Breaking News Iran-Israel Tensions

Scott Summers

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I hope this escalates to total war. The dilemma of enabler nations is escalation. Under the right circumstances pretending or roleplaying turns into the real thing where no one can back down anymore.

BTW an enabler nation is a nation that persistently behaves in enabling ways, justifying or indirectly supporting another nation's harmful policies. In this case Israel and Iran are each other's enablers.

You are hoping for WW III?

If this thing escalates, it will take every muslim nation with it (Turkey, Algeria, Indonesia, Egypt) against Israel and their Western backers, like it states in the Islamic Hadith.

This is the Third World War that freemason Albert Pike predicted hundred years ago:

"The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by "agentur" of the "Illuminati" between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World.

The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other.

Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion...

We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil."


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Geopolitically speaking, it's would be the best for Turkiye if these two weaken each other as much as possible without either side having a decisive victory.
And this is all I care about.

Despite all the conspiracies, Israel can't do much long term. We can already see that the USA sees them as a bit of a burden.

Meanwhile, Iran has aspirations of becoming a superpower. Its end goal is to control the land trade route to the Mediterranean. Hence why it invests so much in proxies in Syria, Iraq and Lebanon. It uses Israel as pretext to support these groups, but its geopolitical goals are clear.

Meanwhile, the Arabs are completely impotent.

Sooner or later, there will be a regional war, and there can only be one winner.


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Those are deep underground and away from its western border, iirc.

Realistically, how deep can F35s penetrate Iran's territory?

The issue is, while there are vulnerable complexes, some of the main facilities are also buried deep at least 80 meters into the mountains. According the assesments I saw a while ago, Israeli jet simplely cannot carry heavy enough ammunition to penetrate that. That's is why it is imperative US join the campaign with its heavy bombers fo any meaningful success.

It's been said, an Israeli attack will set Iranian nuclear program 1 year back while a US strike will set it back 5-7 years.

About F35s, Apperantly Israel has developed some specifically designed ammunitions and stealthy drop tank to enhance it for strikes against Iran.

The issue Israel faces here is that they cannot maintain significant persistent air presence in Iranian airspace to prosecute the war due to the distance. They don't have sufficient combat support service. I.e. Tankers. While F35s may get through, 4th gen fighter won't, (for stand-in interdiction) not easily in the same way. Yes, Israelis are well versed in EW and SEAD/DEAD but Iran has a very dense AD network and so many radars linked with each other that I don't think Israel can suppress them all while flying over such long distance and not being able to stay there persistently. However, stand off strikes are possible with F15s and F16s. That's only the technical complications. Traspassing several countries Airspace in large numbers repeatedly and sequencially would have its own issues. Diplomatically and internationally.

I have been trying to follow both Iranian ballistic missiles and air defence program. While, due to loud mouth posturing people generally assumes, their capabilities are mostly fake, it's not maybe the case. The Iranian State poured vast majority of their resources into this two program for decades. In the end they did develop an entire eco-system with close University-industey collaboration. The few MRBMs that got through in the attack are likely the new ones with precision and maneuverable warheads. I.e. Kheibar shekhan and Emad. Iran's industry's development model is similar to that of Chinese. Their first product is shit, second is slightly better but still shit, 3rd is moderate but with lots of problem, 4th one is actually decent and effective with fewer deficiencies. IMO, latest Iranian air defense systems are like that if you ask me. And they are making lot of them. I will make a separate post for that to speculate possible scenarios.
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And this is all I care about.

Despite all the conspiracies, Israel can't do much long term. We can already see that the USA sees them as a bit of a burden.

Meanwhile, Iran has aspirations of becoming a superpower. Its end goal is to control the land trade route to the Mediterranean. Hence why it invests so much in proxies in Syria, Iraq and Lebanon. It uses Israel as pretext to support these groups, but its geopolitical goals are clear.

Meanwhile, the Arabs are completely impotent.

