Indonesia Infrastructure Program and Progress


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The biggest grain import is wheat, as wheat is very much has many usage in Indonesia food and beverage industry, especially bread and noodle

Oh yep you are right haha. OEC has that listed under "vegetable products"

If we combine foodstuffs + vegetable products + animal products

Indonesia total export comes to: 9 + 3 + 4 = 16 billion

total import comes to: 8 + 7 + 3 = 18 billion

So about trade deficit of about 2 billion if we define sector this broader way.

Wheat, soybeans and rice are about 2.3, 1 and 1 billion respectively (import). Bovine meat (beef) frozen or live is about 1 billion too (import). I guess along with the other things I mentioned earlier these are the largest agro imports overall for Indonesia to evaluate.

I leave out "veg/animal byproducts" given I dont see its utility to food+fisheries per se as in this case its heavily pushed by palm oil export of Indonesia (25 billion USD) and near negligible import on it (0.4 billion).


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Yah because at OEC:

The foodstuffs (in 2018) was about 9 billion export and 8 billion import.

More or less I would say Indonesia is self sufficient from a trade standpoint.

I would say its sovereign nation in food already. (I think I understand what you mean here).

The 8 billion import demand (soybean meal, raw sugar, tobacco are biggest 3) can be looked at somewhat for competitiveness within Indonesia, but there is balance here as you have to look at input costs (land, water, fertilizer, labour etc) etc and tradeoffs for these items i.e it may just be better to import those and focus on competitiveness elsewhere (both agro and non agro).

It is for example why I absolutely hate India for producing and exporting so much sugar it does (by promoting and keeping so much subsidy for various farmer lobby reasons), we are not pricing in our water fairly for example (And many other opportunity costs like growing something more valuable or nutritious protein etc using less inputs).

It is having other costs outside of the rupee/dollar value realm.

A country like Brazil on other hand has huge surplus water and land compared to us, we really ought to just export less sugar, or even zero and even import sugar from more comeptitive countries for it.

I feel Indonesia must also judge all such things fairly for itself too, to get the best value added and competitiveness it can.

Exporting more and importing less is not always exporting better and importing better. It depends very heavily what you are pricing in and pricing out in first place.

That is right, but I think sovereign in food sector that our economist/leaders want is to be sufficient in essential food like rice, corn (for chicken breeding), sugar (dont know how I can live without drinking tea or coffee he he), soybean (some sort of cheap protein that is needed and widely consumed in the country), etc

We need to be self sufficient in the time of crisis like war (getting sea blockade from powerful nation), pandemic (Do you still remember in the beginning of 2020 where Vietnam ban their export rice ??? luckily Singapore/Maaysia/Philippine can still import from India), or maybe another war in foreign countries that disrupt agricultural commodities/food supply.

Rice, Tempe, chily sauce is largely consumed in developing country like Indonesia


or Tahu (tofu) and rice +soy sauce+chilly


And dont forget that we also still have large land in Kalimantan and Papua that can be used for agricultural industry. That islands are not competitive enough for manufacturing due to very low density population.

Kalimantan island (Borneo)

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Oh yep you are right haha. OEC has that listed under "vegetable products"

If we combine foodstuffs + vegetable products + animal products

Indonesia total export comes to: 9 + 3 + 4 = 16 billion

total import comes to: 8 + 7 + 3 = 18 billion

So about trade deficit of about 2 billion if we define sector this broader way.

Wheat, soybeans and rice are about 2.3, 1 and 1 billion respectively (import). Bovine meat (beef) frozen or live is about 1 billion too (import). I guess along with the other things I mentioned earlier these are the largest agro imports overall for Indonesia to evaluate.

I leave out "veg/animal byproducts" given I dont see its utility to food+fisheries per se as in this case its heavily pushed by palm oil export of Indonesia (25 billion USD) and near negligible import on it (0.4 billion).

I would rather put Indonesia agriculture industry to focused on our strength and dominate the market signicantly compared to only put here and there. Palm oil, Rice and sugarcane should be priority followed by corn, potato and cassava. We can't compete against US, Brazil and China for soybean and corn products. Better to open our market for their products to push the prices low and increasing our chicken farm industry competitiveness.


