Analysis Iran's Composite Project


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Despite the size of the current arsenal, Iran’s operational missiles lack the accuracy needed to be effective against military targets... The missiles could, however, be used to harass fixed-site military bases and naval facilities, but such attacks would only complicate operations... Iran is more likely to use its arsenal for attacks against urban targets to sow terror
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 2013

Fast forward to the present, and the Commander of CENTCOM describes Iran's ballistic missile capability to have reached "overmatch", as demonstrated in Operation Martyr Soleimani in January 2020. In the span of a decade Iran has transformed its ballistic missiles from a relatively imprecise - if extensive - strategic capability, into a premiere force capable of executing almost any tactical or strategic strike mission Iran demands of it with pinpoint precision. This transformation - dubbed by analysts as the 'precision project' - consisted of upgrading and evolving existing platforms MaRVs and refined guidance to become more militarily useful against the full array of Iran's targets - airbases, industrial facilities, radars, and even warships.

With the precision project now having brought Iran's BM force up to a high standard, Iran's focus seems to have shifted. Since 2020, Iran has revealed 3 new solid fuel motors using bleeding edge technologies, and they are set to kick off the next revolution in Iran's ballistic missile capability.


Raafe solid rocket motor test

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Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 2013

Fast forward to the present, and the Commander of CENTCOM describes Iran's ballistic missile capability to have reached "overmatch", as demonstrated in Operation Martyr Soleimani in January 2020. In the span of a decade Iran has transformed its ballistic missiles from a relatively imprecise - if extensive - strategic capability, into a premiere force capable of executing almost any tactical or strategic strike mission Iran demands of it with pinpoint precision. This transformation - dubbed by analysts as the 'precision project' - consisted of upgrading and evolving existing platforms MaRVs and refined guidance to become more militarily useful against the full array of Iran's targets - airbases, industrial facilities, radars, and even warships.

With the precision project now having brought Iran's BM force up to a high standard, Iran's focus seems to have shifted. Since 2020, Iran has revealed 3 new solid fuel motors using bleeding edge technologies, and they are set to kick off the next revolution in Iran's ballistic missile capability.

View attachment 38794
Raafe solid rocket motor test

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What is the highest thrust level and rocket engine diameter developed by Iran? I had read that thrust-controlled ballistic missiles were also developed.


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Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 2013

Fast forward to the present, and the Commander of CENTCOM describes Iran's ballistic missile capability to have reached "overmatch", as demonstrated in Operation Martyr Soleimani in January 2020. In the span of a decade Iran has transformed its ballistic missiles from a relatively imprecise - if extensive - strategic capability, into a premiere force capable of executing almost any tactical or strategic strike mission Iran demands of it with pinpoint precision. This transformation - dubbed by analysts as the 'precision project' - consisted of upgrading and evolving existing platforms MaRVs and refined guidance to become more militarily useful against the full array of Iran's targets - airbases, industrial facilities, radars, and even warships.

With the precision project now having brought Iran's BM force up to a high standard, Iran's focus seems to have shifted. Since 2020, Iran has revealed 3 new solid fuel motors using bleeding edge technologies, and they are set to kick off the next revolution in Iran's ballistic missile capability.

View attachment 38794
Raafe solid rocket motor test

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An interesting article. Do you think it a handicap that Iran builds its entire offensive doctrine on missiles? We live in the 21stt century and the war strategy has changed a lot. Communication of objects with each other is more important today. Detection and tracking from long range must be done, and it is a priority for the entire system to talk to each other. Does only missile technology satisfy you? Im curious about your opinion 🤔


An interesting article. Do you think it a handicap that Iran builds its entire offensive doctrine on missiles? We live in the 21stt century and the war strategy has changed a lot. Communication of objects with each other is more important today. Detection and tracking from long range must be done, and it is a priority for the entire system to talk to each other. Does only missile technology satisfy you? Im curious about your opinion 🤔
Iran can't do land push their army is obsolete using mishmash of everything they can find. They trust in their proxies etc


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What is the highest thrust level and rocket engine diameter developed by Iran? I had read that thrust-controlled ballistic missiles were also developed.
There was this solid fuel motor of approximately 2.5m diameter (image below) that was tested in ~2010. Unfortunately development didn't progress further due to a catastrophic accident. The largest diameter in service is the Simorgh first stage at 2.4m and the next are the Zuljanah solid-fuel SLV (1.5m) and Khorramshahr MRBM/IRBM at 1.5m.


