Ha, the one and only!
Haha zekersHa, the one and only!
The geography is a destiny.our armed forces is not that active but would be good haha.
No man,we do it for the money from ads.Thanks. I was skeptical about joining here at first however your efforts not to turn this platform into a political sh.thole turned me off from that idea. Congrats.. You guys are doing a decent job. Keep it up.
Try Mozilla Firefox,no ads at all.it d be good if you can reduce the amount of adds for sure. Yet the quality content makes up for it. Makes it worth the time spent here
Yeah,we are milking alright.Heh i am a firm user of Chrome. Several times i tried out Mozilla but didnt work. Let the ads play on my screen i may click a few times to take the burden off your shoulders a little to maintain the hostingBesides i dont think defence forum users are interested in clicking google ads. I dont know how your click through ratio tho.
Hope you are milking google well
70 centsYeah,we are milking alright.
@Webslave can name the exact amount for this month.
Hello everyone. I'm glad to have found this forum, I was in PDF before for a few years but wasn't the most active person. It's good to see familiar faces here.
Happy to see you here, how did you find us btw?glad i am here
selamlar herkese
Welcome, one of the many silent PDF users. It would be nice to hear your opinions on things, feel free to share your input here on Defence Hub. Always good to have a fresh voice in our communityHello everyone. I'm glad to have found this forum, I was in PDF before for a few years but wasn't the most active person. It's good to see familiar faces here.
Just through a quick Google search. I clicked on the link and when I saw that most of the old PDF members were here and the similar threads from before I knew I had found the right placeWelcome to DefenceHub.. Enjoy it
How did you hear about the forum?
I knew old members created a new forum. But I didnt know the name. I didnt get any message or announcement. Yesterday I saw @neosinan on reddit. I asked him if he is the same guy with forum. He said yes and asked me if I joined the new forum and give me the new forums name. And today I registered. Its good to see familiar faces here.
Thank youWelcome to all new members!