Sooner or later, there will be a regional war, and there can only be one winner.
Erdogan will visit Baghdad tomorrow. Ankara wants to have a trade route from Basra to Turkey. But it intersects Tehran's land corridor to the Mediterranean Sea. I do not believe that Iran will agree to the Turkish Development Road project. Tehran is also against Zangezur Corridor. Tehran tells us: if there is a need for a road to Nakhchivan, then it must pass through Iran.
Iranian Muslims do not support us, but their Christian Armenian brothers.
It seems that all this shaksey - vakhsey is not for Imam Huseyn, but for the unfortunate Armenians.


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Geopolitically speaking, it's would be the best for Turkiye if these two weaken each other as much as possible without either side having a decisive victory.

you can sure as hell bet the americans see this too. If you remember when it came to syria and Turkey wanting to move, the narrative even shifted to assad and iran being good guys helping the fight against Isis, while Turkey was solely targeted as the enabler and supporter of isis committing genocide on the allies of the west the kurds.

Tomorrow if there was a war between Turkey and Iran, the americans would engineer it so both sides bleed with no decisive victory. If it look like Turks were doing them over, they would find ways to supply iran as an example.

The way it looks to me, the americans want shia terrorism to spread across the region. They see it as a hedge against sunni power. Just like the Isreali general once said, the major threat was Turkey, Iran can be contained. Shia'ism is the minority element in the region. What the americans/Isrealis dont want is a major sunni power emerging that can take the lead. Only one nation in the region can do that and that's Turkey.

Also worth pointing out that as Iranian shia'ism spreads across the region, the chances of Turkey and Iran coming together diminish. Turkey and Iran working together would be the nightmare scenario for isreali, america.

Much of this show going on right now can really be about enabling iran to spread out deeper and further into the middle east. Unless we see tangible outcomes that do serious damage, then we could all be caught up in american/isreali games. So far other then a few generals and no americans or isreali dead, despite all the talks, all the shows nothing has occurred in which either side weakens the other. I think Turks lost more soldiers fighting a few months in Afrin then the Iranians have lost fighting Isreal in 40 years of "hostility".


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You are hoping for WW III?

If this thing escalates, it will take every muslim nation with it (Turkey, Algeria, Indonesia, Egypt) against Israel and their Western backers, like it states in the Islamic Hadith.

This is the Third World War that freemason Albert Pike predicted hundred years ago:

"The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by "agentur" of the "Illuminati" between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World.

The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other.

Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion...

We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil."

A long time ago I read albert pikes morals and dogma and he pretty much lays it all out how freemasonic society has influenced most revolutions and will continue to do. However this letter i was never able to confirm as being real.

On a side note one the most interesting points in his book is how he talks about masonic society giving everyone their leaders, their heroes. The primary way in which they can influence all currents and sentiments of society. So basically the heroes of all oppositions are potentially their men. The give away i find is their controlled opposition are usually given platforms and elevated into hero status, where legitimate opposition is destroyed.

The sad part is, no one reads this stuff. Even though these guys are responsible for most of the troubles on earth today.

to give you an example of how powerful this society is, albert pike states in his book that lucifer is the god of freemasonry and freemasonry is indeed a religion. The current head of the church of england is a freemason.

for people who know nothing of freemasonry, albert pike was a 33rd freemason, the highest degree that is known to us. There may be more degrees, but unless your in it you wouldnt know. He's considered a prophet of freemasonry. His book morals and dogma was only ever meant to be given to masons 30 degrees or above. Meaning all masons below the 30th degree were kept ignorant of whose worshipped as the true god of freemasonry within the lodges. This is why many masons react negatively to me sometimes when i expose these details. So i say to them go and read morals and dogma, then get back to me.

A statue of him was even erected in washington DC.

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So are you saying its better for the Palestenian to be defenseless.
Who cares whatever their intensions are as long they supply them weapons otherwise they will be easily killed by the settlers and israeli.
Even kids throwing stones are being killed.
Does weapons change a thing? The kids still die, and in fact even more. The people are pushed further into places indifferent from refugee camps. This is what Iran do and will do, let more people die as long as it fits to their pocket and agenda.

Scott Summers

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A long time ago I read albert pikes morals and dogma and he pretty much lays it all out how freemasonic society has influenced most revolutions and will continue to do. However this letter i was never able to confirm as being real.

