Live Conflict Israel-Palestine War|Regional Escalations


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The Israeli army has published footage of the destruction of a Hamas outpost in the northern Gaza Strip, where Badr-3 missiles were stored. The Badr-3 missile was developed in Iran, Hamas produces them itself at its bases in the Gaza Strip, presumably some of the missiles were previously received from Iran. The Badr-3 missile is equipped with a warhead weighing 250 kg and has an estimated range of 160 km. There are no exact data on the missiles' flight range. The Badr-3 missile explodes 20 meters above the target and upon explosion forms a cloud of 1,400 fragments, the missile’s damage radius is about 350 meters.


mehmed beg

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I got banned for 5 days, if it is not deleted what I have already written, then someone can wonder why?
You don't need to wonder why. As long as you say that all Muslims in the world ( including Turkey) should be exterminated, it will insure that the people who run this thing will like you
Maybe just maybe, if you are not completely sure then send it a moderator that he can evaluate and adjust your " free" thinking. It is not just me but other people who have the same ideas were banned.
They were banned for calling Israel terrorist state and that's it. On other hand, there is no problem to call any Turkish Islamic leader any name that someone wants it. On the question of so called Armenian Genocide, so call Patriots can't give a single detail. Of course, when the Jew is in question, then heavens and earth will be moved to to protect their masters.
This is nir mear accusation. Anyone who can be bothered to go through the threads will see it for himself.
This is just a smoke screen in reality. This the place which is dedicated to one thing only and that's Islamophobia. I always doubted the origin of the people who run this, anyway.
In any case, it is obvious what is the ambition behind it. Germany is the ideal for what people should strive for. Oh Germany this and that? Come on?
One thing is interesting, I just wonder what some soldier or major from the liberation war or even higher command would think of all of this????
I am sure that they won't be too pleased. Of course not , those who talk how The Kemalism deteriorating, well they are the champions of that.
No need to ban me as I will delete my account after this . Of course, I am more then sure that this post will be instantly deleted.
So , my parting gift is Long Live Israel and Abdul Hamid was a bastered, that's what you want to hear?
On other note , since all those claims of the so called Genocides by Hamas were debunked by Israelis themselves, wouldn't it be possible that people who pedal it , deliberately or not, to write at least one line of the apology? At least a bit of Common decency wouldn't go amiss


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I got banned for 5 days, if it is not deleted what I have already written, then someone can wonder why?
You don't need to wonder why. As long as you say that all Muslims in the world ( including Turkey) should be exterminated, it will insure that the people who run this thing will like you
Maybe just maybe, if you are not completely sure then send it a moderator that he can evaluate and adjust your " free" thinking. It is not just me but other people who have the same ideas were banned.
They were banned for calling Israel terrorist state and that's it. On other hand, there is no problem to call any Turkish Islamic leader any name that someone wants it. On the question of so called Armenian Genocide, so call Patriots can't give a single detail. Of course, when the Jew is in question, then heavens and earth will be moved to to protect their masters.
This is nir mear accusation. Anyone who can be bothered to go through the threads will see it for himself.
This is just a smoke screen in reality. This the place which is dedicated to one thing only and that's Islamophobia. I always doubted the origin of the people who run this, anyway.
In any case, it is obvious what is the ambition behind it. Germany is the ideal for what people should strive for. Oh Germany this and that? Come on?
One thing is interesting, I just wonder what some soldier or major from the liberation war or even higher command would think of all of this????
I am sure that they won't be too pleased. Of course not , those who talk how The Kemalism deteriorating, well they are the champions of that.
No need to ban me as I will delete my account after this . Of course, I am more then sure that this post will be instantly deleted.
So , my parting gift is Long Live Israel and Abdul Hamid was a bastered, that's what you want to hear?
On other note , since all those claims of the so called Genocides by Hamas were debunked by Israelis themselves, wouldn't it be possible that people who pedal it , deliberately or not, to write at least one line of the apology? At least a bit of Common decency wouldn't go amiss
You are making it personal,read the Forum rules and see why you were banned.

Forum Rules

Insulting & Name Calling

DefenceHub wishes to be a platform of productive exchange of ideas. In this context insulting & name calling other members, countries, country leaders, ethnic / national / religious identities are strictly


Refrain from attacking the poster making the argument. Attack argument itself . Focus on the discussion not on the poster.



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The damage is far spread but no deep crater seen. Type 63 MLRS ?

