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TransJakarta cooperates with British company to provide electric buses​

14th May 2022

President Director of PT Transportasi Jakarta Mochammad Yana Aditya (right) and Chief Planning Officer of Switch Mobility Ltd. Sarwant Singh (left) sign a cooperation Memorandum Of Understanding (MoU) on May 13, 2022. (ANTARA/HO-PT Transjakarta/uyu)

One of the important factors in achieving the target is to decarbonize the transportation sector.
Jakarta (ANTARA) - Region-owned transportation enterprises (BUMD) PT Transportasi Jakarta (TransJakarta) inked a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with British electric bus and manufacturer Switch Mobility Ltd. in London on Friday.

"It shows TransJakarta's commitment in providing electric buses as its future fleet," Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan noted in a statement.

Baswedan expects that through the agreement, TransJakarta will have wider access to various electric bus providers, both locally and internationally, especially those from the United Kingdom (UK).

"It considers that the technology, financing, and procurement model innovations in the UK are developing quite rapidly," he stated.

Meanwhile, President Director of TransJakarta Mochammad Yana Aditya expressed belief that the collaboration can support Indonesia to achieve net-zero emissions through the utilization of electric buses as a means of public transportation.

Aditya noted that the two parties were currently still in the exploration stage of the cooperation.

It is planned that the British enterprise will test its buses to run along the TransJakarta route in accordance with the testing and operational aspects of TransJakarta’s applicable Minimum Service Standards (SPM).

"We want to ensure that the customers’ demand for electric bus operations can be fulfilled optimally," the president director stated.

The test is expected to be conducted in the second quarter of 2023. If the trial runs well, then the transportation service will continue to officially operate under the collaboration.

Aditya stated that in accordance with the 2015 Paris Agreement, the government sets Indonesia’s Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) that targets to reduce carbon emissions by 29 percent through its own efforts and by 41 percent with foreign assistance by 2030f as well as to achieve net-zero emissions by 2060.

“One of the important factors in achieving the target is to decarbonize the transportation sector,” he affirmed.

His side expressed belief that the target can be realized on account of the fact that the entire conventional bus fleet of the company will be replaced by an electric one in 2030.
Related news: TransJakarta explores green bond issuance on London Stock Exchange
Related news: TransJakarta extends free tour bus services until May 11

Reporter: Ricky Prayoga, Uyu Liman
Editor: Suharto



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Trans Sulawesi railway between Parepare-Makassar already in limited run phase, people can trying Trans Sulawesi railway and for the test period will be free of charge

Uji coba kereta api di Sulawesi Selatan​

Minggu, 30 Oktober 2022 9:42 WIB

Rangkaian kereta api yang melayani jalur Makassar-Parepare di Sulawesi Selatan. (Kemenhub)

Dengan lebar jalur tersebut, kereta api di Sulawesi ini akan mampu melesat lebih cepat dan lebih nyaman daripada kereta api di Pulau Jawa,

Jakarta (ANTARA) - Direktorat Jenderal Perkeretaapian Kementerian Perhubungan (Kemenhub) melakukan uji coba pengoperasian terbatas jalur kereta api (KA) Makassar-Parepare di Sulawesi Selatan, mulai Sabtu (29/10).

"Masyarakat Kabupaten Barru dan Kabupaten Pangkep kini sudah dapat mencoba kereta api pertama di Sulawesi secara gratis selama masa uji coba pengoperasian terbatas," kata Plt Direktur Jenderal Perkeretaapian Zulmafendi dalam keterangannya yang diterima di Jakarta, Minggu.

Ia mengatakan, selama masa uji coba pengoperasian terbatas, KA Andalan Celebes dapat ditumpangi masyarakat untuk lintas Stasiun Garongkong hingga Stasiun Mangilu.

Sementara lintas sebaliknya Stasiun Mangilu menuju Stasiun Garongkong akan dilayani oleh KA Lontara.

Lebih lanjut Zulmafendi menyebutkan bahwa jalur KA kebanggaan Bumi Celebes ini merupakan salah satu jalur KA di Indonesia yang menggunakan lebar jalur rel standar (standard gauge) dengan lebar 1435 mm.