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The irony is, I work at one of the NAP in Indonesia but cant enjoy our own service due to my neighbourhood not on a viably commercial area there goes my 50 % discount.
I know exactly how it feels. How long would you think your neighbourhood will be commercially viable? How many minimum subscriptions to make it viable?

My internet subscription as follow

- First Media 60 mbps (470 k)
- telkomsel Halo ( 200 k)
- telkomsel simpati (140 k)
Why having 2 Telkomsel subscription rather than 2 different networks for redundancy?


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I know exactly how it feels. How long would you think your neighbourhood will be commercially viable? How many minimum subscriptions to make it viable?

Why having 2 Telkomsel subscription rather than 2 different networks for redundancy?
The number of customer is there, but the area is to congested by competitor that made the company deem it not feasible to build new line, for a few our own ISP partner already build their own local FO line in the area. So we just handle the netlink from our end to theirs.

Because one of it is my old number from highschool n widely used for family n friend.

The other one is company issued phone n number, so no choice there, company choose Telkomsel as well.


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And dont forget that we also still have large land in Kalimantan and Papua that can be used for agricultural industry. That islands are not competitive enough for manufacturing due to very low density population.

Yah its true. Though INA will have to balance with environmental protection etc and also eco-tourism potential....given what is involved converting land to farming use (Brazil is finding out lot of areas it has over-expanded) and given INA pristine heritage for this.

I feel INA has not developed its eco-tourism anywhere close to full potential. This can be a really good sector for the economy going forward and provide good jobs too.

I would rather put Indonesia agriculture industry to focused on our strength and dominate the market signicantly compared to only put here and there. Palm oil, Rice and sugarcane should be priority followed by corn, potato and cassava. We can't compete against US, Brazil and China for soybean and corn products. Better to open our market for their products to push the prices low and increasing our chicken farm industry competitiveness.

Yup exactly. That's what value addition focus is really about.

Ayam Bakar? Sedap sedap!


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Cair! ADHI Dapat Rp 1,6 T dari Proyek LRT & Tol Banda Aceh​

tahir saleh, CNBC Indonesia

04 January 2021 17:15
LRT Jabodebek. (Dok: PT KAI)

Foto: LRT Jabodebek. (Dok: PT KAI)
Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia - Emiten konstruksi BUMN, PT Adhi Karya Tbk (ADHI) menerima pembayaran ketujuh untuk proyek LRT Jabodebek Tahap I dan pembayaran kedua untuk proyek Jalan Tol Banda Aceh-Sigli dengan nilai total Rp 1,6 triliun.
Secara rinci, pada 30 Desember 2020, ADHI telah menerima realisasi pembayaran ketujuh untuk pekerjaan proyek LRT Jabodebek Fase I senilai Rp 1,1 triliun (termasuk pajak) dari Pemerintah melalui PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero).
"Pembayaran ini dilakukan berdasarkan progres pekerjaan dari bulan Januari 2020 sampai dengan Juni 2020. Secara keseluruhan ADHI telah menerima pembayaran atas pembangunan prasarana LRT Jabodebek senilai Rp 13,3 triliun (termasuk pajak)," tulis manajemen ADHI, dalam keterbukaan informasi BEI, Senin (4/1/2021).

Sampai dengan 11 Desember 2020, progres pelaksanaan pembangunan prasarana LRT Jabodebek Tahap I telah mencapai 80,7%.
Rincian progres pada setiap lintas pelayanannya sebagai berikut:
  • Lintas Pelayanan 1 - Cawang - Cibubur : 92,6%
  • Lintas Pelayanan 2 - Cawang - Kuningan - Dukuh Atas : 77,7%
  • Lintas Pelayanan 3 - Cawang - Bekasi Timur : 88,9%
  • Depo: 33,2%
Selain itu, pada tanggal yang sama, 30 Desember 2020, ADHI juga menerima realisasi pembayaran kedua untuk pekerjaan proyek Jalan Tol Banda Aceh-Sigli senilai Rp 0,5 triliun atau Rp 500 miliar (termasuk pajak) dari PT Hutama Karya (Persero).
Secara keseluruhan ADHI telah menerima pembayaran atas pembangunan Jalan Tol Banda Aceh-Sigli senilai Rp 2,0 triliun (termasuk pajak).
Sampai dengan 25 November 2020, progres pelaksanaan pembangunan Jalan Tol Banda Aceh- Sigli telah mencapai 61,9%.
Rincian progres pada setiap seksi sebagai berikut:
  • Seksi 1 (Panjang 26,5 KM): 30,3%
  • Seksi 2 (Panjang 8,6 KM): 62,3%
  • Seksi 3 (Panjang 13,6 KM): 99,3%
  • Seksi 4 (Panjang 14,0 KM): 100,0%
  • Seksi 5 (Panjang 7,6 KM): 24,2%
  • Seksi 6 (Panjang 3,9 KM): 47,6%