So its Falagh-3


Pic is Falagh-1 tho

mehmed beg

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Bosnia & Herzegovina
You are making it personal,read the Forum rules and see why you were banned.

Forum Rules

Insulting & Name Calling

DefenceHub wishes to be a platform of productive exchange of ideas. In this context insulting & name calling other members, countries, country leaders, ethnic / national / religious identities are strictly


Refrain from attacking the poster making the argument. Attack argument itself . Focus on the discussion not on the poster.

Truly I don't know what are you talking about. In Kaan thread, it goes Germanans are cucks this and thar and nobody gets sanctioned? Why? Oh yes, the final conclusion it is actually Erdoğan who should cuck on behalf of Turkey for Germany??? Say so then.
And in the relation to this subject, Erdoğan and Turkey should suck up to Sholz, according to Sholt, , Israel is justified because they have the democracy, human rights and respect the International Law. Hamas has nothing of it so why not call them all the names? Which one is which here?
As of personal things here, we'll my father, 2 cousins and uncle died in the Bosnian war and this charlatan ( to say the least) Bozan should tell me for what I should be grateful for???
BTW. If someone rolls back all my posts and the questions, it is easy to notice that I didn't get any straight answer. So I had the arguments, it is not my problem that in the case in which people have no answer that they think it was personal attack. Of course, empty people have only their own narcissism.
So all in all
So , choose what do you want.
Ban any criticism of any country, only Muslims and Muslim countries can be attacked and it is like that here anyway. Consider for the opinion any debunked propaganda and ban anyone who doesn't agree with that. Consider as argument that Arabs are Anti Semetic, though later the same person can say that Arabs are Semetics, all works really. Consider as the valid argument thar America saved mine and my sister life's.
If you consider that as the arguments, then fine.
Just change the name of the thread, let it be " Their worshipfullness vs Amelikates".No?
For me, well buddy, I am Mehmed Sokolovic aka Sikollu. Do you think that I will suck up to the people who survived by the grace of my Forfathers ? Just , because they use a toilet paper roll instead of water?????
So let's some Indian spit on us ,anyway they do it 24/7 all over the Internet but if he gets the answer, oh then he feels offended. Let's pretend that it is done " subjectivity "
Anyway , don't worry, I will be gone as others are gone.
Let's this Central Asian Asena The Great cuck for the Jews , who from 1917 till 1956 killed millions of his kinsmen.


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Truly I don't know what are you talking about. In Kaan thread, it goes Germanans are cucks this and thar and nobody gets sanctioned? Why? Oh yes, the final conclusion it is actually Erdoğan who should cuck on behalf of Turkey for Germany??? Say so then.
And in the relation to this subject, Erdoğan and Turkey should suck up to Sholz, according to Sholt, , Israel is justified because they have the democracy, human rights and respect the International Law. Hamas has nothing of it so why not call them all the names? Which one is which here?
As of personal things here, we'll my father, 2 cousins and uncle died in the Bosnian war and this charlatan ( to say the least) Bozan should tell me for what I should be grateful for???
BTW. If someone rolls back all my posts and the questions, it is easy to notice that I didn't get any straight answer. So I had the arguments, it is not my problem that in the case in which people have no answer that they think it was personal attack. Of course, empty people have only their own narcissism.
So all in all
So , choose what do you want.
Ban any criticism of any country, only Muslims and Muslim countries can be attacked and it is like that here anyway. Consider for the opinion any debunked propaganda and ban anyone who doesn't agree with that. Consider as argument that Arabs are Anti Semetic, though later the same person can say that Arabs are Semetics, all works really. Consider as the valid argument thar America saved mine and my sister life's.
If you consider that as the arguments, then fine.
Just change the name of the thread, let it be " Their worshipfullness vs Amelikates".No?
For me, well buddy, I am Mehmed Sokolovic aka Sikollu. Do you think that I will suck up to the people who survived by the grace of my Forfathers ? Just , because they use a toilet paper roll instead of water?????
So let's some Indian spit on us ,anyway they do it 24/7 all over the Internet but if he gets the answer, oh then he feels offended. Let's pretend that it is done " subjectivity "
Anyway , don't worry, I will be gone as others are gone.
Let's this Central Asian Asena The Great cuck for the Jews , who from 1917 till 1956 killed millions of his kinsmen.
Again,you are taking it personal,we have no problem criticizing any country,you are free to do so.
insulting is another thing,we do not allow it,it doesnt matter which country or people.
You are making it a Muslim vs Jews/Christians/Hindu etc,it is not.
its about Gaza,they have christians there to.
Israel vs the Palestinians,thats it.
Stay on topic and we will have no problems,dont insult or attack others.
Dont take it personal.