“Dengan lebar jalur tersebut, kereta api di Sulawesi ini akan mampu melesat lebih cepat dan lebih nyaman daripada kereta api di Pulau Jawa,” ujarnya.

Di samping itu, Zulmafendi juga menyebutkan bahwa jalur KA ini memiliki potensi wisata yang sangat tinggi.

Menurut dia, pemandangan indah di sepanjang jalur akan menjadi daya tarik wisata tersendiri.

“Belum lagi banyak kawasan wisata seperti Wisata Alam Anjungan Sumpang Binangoe, Wisata Alam Pantai Ujung Batoe, hingga Wisata Mangrove Dewi Biringkassi,” katanya.

Ia mengungkapkan, DJKA juga akan segera mengoperasikan Stasiun Rammang-Rammang yang sangat dekat dengan obyek wisata Geopark Rammang-Rammang, sehingga diharapkan kehadiran jalur KA ini dapat meningkatkan wisatawan di Sulawesi Selatan.

Di tahap awal uji coba pengoperasian terbatas, sepanjang 66 km jalur KA akan dilalui oleh kereta yang dapat diakses masyarakat melalui 7 stasiun.

Tujuh stasiun tersebut mencakup Stasiun Garongkong, Stasiun Barru, Stasiun Tanete Rilau, Stasiun Mandalle, Stasiun Ma’rang, Stasiun Labakkang, dan Stasiun Mangilu.

Zulmafendi menuturkan bahwa selama uji coba pengoperasian terbatas ini, masyarakat yang ingin mencoba naik KA Andalan Celebes maupun KA Lontara dapat langsung menuju stasiun-stasiun tersebut.

Sebagai informasi, uji coba operasi KA Andalan Celebes dan KA Lontara akan dilakukan masing-masing satu kali setiap hari dan berangkat pukul 10.18 WITA dari Stasiun Garongkong dan pukul 16.05 WITA dari Stasiun Mangilu.

Agar dapat mengikuti kegiatan uji coba terbatas, calon penumpang diharapkan dapat melaporkan data diri kepada petugas stasiun berupa nama, alamat, nomor telepon, dan kesan/pesan selama mengikuti kegiatan uji coba operasi.

“Semoga masyarakat dapat mencoba dan mengenal moda transportasi kereta api ini sehingga dapat menjadi kebanggaan warga Sulawesi,” tutup Zulmafendi.

Berita ini telah tayang di dengan judul: DJKA lakukan uji coba kereta api di Sulawesi Selatan

Pewarta: Adimas Raditya Fahky P
Editor : Abdul Hakim Muhiddin


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National Railway Infrastructure Plan

If the plan is complete our dream of using the trains as a means to transport military equipment might become reality, the only problem is because of our country's geography we will use a different railway gauge. For example, Java use a 1067 narrow gauge while Sulawesi use a 1435 standard gauge, places like Sumatera uses both types of gauges, should be noted that initially, the Dutch when they first made the railway uses both the 1435 and 1067 until the Japanese scuttle all 1435 gauge because their locks use 1067 standard gauge.












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National Railway Infrastructure Plan

If the plan is complete our dream of using the trains as a means to transport military equipment might become reality, the only problem is because of our country's geography we will use a different railway gauge. For example, Java use a 1067 narrow gauge while Sulawesi use a 1435 standard gauge, places like Sumatera uses both types of gauges, should be noted that initially, the Dutch when they first made the railway uses both the 1435 and 1067 until the Japanese scuttle all 1435 gauge because their locks use 1067 standard gauge.


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Land clearance issue is the biggest problem for such large scale projects, except in the sparsely populated islands. Bali, Madura would have high costs

But overall, railway system is much more convenient and easy to be built up on large scale compared to toll highway system

Btw, i hope all of Java railway system can be electrified and being integrated into region commuter railway system. You know there is a lot of small Cities in Java island and it would be more convenient for people to have commuter railway as travel option between such small Cities.


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Land clearance issue is the biggest problem for such large scale projects, except in the sparsely populated islands. Bali, Madura would have high costs

But overall, railway system is much more convenient and easy to be built up on large scale compared to toll highway system

Btw, i hope all of Java railway system can be electrified and being integrated into region commuter railway system. You know there is a lot of small Cities in Java island and it would be more convenient for people to have commuter railway as travel option between such small Cities.
We already had the plan to electrify the railway line in java in the 1980s, but I don't know why we don't do that.