Tahun ini, ADHI optimistis perolehan kontrak baru akan tumbuh di kisaran 15-20%. Hal ini, didorong dengan masih besarnya alokasi anggaran pemerintah untuk pembiayaan infrastruktur di tahun depan mencapai Rp 414 triliun, anggaran untuk infrastruktur tersebut naik 47%.
Direktur Utama Adhi Karya, Enthus Asnawi mengatakan, ekonomi tahun depan diperkirakan akan pulih seiring dengan adanya kejelasakan mengenai vaksinasi untuk mengendalikan pandemi Covid019.
"Prediksi kami tahun depan itu, program PEN [Pemulihan Ekonomi Nasional] dari pemerintah jalan terus, budjet infra juga besar. Saya kira, kita optimis bisa tumbuh," kata Enthus, dalam paparan publik secara daring, Selasa (15/12/2020).
Mengacu materi paparan publik yang disampaikan ADHI, perolehan kontrak baru sampai dengan November 2020 sudah mencapai Rp 17,3 triliun. Hampir 95% proyek tersebut adalah dari proyek konstruksi dan energi, 5 % dari properti dan lainnya.
Sedangkan, dari sisi jenis proyek yang dikerjakan, 62% adalah pembangunan jalan, 16% proyek konstruksi bangunan, 14% masuk dalam kategori lainnya seperti proyek irigasi, pipa gas residensial. Sedangkan, 8% merupakan proyek MRT.
"Seperti tahun ini omzet kontrak yang diraih ADHI Rp 18 triliun. Jika dibandingkan 2019 ini juga di atasnya, tumbuh kurang lebih 40%," ujarnya.
Meski demikian, dari sisi kinerja, sampai dengan kuartal ketiga tahun ini, dari sisi perolehan laba bersih ADHI memang masih tertekan.
Laba bersih ADHI turun 95,6% secara tahunan menjadi Rp 15,6 miliar. Penurunan ini sejalan dengan anjloknya pendapatan sebesar 5,4% secara tahunan menjadi Rp 8,5 triliun pada September 2020. Sedangkan laba kotor, turun 17,7% secara tahunan menjadi Rp 1,1 triliun.



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Adhi Karya, one of SOE construction got payment for LRT project in Jakarta and Autobahn project in Aceh province.


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(Do you still remember in the beginning of 2020 where Vietnam ban their export rice ???

Bro, you forgot the obligatory sunglass viva-viet emote 😎 cept we dont have pink one here lol.

Tell him I said hi when you see him next.


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Palm oil, Rice and sugarcane should be priority followed by corn, potato and cassava. We can't compete against US, Brazil and China for soybean and corn products.
Indonesia is stretching from Sabang to Merauke NOT just Java or worse Jakarta greater area.

Not every island or area are suitable for rice, palm, sugarcane, or even fruit. Just take a look (from the ground not from the internet) what the land look like & feel at Lesser Sunda Islands chain, Celebes, Molucca, or even deep inland Borneo. Those are different soil condition than Java. You can always feel how the soil is simply by walking barefoot on it (which is what I typically do)


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Jakarta Stadion is already taking shape, stadion with 82,000 seats capacity is poised to hosted 2023 U20 World Cup.



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Jokowi visits Jakarta-Bandung high-speed rail project sites​

18th May 2021 18:55
Jokowi visits Jakarta-Bandung high-speed rail project sites

Jakarta (ANTARA) - Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) on Tuesday visited two construction sites of the Jakarta-Bandung high-speed railway project in Bekasi, West Java.