An interesting article. Do you think it a handicap that Iran builds its entire offensive doctrine on missiles? We live in the 21stt century and the war strategy has changed a lot. Communication of objects with each other is more important today. Detection and tracking from long range must be done, and it is a priority for the entire system to talk to each other. Does only missile technology satisfy you? Im curious about your opinion 🤔

Iran is forced into this strategy due to sanctions and domestic capabilities. I think a strong air force is also required and both BM/CMs and conventional airpower should work together. Seems Iran wants to alleviate this imbalance as it is keen to procure Sukhois, though it will be expensive so not in huge numbers.


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Iran is forced into this strategy due to sanctions and domestic capabilities. I think a strong air force is also required and both BM/CMs and conventional airpower should work together. Seems Iran wants to alleviate this imbalance as it is keen to procure Sukhois, though it will be expensive so not in huge numbers.

Unlike many Iranians, it is more realistic to be aware of this. Thanks for your answer


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Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 2013

Fast forward to the present, and the Commander of CENTCOM describes Iran's ballistic missile capability to have reached "overmatch", as demonstrated in Operation Martyr Soleimani in January 2020. In the span of a decade Iran has transformed its ballistic missiles from a relatively imprecise - if extensive - strategic capability, into a premiere force capable of executing almost any tactical or strategic strike mission Iran demands of it with pinpoint precision. This transformation - dubbed by analysts as the 'precision project' - consisted of upgrading and evolving existing platforms MaRVs and refined guidance to become more militarily useful against the full array of Iran's targets - airbases, industrial facilities, radars, and even warships.

With the precision project now having brought Iran's BM force up to a high standard, Iran's focus seems to have shifted. Since 2020, Iran has revealed 3 new solid fuel motors using bleeding edge technologies, and they are set to kick off the next revolution in Iran's ballistic missile capability.

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Raafe solid rocket motor test

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Good to see you here bro!

India is similarly proceeding along same line in this SLV launcher class (solid-fuel all the way, flex nozzle composite SLV ) many ways mimicking latest BM families (Agni etc) deployed:

The SLV will be for smaller satellites up to 600 kg payload to LEO.

Its first launch will be coming up this year at some point (hopefully soon)

This is about the max threshold solid-only can do competitively to space.

Iran will need to make breakthroughs in liquid fuels (esp cryo, semi-cryo) over time to get competitive SLVs of scale (and for higher orbit esp) given the Isp of liquid fuels.


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An interesting article. Do you think it a handicap that Iran builds its entire offensive doctrine on missiles? We live in the 21stt century and the war strategy has changed a lot. Communication of objects with each other is more important today. Detection and tracking from long range must be done, and it is a priority for the entire system to talk to each other. Does only missile technology satisfy you? Im curious about your opinion 🤔
Man , iran's missile tech looks much like Minutemen from 1960s , you're right they're only for a show off . But they do convey an underlying message , that iran perhaps does posses few nuclear weapons (from North korea) and is willing to use them on regional superpowers should the United States unleash a full-fledged war on iran. That premise looks bleek now that US is out of afghanistan and soon iraq .

