Live Conflict Israel-Palestine War|Regional Escalations


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Al-Qassam Brigades show scenes of the moment an Israeli officer was sniped with a Ghoul rifle west of Gaza City

IDF Die.jpg


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In which war did Israel fought their battles alone?

Answer: only in 2006 against Hezbollah and they lost.

Even now they got 250 cargoplanes and 40 ships with militairy material from the US and they got support on the ground from US and British troops.

The rest of your text is like always drogreasons and rubbish without argument or context. Come with facts soldierboy.

The day you screamed here "mAy ThE bEsT wÄ°n In ThE IsRAELi PaLeStIniaN cOnFliCt" was the day you lost every credibility.
During the 6 Day War in 1967 Israel beat the piss out of a much larger Arab / Muslim coalition that attacked them. As a result of the war, Israel took control of the Golan Heights, Sinai Peninsula, West Bank and the Gaza Strip, as the Arab / Muslim army retreated in shame, with their respective tails between their legs.

The disparity in casualties between the two sides, as well as equipment loses was drastic. The Arab / Muslim coalition got their ass absolutely handed to them.

In the 1948 War the Israelis again worked their Arab / Muslim counterparts. Another abject failure by the Arab / Muslim coalition. The outcome of the war saw the Partition Plan cemented and Israel also took 60% of the area partitioned for the Arabs in that deal as a consequence of the beat down.

In both of those conflicts Israel received supplies from their Allies (as did the Arabs / Muslims from theirs), but the wars themselves were fought by Israelis and both ended in humiliating defeat for the much larger Arab / Muslim coalitions that opposed them.

Neither of those examples are in any way refutable by anyone with a clue.


Indonesia Correspondent
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The Israeli army confirms the killing of an officer in its ranks during clashes in battles in the northern Gaza Strip



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Biden Sends Aide To Privately Meet Israel Army Chief; Netanyahu Tries To Block, Then…



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Biden Sends Aide To Privately Meet Israel Army Chief; Netanyahu Tries To Block, Then…

Netanyahu is psychopath. He shouldn't be trusted. It doesn't mean the West should stop supporting Israel's cause, but the Israelis absolutely need to get that guy out of office and put somebody into power that in no way, shape, or form, supports Israeli expansion in the West Bank. There is absolutely no need for it and it simply escalates tensions unnecessarily.

Israel simply needs to be armed to the teeth (including nuclear weapons), fully capable of defending themselves, and a Government must be put into place that is open to peace with whichever political party takes control of Gaza at the conclusion of this conflict.

Netanyahu cannot be that guy!


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Over 30 Hostages Killed In Gaza; 'Brutal' IDF Bombings Claim Lives Of Israelis?



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In which war did Israel fought their battles alone?

Answer: only in 2006 against Hezbollah and they lost.

Even now they got 250 cargoplanes and 40 ships with militairy material from the US and they got support on the ground from US and British troops.

The rest of your text is like always drogreasons and rubbish without argument or context. Come with facts soldierboy.

The day you screamed here "mAy ThE bEsT wÄ°n In ThE IsRAELi PaLeStIniaN cOnFliCt" was the day you lost every credibility.

early on in this thread i had to add relic to ignore. On the one hand he was propagandising for Israel, which he's free to do. But at the same time he was accusing people of being terrorist sympathisers for simple not towing the isreali narrative. And those first few weeks quite a few people were trying to pretend that Isreal were the good guys and then after the 100th hospital was bombed by Isreali forces the majority just scuppered or went silent.


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During the 6 Day War in 1967 Israel beat the piss out of a much larger Arab / Muslim coalition that attacked them.

Let's not make up false history. It was the Israel who attack those countries fast. Just like it did in 1956.


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Let's not make up false history. It was the Israel who attack those countries fast. Just like it did in 1956.
Nasser closed the Straits of Tiran and put his army on the border in a defensive posture, knowing that it would wind up in war. After the 1956 situation, Israel told Egypt, publically, that if they closed the Straits again, it would be an act of war. Israel saw that as a direct attack on their economy and Nasser knew what he was doing. That's why he put his military on the defensive alert.

Egypt crossed a obvious red line for Israel and threatened their economy via trade routing and Israel kept their promise and retaliated in taking thr initiative in combat. In six days they made a mockery of their Arab opposition. Egypt put 100,000 of its troops, including its best divisions in the Sinai.