But the good news is we restarted the electrification program but with different planning I assume.

7. Increasing the capacity of the rail network through
the electrification of the railway line includes:
Duri - Tangerang, Serpong – Maja – Rangkasbitung – Merak,
Manggarai– Jatinegara – Bekasi – Cikarang – Cikampek -
Cirebon, Padalarang – Bandung – Cicalengka. Cross
Kutoarjo – Jogjakarta – Solo, Cirebon – Semarang –
Surabaya and Urban Surabaya.


The plan is from 2011 which was revised back in 2018.

(This is not to mention the creation of some MRT/LRT lines that are still in the phase of academic studies which may be included in the 2023/2024 revised RIPNAS.)


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Yogya Bawen toll roads work is already started, the work would be finished by 2024


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Will our government sacrifice anything including defense spending for IKN ?


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State employees in new capital Nusantara to live in apartments​

3 hours ago

File - The construction site of new capital Nusantara in North Penajam Paser, East Kalimantan, January 14, 2023. (ANTARA/Aji Cakti)

Balikpapan, East Kalimantan (ANTARA) - State employees in the new capital Nusantara in East Kalimantan would live in apartments as their accommodation, according to the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing.

"We ensure that accommodations for all state apparatus (in Nusantara) would be in the form of an apartment," the ministry's New Capital Development Task Force Head, Danis Hidayat Sumadilaga, said here on Saturday.

He said that President Joko Widodo has instructed development of apartments funded through the government-private sector cooperation scheme (KBPU), with the state budget disbursed only to complement the rest of the budget.

The ministry has proposed the development of 47 apartment towers valued at Rp9.4 trillion, and a development task force has earmarked some locations in the new capital, he noted.

"At present, the Public Works and Public Housing Minister is preparing a proposal for some (apartment towers) to be built by the government through state budget funding," Sumadilaga said.

The official remarked that his ministry is awaiting the Finance Ministry's response regarding the budget scheme proposal.

Sumadilaga confirmed the ministry is processing four KBPU agreements with domestic and foreign investors to build apartment towers for state apparatus.

The three KBPUs that have received notices to proceed are with the Korea Land and Housing Corporation (23 towers), Chinese contractor CCFG (60 towers), and domestic developer Summarecon (6 towers), he said.

Samidilaga said with the issuance of the notice to proceed, the construction works could start by next June at the earliest.

"The faster the development starts, the better," he said.

Related news: Sepaku Semoi Dam 82% complete: PUPR Ministry
Related news: IKN Authority to follow up on LoIs from 11 Malaysian firms
Related news: Nusantara development on track: capital authority

Reporter: Aji Cakti, Nabil Ihsan
Editor: Anton Santoso


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State employees in new capital Nusantara to live in apartments​

3 hours ago

File - The construction site of new capital Nusantara in North Penajam Paser, East Kalimantan, January 14, 2023. (ANTARA/Aji Cakti)

Balikpapan, East Kalimantan (ANTARA) - State employees in the new capital Nusantara in East Kalimantan would live in apartments as their accommodation, according to the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing.

"We ensure that accommodations for all state apparatus (in Nusantara) would be in the form of an apartment," the ministry's New Capital Development Task Force Head, Danis Hidayat Sumadilaga, said here on Saturday.

He said that President Joko Widodo has instructed development of apartments funded through the government-private sector cooperation scheme (KBPU), with the state budget disbursed only to complement the rest of the budget.

The ministry has proposed the development of 47 apartment towers valued at Rp9.4 trillion, and a development task force has earmarked some locations in the new capital, he noted.

"At present, the Public Works and Public Housing Minister is preparing a proposal for some (apartment towers) to be built by the government through state budget funding," Sumadilaga said.

The official remarked that his ministry is awaiting the Finance Ministry's response regarding the budget scheme proposal.

Sumadilaga confirmed the ministry is processing four KBPU agreements with domestic and foreign investors to build apartment towers for state apparatus.

The three KBPUs that have received notices to proceed are with the Korea Land and Housing Corporation (23 towers), Chinese contractor CCFG (60 towers), and domestic developer Summarecon (6 towers), he said.