Joseph Adam

Man , iran's missile tech looks much like Minutemen from 1960s , you're right they're only for a show off . But they do convey an underlying message , that iran perhaps does posses few nuclear weapons (from North korea) and is willing to use them on regional superpowers should the United States unleash a full-fledged war on iran. That premise looks bleek now that US is out of afghanistan and soon iraq .
Very interesting that Iran's missiles are only for show and looks much like US minutemen of 1960 . . ! Apparently you have been watching too many hollywood movies & plenty of Israeli/Western fabricated fake news to have such an opinion about Iran. If that's the case, as you claim, then the entire US military high command are a bunch empty suit idiots as they rate Iran's missile tech to be very hi-tech, and rate their standing as one of the top missile powers in the world in both technology, as well as inventory size. Furthermore, I never thought a 10 meter CEP for a 1,000 mile range missile to be for showing and looks only as such system would be, and is classified as a precise weapon meant to destroy military targets. As to Iran's NK nuclear weapons fairytale; Iran has the science and technology base to make a nuclear devices overnight and has been since mid 1990s but they don't need such weapons and they never planned to fabricate one either according to every military expert in the world.

Lastly, USA neither has the military capacity nor the ability to wage a full scale war against Iran. If they ever fantasize about committing to such a nightmare, then they must reconstitute the draft, and plan to station 1 million man army near Iran's borders to take on Iran, which is impossible logistically, militarily, and financially, and even if they manage that lofty feat, they will be defeated on a scale 100 times bigger than Vietnam defeat.

Joseph Adam

Iran can't do land push their army is obsolete using mishmash of everything they can find. They trust in their proxies etc
They said Iran's weapons were Photoshop creations, their Drones were plastic toys, and everything & anything Iranian is nothing but useless junk . . ! then, Iran placed several satellites in LAO, and they were fake or just trumbling webcams, and yet, the collective west, Iran's neighbors crywolf 24/7 complaining about Iran's malign activities, their missiles, and now their Drone all of which are constituting danger to world peace and lovely s. Arabi, Turkey, Israel, and the rest of proxies collection around Iran. Nowadays, the dilemma seem to be even greater since Iranian Drones are over Ukraine (Europe), so let us put some more sanctions on Iran, no shit . . How about 54 other countries sending arms to Ukraine, wouldn't they qualify for some sanctioned, as well, maybe not.

Back to the mishmash army of Iran.

Well, if Iran has such a mishmash pussy cat army, then how they managed to position so many well Trained/Armed groups in Lebanon, Syria, Yemen, and Iraq fighting the most heavily armed nations on earth such as S. Arabia, Israel, USA and bitch slap every single one of them constantly?

Furthermore, what country with land or sea border around Iran considered a no go territory if Iran decides that an all out war is necessary with such country for its national security? Iran's armed forces are very well armed, well trained and have been modernized since the Iraq-Iran war constantly. The only relative weakness, if we consider that as such, would be Iran's air force which is still superior to any neighboring Air force due to Iran's much better trained pilots, and their unique possession of 5 squadrons of F-14s which have been modernized to 4++ generation standards with new radars, long range 280 Km A2A missiles (Faqoor) a further development of the US made Phoenix A2A missile. Regardless, Iran could overwhelm any country in its neighborhood with relative ease and decisiveness without super sexy arms or super expensive Aircrafts that have very little practical influence in the battle front. In addition, Iran has the most advanced SAM systems covering all layers of low, medium, and long range tracking, and interdiction of the most modern of enemy fighter jets including the so-called stealth platforms such as F-22, F-35 and B-2 bombers. (These are no photoshop systems, they have been tested and they are deadly real). Iran has been preparing for an all out war with USA for decades now, so I wouldn't dismiss their armed forces with such ease.