KIA were approximatepy 20,000 on the Arab side, including Egyptians, Jordanians, Syrians and Lebanese vs approximately 1000 on the Israeli side, in a 20-1 "turkey shoot". The Arabs also lost 450 of their combat aircraft (60% of everything they owned) vs 46 Israeli aircraft, in a 10 to 1 embarrassment.

If someone draws a reasonable red line and tells you that it will be treated as an act of war if you cross it... Then you ignore their warning, but take them serious enough to pre-posture your army, you know what's coming. I don't care who fired the first bullet. Egypt wanted the war, crossed the line to antagonize the war, and Israel obliged them in the exact way they said they would.

Nobody is making up false history. You're trying to appeal to a technicality (who fired the first shot), but there was far more nuance to the situation than your post suggests.

mehmed beg

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During the 6 Day War in 1967 Israel beat the piss out of a much larger Arab / Muslim coalition that attacked them. As a result of the war, Israel took control of the Golan Heights, Sinai Peninsula, West Bank and the Gaza Strip, as the Arab / Muslim army retreated in shame, with their respective tails between their legs.

The disparity in casualties between the two sides, as well as equipment loses was drastic. The Arab / Muslim coalition got their ass absolutely handed to them.

In the 1948 War the Israelis again worked their Arab / Muslim counterparts. Another abject failure by the Arab / Muslim coalition. The outcome of the war saw the Partition Plan cemented and Israel also took 60% of the area partitioned for the Arabs in that deal as a consequence of the beat down.

In both of those conflicts Israel received supplies from their Allies (as did the Arabs / Muslims from theirs), but the wars themselves were fought by Israelis and both ended in humiliating defeat for the much larger Arab / Muslim coalitions that opposed them.

Neither of those examples are in any way refutable by anyone with a clue.t

During the 6 Day War in 1967 Israel beat the piss out of a much larger Arab / Muslim coalition that attacked them. As a result of the war, Israel took control of the Golan Heights, Sinai Peninsula, West Bank and the Gaza Strip, as the Arab / Muslim army retreated in shame, with their respective tails between their legs.

The disparity in casualties between the two sides, as well as equipment loses was drastic. The Arab / Muslim coalition got their ass absolutely handed to them.

In the 1948 War the Israelis again worked their Arab / Muslim counterparts. Another abject failure by the Arab / Muslim coalition. The outcome of the war saw the Partition Plan cemented and Israel also took 60% of the area partitioned for the Arabs in that deal as a consequence of the beat down.

In both of those conflicts Israel received supplies from their Allies (as did the Arabs / Muslims from theirs), but the wars themselves were fought by Israelis and both ended in humiliating defeat for the much larger Arab / Muslim coalitions that opposed them.

Neither of those examples are in any way refutable by anyone with a clue.
Between 1911 to 1923 Turks and some of their friends ( my people also) fought it out with the half of the world, among those were Canadians. 1923 , Lloyd George asked you to join forces to fight Turkish Nationalists. You were afraid, you didn't dare.
As of me , I will use the language which I am sure , you understand very well, and i told you this before.
I am blond ( still); 2m 01 cm tall 135 kg , from the family who held high position in the Ottoman Empire, even before that we as Cathars fought off both Ortodox and Catholics.
I was always free , no slave no serf , no subjugated. Belive me since 12th century, us small people, dealt with the people of your cultural profile. And here we are.
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Nasser closed the Straits of Tiran and put his army on the border in a defensive posture, knowing that it would wind up in war. After the 1956 situation, Israel told Egypt, publically, that if they closed the Straits again, it would be an act of war. Israel saw that as a direct attack on their economy and Nasser knew what he was doing. That's why he put his military on the defensive alert.

Egypt crossed a obvious red line for Israel and threatened their economy via trade routing and Israel kept their promise and retaliated in taking thr initiative in combat. In six days they made a mockery of their Arab opposition. Egypt put 100,000 of its troops, including its best divisions in the Sinai.

KIA were approximatepy 20,000 on the Arab side, including Egyptians, Jordanians, Syrians and Lebanese vs approximately 1000 on the Israeli side, in a 20-1 "turkey shoot". The Arabs also lost 450 of their combat aircraft (60% of everything they owned) vs 46 Israeli aircraft, in a 10 to 1 embarrassment.

If someone draws a reasonable red line and tells you that it will be treated as an act of war if you cross it... Then you ignore their warning, but take them serious enough to pre-posture your army, you know what's coming. I don't care who fired the first bullet. Egypt wanted the war, crossed the line to antagonize the war, and Israel obliged them in the exact way they said they would.

Nobody is making up false history. You're trying to appeal to a technicality (who fired the first shot), but there was far more nuance to the situation than your post suggests.

