, with occupancy reaching 95 percent of the provided seating capacity, and 1,830,904 local train passengers, he informed.

Hartantyo noted that the figure reached 139 percent of the target of 3.15 million passengers.

Meanwhile, the number of passengers during the 2022 Eid period was 64 percent of the 6.84 million passengers recorded during the 2019 Eid period, that is before the COVID-19 pandemic struck.

During the Eid period, KAI operated 4,714 long-distance trips, or an average of 214 trips per day, with 99 percent punctuality.

The reverse flow of the Eid homecoming exodus peaked on May 4, with the railway firm recording 283,736 passengers.

Meanwhile, most passengers picked the Jakarta-Yogyakarta, Jakarta-Purwokerto, Jakarta-Semarang, Jakarta-Bandung, Jakarta-Surabaya, and Bandung-Yogyakarta routes.

The president director Hartantyo emphasized that during the Eid period, KAI consistently implemented the COVID-19 health protocols set by the government.

"During the Eid period, as many as 840 (prospective) passengers were rejected for departure due to (their being) unvaccinated, sick, reactive, and not meeting the requirements," he expounded.

He attributed the smooth running of KAI trains during the Eid holiday period this year to the collaboration among all stakeholders who continued to improve rail travel safety.

"KAI will continue to enhance services so that trains can meet the community's needs in terms of mobility," he remarked.

Related news: Jakarta stations receive 32,894 travelers on day after Eid
Related news: Highest occupancy rate in trains recorded during Eid: PT KAI

Reporter: Adimas Raditya, Raka Adji
Editor: Suharto


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