South Korea Correspondent
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Consider as argument that Arabs are Anti Semetic, though later the same person can say that Arabs are Semetics, all works really.
Because it‘s a valid argument. Educate yourself how the terms „anti-semitism“ and „anti-semitic“ is used and the etymology. It means and is used for hatred of Jews and not hatred of Semites or Semitic people.
Due to the root word Semite, the term is prone to being invoked as a misnomer by those who interpret it as referring to racist hatred directed at all "Semitic people" (i.e., those who speak Semitic languages, such as Arabs, Assyrians, and Arameans). This usage is erroneous; the compound word antisemitismus (lit. 'antisemitism') was first used in print in Germany in 1879[17] as a "scientific-sounding term" for Judenhass (lit. 'Jew-hatred'),[18][19][20][21][22] and it has since been used to refer to anti-Jewish sentiment alone.[18][23][24]


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This si why I'm totally OK with October 7th, no oppressors should have the slightest bit of sympathy once people hit back.
Well, Im opposite :)
I dont like Israel but after October 7th and Palestinian reaction to it, I'm totally OK with IDF campaign


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Well, Im opposite :)
I dont like Israel but after October 7th and Palestinian reaction to it, I'm totally OK with IDF campaign

Well, I don't expect anything less, afterall the Western crowd spent some time making jokes about a Russian civilian getting killed in a shark attack even though Russian bombings in Ukraine are a lot less than the IDF bombings in Gaza.



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October 7 testimonies reveal Israel’s military ‘shelling’ Israeli citizens with tanks, missiles OCTOBER 27, 2023

Israel’s military received orders to shell Israeli homes and even their own bases as they were overwhelmed by Hamas militants on October 7. How many Israeli citizens said to have been “burned alive” were actually killed by friendly fire?

Israel’s military kills Israeli captives inside Gaza, grumbles about their release​

Inside Gaza, where some 200 Israeli citizens are held hostage, there is little doubt about who is killing the captives. On October 26, the Hamas armed wing known as the Al-Qassam Brigades announced that Israel had killed “almost 50 captives” in missile strikes.

If Israel’s military had intentionally targeted areas where it knew the captives were held, its actions would have been consistent with Israel’s Hannibal Directive(The Hannibal Directive: How Israel Killed Its Own Troops and Massacred Palestinians to Prevent Soldier's Capture). The military procedure was established in 1986 following the Jibril Agreement, a deal in which Israel traded 1150 Palestinian prisoners for three Israeli soldiers. Following heavy political backlash, the Israeli military drafted a secret field order to prevent future kidnappings. The proposed operation drew its name from the Carthaginian general who chose to poison himself rather than be held captive by the enemy.

The last confirmed application of the Hannibal Directive(Hadar Goldin and the Hannibal Directive) took place on August 1, 2014 in Rafah, Gaza, when Hamas fighters captured an Israeli officer, Lt. Hadar Goldin, prompting the military to unleash more than 2000 bombs, missiles and shells on the area, killing the soldier along with over 100 Palestinian civilians.

Whether or not Israel is intentionally killing its captive citizens in Gaza, it has proven strangely allergic to their immediate release. On October 22, after refusing an offer from Hamas to release 50 hostages in exchange for fuel, Israel rejected an offer from Hamas to free Yocheved Lifshitz, an 85-year-old Israeli peace activist, and her 79-year-old friend, Nurit Cooper.

When Israel agreed to their release a day later, video showed Liftshitz clasping hands with a Hamas militant and intoning “Shalom” to him as he escorted her out of Gaza. During a press conference that day, she recounted the humane treatment she received from her captors.

The spectacle of Lifshitz’s release was treated as a propaganda disaster by the Israeli government’s spinmeisters, with officials grumbling that allowing her to speak publicly was a grave “mistake.”

The Israeli military was no less displeased by her sudden freedom. As the Times of Israel reported, “The army is concerned that further hostage releases by Hamas could lead the political leadership to delay a ground incursion or even halt it midway.”

Lieutenant Colonel Nof Erez from the Israeli army said at the October 7 Music Festival that the "Hannibal Protocol" was implemented to prevent Israeli civilians from being taken to Gaza and taken prisoner.

The Israeli army admitted that they killed their own citizens in the festival area because they did not want them to be taken prisoner.

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