And now you are are coming with lame excuses.

Egypt had the full sovereignty over Suaz canal, recognized by the international community. If you don't know what sovereignty means look it up in the dictionary.

You can't claim someone else's sovereignty is your red line, and start a war because someone exercises his sovereignty in his own land, and then blame the war on them.

It was Israel who was the aggressor by any legal definition. That is what matters in the end. Unless of course, you can prove Egypt crossed Israeli border, or started bombing Israel first.
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And now you are are coming with lame excuses. There was nothing reasonable about Israel's red line.

Egypt had the full sovereignty over Suaz canal, recognized by the international community. If you don't know what sovereignty means look it up in the dictionary.

You can't start a war because someone exercises his sovereignty in his own land, and then blame the war on them.

It was Israel who was the aggressor by any legal definition. That is what matters in the end. Unless of course, you can prove Egypt crossed Israeli border, or started bombing Israel first.

Actually you can, if it is a threat to your national security. It's very common.


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Actually you can, if it is a threat to your national security. It's very common.

Anybody can start a war. I am not talking about the ability to start a war. I am simply stating, legally who was the aggressor in 1967.


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And now you are are coming with lame excuses.

Egypt had the full sovereignty over Suaz canal, recognized by the international community. If you don't know what sovereignty means look it up in the dictionary.

You can't claim someone else's sovereignty is your red line, and start a war because someone exercises his sovereignty in his own land, and then blame the war on them.

It was Israel who was the aggressor by any legal definition. That is what matters in the end. Unless of course, you can prove Egypt crossed Israeli border, or started bombing Israel first.
Wait, so your argument is that Muslims and Arabs in the region need to accept Israel's existence as a state and stop warring with them because Israel's existence was created by the West smashing the Ottomans in a war, gaining control of territory, giving it to Israel and recognizing them as a legitimate, sovereign state under international law?

So we're in agreement then that the Arab / Muslim contention that Israel has no rights to the land they live on is a ridiculous point and it's time for the cry babies in the region to on move and accept that their ancestors got their teeth kicked in, losing a fare and honest war between willing combatants. The result was the dissolution of a once great Empire and Western mandate over the land that the West gifted to the Jews.

So if we're following rules of international recognition / law, Israel has every right to exist and defend itself from all challenges to its sovereignty, territory and existence as a nation.

Glad we're on the same page here! You should help me explain that to the others in the thread that only want to apply terms that start with the word "international" when it's in opposition to Israel, and it's rights, including to exist as a nation.
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Is this a little lesson in history?
You are completely crazy, why you are saying this I can only guess.
Are you feeling a bit superior?
Well let me repeat what, over the time here and Pakistani Defence Forum, I told you.
You might be used to various people, whome you can look down upon. Those people might be angry and react differently in regards to your nonsense.
Anyway, I will repeat what I have already told you.

Between 1911 to 1923 Turks and some of their friends ( my people also) fought it out with the half of the world, among those were Canadians. 1923 , Lloyd George asked you to join forces to fight Turkish Nationalists. You were afraid, you didn't dare.
As of me , I will use the language which I am sure , you understand very well, and i told you this before.
I am blond ( still); 2m 01 cm tall 135 kg , from the family who held high position in the Ottoman Empire, even before that we as Cathars fought off both Ortodox and Catholics.
I was always free , no slave no serf , no subjugated. Belive me since 12th century, us small people, dealt with the people of your cultural profile. And here we are.
So, I don't know how you would like to see yourself or what you think how other people see you but one thing I know for sure .
People who talk and think like you, in the certain places and situations , would act like the waitresses in no time.
So quit dialectics.
Nothing I wrote in that entire "history lesson" was anything but factual. After the 1956 War that Eqypt lost, Israel gave them clear conditions for future war. One of those key conditions was hurting Israel's economy via closing the Straits of Tiran to Israeli shipping. Nasser bowed up and postured towards Israel, crossing the red line they had put in place, and he knew it. Hence the 100,000 troops he put in the Sinai.

Israel remained true to their word and upon the Straits of Tiran becoming closed, they took the initiative and slapped the Egyptians around so precisely that they conceded inside 1 week, despite being dug in defensively.
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I see there is a heat between some of you. I advice you to stay from personal attacks. If you want to debate, attack the arguments and not the people behind them. Let's try to stay calm and contribute to the discussion in a more positive way. Personal attacks will not be tolerated!

Warnings were given, messages were deleted and some were edited.

Thank you!
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