Samidilaga said with the issuance of the notice to proceed, the construction works could start by next June at the earliest.

"The faster the development starts, the better," he said.

Related news: Sepaku Semoi Dam 82% complete: PUPR Ministry
Related news: IKN Authority to follow up on LoIs from 11 Malaysian firms
Related news: Nusantara development on track: capital authority

Reporter: Aji Cakti, Nabil Ihsan
Editor: Anton Santoso
I bet higher employees won't bring their family to stay


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I bet higher employees won't bring their family to stay

my bet the project would be stalled after election just like an old phrase, hidup segan mati pun tak mau


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Government to reactivated Rangkasbitung - Pandeglang railway line for good.


The government is targeting the reactivation of the 18.7 kilometer Rangkasbitung-Pandeglang railway line by carrying out land acquisition to be carried out in 2023


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The Makassar New Port toll road is targeted to operate in June 2023


Aerial photo of the construction of the Makassar New Port toll road project in Makassar, South Sulawesi, Thursday (26/1/2023). The 3.2 kilometer long toll road project with an investment value of IDR 705 billion is targeted to operate in June 2023 to support the operations of the Makassar New Port. BETWEEN PHOTOS/Arnas Padda/aww.


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Bali's Danu Kerthi Dam to promote local economic growth: minister​

12 hours ago

President Joko Widodo (right) and Public Works and Public Housing Minister Basuki Hadimuljono (center) inspected and inaugurated Danu Kerthi Dam in Buleleng district, Bali, on Thursday (February 2, 2023). (ANTARA/HO-Kementerian PUPR)

Danu Kerthi also has potential of raw water, energy, flood control, and tourism, which will boost the local economy
Jakarta (ANTARA) - Public Works and Public Housing Minister Basuki Hadimuljono has said that Danu Kerthi Dam in Buleleng, Bali, will supply water, control flooding, and also contribute to the growth of the local economy.

"Danu Kerthi also has potential of raw water, energy, flood control, and tourism, which will boost the local economy," the minister said in a statement received here on Thursday.

He accompanied President Joko Widodo to the inauguration of the dam in Buleleng District, Bali Province.

Hadimuljono listed the benefits of the dam, such as reducing floods by 156.86 cubic meters per second, providing 510 liters per second of raw water, and increasing electricity reserves by 0.54 MW. It also has a conservation area and the potential for becoming a new tourism destination in northern Bali.

Meanwhile, Director General of Water Resources at the ministry Jarot Widyoko said that one unique thing that separated the dam from others was that it was the first dam whose core was built with asphalt technology.

"This technology can be an example for the construction of other dams in Indonesia because it is cheaper and more stable (flexible). This is the 36th dam of a total of 61 dams that have been built. We expect that this innovation will be more affordable later on," he added.

Danu Kerthi Dam is a Zonal Core Erect dam measuring 260 meters in length with a peak height of 70 meters. It has a horseshoe-type tunnel with a diameter of 4.50 meters and a length of 3.55 meters. The dam was built in 2018 with PT Pembangunan Perumahan (PP) - PT. Adijaya (KSO) as the contractor. The project cost Rp820.8 billion.

During the dam’s inauguration, President Widodo informed that Danu Kerthi Dam has a capacity of 5.1 million cubic meters and covers approximately 29.8 hectares of inundation area, which would irrigate 588 hectares of rice fields.

"So this dam is used for irrigating rice fields and to reduce flooding," the head of state remarked.

On the same occasion, the Governor of Bali, I Wayan Koster, explained that initially, the dam was called Tamblang Dam. However, he asked President Widodo to inaugurate the dam with a name that resonates with local wisdom, hence the new name, Danu Kerthi, was chosen.

"We request the President to inaugurate the dam, which was originally called the Tamblang Dam, we ask to adopt local wisdom, with the proposed name of the Danu Kerthi Buleleng Dam. Danu means a source of water, Kerthi is to purify and glorify springs," he elaborated.

Related news: Jokowi inaugurates Danu Kerti Dam in Buleleng, Bali
Related news: PUPR Ministry prepares flood control embankment in Manado
Related news: PUPR Ministry looking to complete 13 dams this year

Reporter: Indra A P, Mecca Yumna
Editor: Sri Haryati

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