According to information accessed from the Presidential Secretariat's online stream in Jakarta, the first location visited by the President was the Casting Yard #1 construction site for the high-speed rail project in Bekasi district, where he observed a box girder installation.

Widodo then reviewed the progress of construction work at Tunnel #1 Halim in the city of Bekasi, which will serve the high-speed railway once the project is complete and operations begin.

"At noon, I visited and looked at the development progress of construction work of the Jakarta-Bandung high-speed railway. I was accompanied by the Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment, Minister of Finance, Minister of State-Owned Enterprises, as well as the Chinese Ambassador to Indonesia," Widodo said in an online statement.

The President also said he has received a report which has pegged construction work on the Jakarta-Bandung fast train project to be 73 percent complete. Preparation for operations is targeted to begin in early 2022.

The President said he hopes the Jakarta-Bandung fast train can later be integrated with the Light Rapid Transit (LRT) and Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) in Jakarta to create time efficiency and acceleration.

He also expressed the hope that the Jakarta-Bandung fast train would demonstrate Indonesia's competitiveness with other countries.

Related news: President Jokowi open to inputs on high-speed railway project
Related news: Public Works Ministry to take decision on KCIC project continuance

Translated by: Rangga Pandu Asmara Jingga/Ari
Editor: Rahmad Nasution


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Jokowi visits Jakarta-Bandung high-speed rail project sites​

18th May 2021 18:55
Jokowi visits Jakarta-Bandung high-speed rail project sites

Jakarta (ANTARA) - Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) on Tuesday visited two construction sites of the Jakarta-Bandung high-speed railway project in Bekasi, West Java.

According to information accessed from the Presidential Secretariat's online stream in Jakarta, the first location visited by the President was the Casting Yard #1 construction site for the high-speed rail project in Bekasi district, where he observed a box girder installation.

Widodo then reviewed the progress of construction work at Tunnel #1 Halim in the city of Bekasi, which will serve the high-speed railway once the project is complete and operations begin.

"At noon, I visited and looked at the development progress of construction work of the Jakarta-Bandung high-speed railway. I was accompanied by the Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment, Minister of Finance, Minister of State-Owned Enterprises, as well as the Chinese Ambassador to Indonesia," Widodo said in an online statement.

The President also said he has received a report which has pegged construction work on the Jakarta-Bandung fast train project to be 73 percent complete. Preparation for operations is targeted to begin in early 2022.

The President said he hopes the Jakarta-Bandung fast train can later be integrated with the Light Rapid Transit (LRT) and Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) in Jakarta to create time efficiency and acceleration.

He also expressed the hope that the Jakarta-Bandung fast train would demonstrate Indonesia's competitiveness with other countries.

Related news: President Jokowi open to inputs on high-speed railway project
Related news: Public Works Ministry to take decision on KCIC project continuance

Translated by: Rangga Pandu Asmara Jingga/Ari
Editor: Rahmad Nasution
Construction build to spec


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Indonesia to add 41,000 megawatts of electrical power in one decade​

30th May 2021 17:10
Indonesia to add 41,000 megawatts of electrical power in one decade

Jakarta (ANTARA) - The government is planning to build power plants with a capacity of up to 41 thousand megawatts in the next 10 years, according to a draft of state electricity company PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN)'s electricity procurement plan (RUPTL) for the 2021-2030 period.

The government assured that the planned development of power plants will prioritize new and renewable energy-based power plants, Director General of Electricity at the Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry Rida Mulyana said in a statement quoted in Jakarta on Saturday.

"We have targeted to get an addition of nearly 41 thousand megawatts in the next 10 years including 2021," he said.

In 2021, the government has targeted an addition of 8,915 megawatts comprising 4,688 megawatts from mine-mouth power plants and 3,467 megawatts from gas-fired power plants, he said.

Meanwhile, 22 megawatts will come from diesel power plants and 737 megawatts from new and renewable energy-based power plants.

Rida said the power plants with a capacity of 34,520 megawatts have been discussed with PLN, while power plants with a capacity of 6,439 megawatts are still being discussed.