On a side note one the most interesting points in his book is how he talks about masonic society giving everyone their leaders, their heroes. The primary way in which they can influence all currents and sentiments of society. So basically the heroes of all oppositions are potentially their men. The give away i find is their controlled opposition are usually given platforms and elevated into hero status, where legitimate opposition is destroyed.

The sad part is, no one reads this stuff. Even though these guys are responsible for most of the troubles on earth today.

to give you an example of how powerful this society is, albert pike states in his book that lucifer is the god of freemasonry and freemasonry is indeed a religion. The current head of the church of england is a freemason.

for people who know nothing of freemasonry, albert pike was a 33rd freemason, the highest degree that is known to us. There may be more degrees, but unless your in it you wouldnt know. He's considered a prophet of freemasonry. His book morals and dogma was only ever meant to be given to masons 30 degrees or above. Meaning all masons below the 30th degree were kept ignorant of whose worshipped as the true god of freemasonry within the lodges. This is why many masons react negatively to me sometimes when i expose these details. So i say to them go and read morals and dogma, then get back to me.

A statue of him was even erected in washington DC.


Exactly, Pike was a school example of their own thesis (controlled opposition).

He was a controlled oppositioner himself, because he was a general of the Confederate States Army while the rest of the freemasons supported the Union.

And no one asks why statues of General Albert Pike are allowed in the North, while statues of General Robert E. Lee are restricted and even brought down in the South, even during Trump-era.


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So are you saying its better for the Palestenian to be defenseless.
Who cares whatever their intensions are as long they supply them weapons otherwise they will be easily killed by the settlers and israeli.
Even kids throwing stones are being killed.
The harder they resist, the harder they get crushed. It's the sad reality.

Don't forget that they aren't fighting up in mountains with caves and tunnels. They're corned in a tiny, urbanized strip of land. There is no where to run or hide.

Not only would supplying weapons to them be difficult, but it also wouldn't change much on the ground. Only an external power can make a difference.

Whoever was behind the October 7 attacks essentially sacrificed Gaza.
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Exactly, Pike was a school example of their own thesis (controlled opposition).

He was a controlled oppositioner himself, because he was a general of the Confederate States Army while the rest of the freemasons supported the Union.

And no one asks why statues of General Albert Pike are allowed in the North, while statues of General Robert E. Lee are restricted and even brought down in the South, even during Trump-era.

This stuff is quite hard to get to the bottom of, it took me many years and there is still many doubts. Naturally its stuff that 99% of the world knows nothing about. So its hard to find anyone in life to discuss this stuff with who isn't a freemason. Then you got the problem that freemasons are sworn to secrecy so they wont openly discuss their secrets with a non-mason, then you got the fact that the majority of masons are the outer ring, their kept intentionally ignorant. They are not meant to know the deeper secrets or purposes of the craft as Pike mentions in his book. Most people who are masons are masons because it benefits them in their life. Opportunities are immense if you are member of a lodge. Because masons vow to show favour to each other, even swearing to lie in court to defend a mason even if he commits murder. You go for a job interview and your a mason while the other guy isn't, if its a mason interviewing you for the role, their is a high chance you will get it etc. Its great for business and personal attainment, its the main reason most join.

But i came across many books that explained that masonry at some point split into two camps. You got the dominate side which is grand lodge masonry with its mother lodge in england. Then you got the weaker side which is grand orient with its mother lodge is paris.

To keep a long story short, from what i came to understand in the american civil war that the north was supported by grand orient/french freemasonry, while the south was supported by grand lodge/British freemasonry.

despite the two sides being at odds with each, they still recognise each other as above all non-masons. So Pike despite being a general for the south and probably a grand lodge mason, is still massively respected by grand orient. All they disagree on are small details. Zionism falls under British masonry. Things like the Muslim brotherhood were founded by Grand orient masons. Now the conflict could all be there order out of choas agenda, and at the top its all the same thing. But i dont know if any information exists out there to confirm such a thing.

What i try to do is find material written by people who are part of the club, i find that is the best way to get real picture as to whats going on in the world. No media will ever cover this topic in any serious manner and thats for good reason.

Want to know what freemasons think, find the books they write and read them. And like i said before "freemasonry" is the elephant in the room.
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