Iran enjoys several elements of military power that no country in the region does, 1) Excellent planning and execution of operations on small or large scale, 2) Overwhelming precise tactical and strategic fire power from tube conventional artillery of heavy caliber to long range accurate missiles, 2) the largest Army aviation fleet in the region which hundreds of helicopters that has been updated and modernized throughout the last two decades to very high standards of standoff weapons for day/night operations that none of the neighboring countries have, 3) The best unmanned recon assets of multiple short & long range platforms that no country (with the exception of USA) could even come close, so they will have 24/7 battlefield pictures and video feed of every movement in the theaters of operations, 4) and the most important of all, Iran has no need to rely on outside sources to replenish its lost MBTs, APCs or any other weapons since it can produce every single system locally and in large quantities. That's your mishmash army in a nutshell.

I wouldn't call that a mishmash, that's a robust army with very destructive force far superior to any military in the neighboring states by an overwhelming margin.
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They said Iran's weapons were Photoshop creations, their Drones were plastic toys, and everything & anything Iranian is nothing but useless junk . . ! then, Iran placed several satellites in LAO, and they were fake or just trumbling webcams, and yet, the collective west, Iran's neighbors crywolf 24/7 complaining about Iran's malign activities, their missiles, and now their Drone all of which are constituting danger to world peace and lovely s. Arabi, Turkey, Israel, and the rest of proxies collection around Iran. Nowadays, the dilemma seem to be even greater since Iranian Drones are over Ukraine (Europe), so let us put some more sanctions on Iran, no shit . . How about 54 other countries sending arms to Ukraine, wouldn't they qualify for some sanctioned, as well, maybe not.

Back to the mishmash army of Iran.

Well, if Iran has such a mishmash pussy cat army, then how they managed to position so many well Trained/Armed groups in Lebanon, Syria, Yemen, and Iraq fighting the most heavily armed nations on earth such as S. Arabia, Israel, USA and bitch slap every single one of them constantly?

Furthermore, what country with land or sea border around Iran considered a no go territory if Iran decides that an all out war is necessary with such country for its national security? Iran's armed forces are very well armed, well trained and have been modernized since the Iraq-Iran war constantly. The only relative weakness, if we consider that as such, would be Iran's air force which is still superior to any neighboring Air force due to Iran's much better trained pilots, and their unique possession of 5 squadrons of F-14s which have been modernized to 4++ generation standards with new radars, long range 280 Km A2A missiles (Faqoor) a further development of the US made Phoenix A2A missile. Regardless, Iran could overwhelm any country in its neighborhood with relative ease and decisiveness without super sexy arms or super expensive Aircrafts that have very little practical influence in the battle front. In addition, Iran has the most advanced SAM systems covering all layers of low, medium, and long range tracking, and interdiction of the most modern of enemy fighter jets including the so-called stealth platforms such as F-22, F-35 and B-2 bombers. (These are no photoshop systems, they have been tested and they are deadly real). Iran has been preparing for an all out war with USA for decades now, so I wouldn't dismiss their armed forces with such ease.

Iran enjoys several elements of military power that no country in the region does, 1) Excellent planning and execution of operations on small or large scale, 2) Overwhelming precise tactical and strategic fire power from tube conventional artillery of heavy caliber to long range accurate missiles, 2) the largest Army aviation fleet in the region which hundreds of helicopters that has been updated and modernized throughout the last two decades to very high standards of standoff weapons for day/night operations that none of the neighboring countries have, 3) The best unmanned recon assets of multiple short & long range platforms that no country (with the exception of USA) could even come close, so they will have 24/7 battlefield pictures and video feed of every movement in the theaters of operations, 4) and the most important of all, Iran has no need to rely on outside sources to replenish its lost MBTs, APCs or any other weapons since it can produce every single system locally and in large quantities. That's your mishmash army in a nutshell.

I wouldn't call that a mishmash, that's a robust army with very destructive force far superior to any military in the neighboring states by an overwhelming margin.
You seem to be seriously deluded. Iran is not "far superior to any military in the neighboring states by an overwhelming margin", especially if you include Turkey in that list. Its army is actually quite inferior to any modern military. It has had success in directing terror organizations in other countries but that doesn't indicate military prowess.

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