In drafting the RUPTL for the next decade, the government will still give priority to the development of fossil fuel power plants over new and renewable energy-based power plants, with a 52 percent -48 percent ratio.

Based on the regulation, the RUPTL is drawn up every 10 years and will be subject to a change if based on the result of evaluation it needs revision. The change may also happen due to discretion from the energy and mineral resources minister or governor in accordance with their authority.
Translated by: Sugiharto Purnama/Suharto
Editor: Rahmad Nasution


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Indonesia to add 41,000 megawatts of electrical power in one decade​

30th May 2021 17:10
Indonesia to add 41,000 megawatts of electrical power in one decade
Well be living in prosperity

Anyway, do you seriously buying into all these feel-good-only news, without even bother to check what the actual situation & condition on the ground❓ Ever live outside Jabodetabek or outside Java❓


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Indonesia, South Korea explore cooperation in transport infrastructure​

2 hours ago

Indonesian Transportation Minister Budi Karya Sumadi and South Korean Ambassador to Indonesia, Mr. Tae Sung Park (right), discussed cooperation in the construction of the Light Rail Transit (LRT) in Bali and Phase 4 of MRT Jakarta’s Fatmawati - Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII) route in Jakarta on Monday (June 14, 2021). (BKIP KEMENHUB)

Today, I had a meeting with the South Korean Ambassador to Indonesia, discussing opportunities for cooperation in the development of transportation infrastructure in Indonesia, and we welcome South Korea's desire to be involved in the construction of
Jakarta (ANTARA) - Indonesian Transportation Minister Budi Karya Sumadi met with the South Korean Ambassador to Indonesia, Tae Sung Park, on Monday to discuss cooperation in the construction of the Light Rail Transit (LRT) infrastructure in Bali.

During the meeting, they also discussed collaboration in the development of Phase 4 of MRT Jakarta’s Fatmawati – Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII) route.

“Today, I have a meeting with the South Korean Ambassador to Indonesia, discussing opportunities for cooperation in the development of transportation infrastructure in Indonesia, and we welcome South Korea's desire to be involved in the construction of trains in Bali and Jakarta," said Sumadi here on Monday.

To develop rail infrastructure in the province, the Bali government has collaborated with South Korea through the Korea National Railway to prepare a pre-feasibility study on the planned construction of the 9.46-km Ngurah Rai Airport - Seminyak route of the LRT, the minister informed.

Based on the study, the LRT development plan will be divided into two phases, he informed. Phase 1-A will cover the 5.3-km Airport - Central Park Station route, while Phase 1-B will cover the 4.16-km Central Park-Seminyak Station route, he added.

The Bali government and Korea National Railway are still reviewing the LRT construction plan for the second phase of the Seminyak-Mengwitani route, Sumadi disclosed.

Related news: Pandjaitan visits South Korea to boost pharmaceutical investment

Related news: Indonesia, South Korea concur on intensifying military cooperation

"Regarding the LRT development plan in Bali, the Bali provincial government has proposed a financing cooperation for the preparation of a feasibility study with South Korea through a grant scheme. However, based on suggestions from the National Development Agency (Bappenas), we still have to wait for Bappenas to complete the preparation of the Urban Mobility Plan by the end of 2021," he said.

South Korea has also expressed a desire to cooperate in the construction of MRT Jakarta’s Phase 4 Fatmawati - TMII route, the minister added.

According to the results of a pre-feasibility study conducted by PT MRT Jakarta in 2020, MRT’s Fatmawati - TMII route is needed to improve urban mass transit services, he said.

During Monday’s meeting Sumadi and Park also discussed plans for other projects, such as the Hang Nadim Airport in Batam, the use of electric cars, the development of the coal transportation railway line in Sumbagsel (Lahat - Tarahan), and the railway line in Central Kalimantan (Purukcahu) - Bangkuang).

The meeting was attended by several representatives from the Republic of South Korea, including infrastructure and transportation attaché, Mr. Dongjin Kim, chief representative of Korea National Railway (KRNA), Sunghi Cho, deputy chief representative of Korea Exim Bank (KEXIM) Daehee Kim.

The secretary general of the Indonesian Transportation Ministry, Djoko Sasono, director general of railways, Zulfikri, and head of the Jabodetabek Transportation Management Agency, Polana B. Pramesti, were also present at the meeting. (INE)

Related news: Mount Merbabu trekking reopens to tourists, climbers

Related news: Sako Suban villagers oppose coal road inside South Sumatra forest


Reporter: Adimas R Fahky P, Katriana
Editor: Fardah Assegaf


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Indonesia, South Korea explore cooperation in transport infrastructure​

2 hours ago

Indonesian Transportation Minister Budi Karya Sumadi and South Korean Ambassador to Indonesia, Mr. Tae Sung Park (right), discussed cooperation in the construction of the Light Rail Transit (LRT) in Bali and Phase 4 of MRT Jakarta’s Fatmawati - Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII) route in Jakarta on Monday (June 14, 2021). (BKIP KEMENHUB)

Today, I had a meeting with the South Korean Ambassador to Indonesia, discussing opportunities for cooperation in the development of transportation infrastructure in Indonesia, and we welcome South Korea's desire to be involved in the construction of
Jakarta (ANTARA) - Indonesian Transportation Minister Budi Karya Sumadi met with the South Korean Ambassador to Indonesia, Tae Sung Park, on Monday to discuss cooperation in the construction of the Light Rail Transit (LRT) infrastructure in Bali.

During the meeting, they also discussed collaboration in the development of Phase 4 of MRT Jakarta’s Fatmawati – Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII) route.

“Today, I have a meeting with the South Korean Ambassador to Indonesia, discussing opportunities for cooperation in the development of transportation infrastructure in Indonesia, and we welcome South Korea's desire to be involved in the construction of trains in Bali and Jakarta," said Sumadi here on Monday.

To develop rail infrastructure in the province, the Bali government has collaborated with South Korea through the Korea National Railway to prepare a pre-feasibility study on the planned construction of the 9.46-km Ngurah Rai Airport - Seminyak route of the LRT, the minister informed.

Based on the study, the LRT development plan will be divided into two phases, he informed. Phase 1-A will cover the 5.3-km Airport - Central Park Station route, while Phase 1-B will cover the 4.16-km Central Park-Seminyak Station route, he added.

The Bali government and Korea National Railway are still reviewing the LRT construction plan for the second phase of the Seminyak-Mengwitani route, Sumadi disclosed.

Related news: Pandjaitan visits South Korea to boost pharmaceutical investment

Related news: Indonesia, South Korea concur on intensifying military cooperation

"Regarding the LRT development plan in Bali, the Bali provincial government has proposed a financing cooperation for the preparation of a feasibility study with South Korea through a grant scheme. However, based on suggestions from the National Development Agency (Bappenas), we still have to wait for Bappenas to complete the preparation of the Urban Mobility Plan by the end of 2021," he said.

South Korea has also expressed a desire to cooperate in the construction of MRT Jakarta’s Phase 4 Fatmawati - TMII route, the minister added.

According to the results of a pre-feasibility study conducted by PT MRT Jakarta in 2020, MRT’s Fatmawati - TMII route is needed to improve urban mass transit services, he said.

During Monday’s meeting Sumadi and Park also discussed plans for other projects, such as the Hang Nadim Airport in Batam, the use of electric cars, the development of the coal transportation railway line in Sumbagsel (Lahat - Tarahan), and the railway line in Central Kalimantan (Purukcahu) - Bangkuang).

The meeting was attended by several representatives from the Republic of South Korea, including infrastructure and transportation attaché, Mr. Dongjin Kim, chief representative of Korea National Railway (KRNA), Sunghi Cho, deputy chief representative of Korea Exim Bank (KEXIM) Daehee Kim.

The secretary general of the Indonesian Transportation Ministry, Djoko Sasono, director general of railways, Zulfikri, and head of the Jabodetabek Transportation Management Agency, Polana B. Pramesti, were also present at the meeting. (INE)

Related news: Mount Merbabu trekking reopens to tourists, climbers

Related news: Sako Suban villagers oppose coal road inside South Sumatra forest


Reporter: Adimas R Fahky P, Katriana
Editor: Fardah Assegaf
Maybe they should consider connecting the LRT to the northern part of Bali.


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