Live Conflict Israel-Palestine War|Regional Escalations


3 1,805
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Northern Cyprus
Israel supports YPG PKK in our lands. I cannot criticise AKP for going all out on them. I criticise them for not doing that prior to 2015, even serving them by destabilising Syria and cleaning our borders from mines hence helping them demographically shift the so called Kurdish corridor in favor of YPG.
Actually Israel and Kurds have a long relationship than PKK. Since Israel founded, it has been surrounded by Dictatorships and enemies, for years Turkey was he only reliable democratic ally in the region and kurds was the non-state ally to Israel. Against Saddam's Iraq, Against Syria and after revolution especially against Iran, Israel supported various kurdish groups including PKK. I don't know how was their vision about Turkey but Israel always wanted and secular ally Kurdistan in between Iran and Israel and pushed for that.. But Turkey feel threatened about it. I am sure support for Kurds was primarily against Iran and Iraq, up to Erdogan's AKP came to power, Israel's best buddy and defender was Turkey in the region.. Why would they want to destroy Turkey, also see how Israel is supporting Azerbaijan, wanting a strong ally Azerbaijan in the region.. Up to 2000s... all over the world Jewish lobby was blocking so called genocide acts.. See how it fell down.. I am sure if the things after one minute didn't happen, Turkey would get F35 even if it got S400.. But as They can't rely on Turkey, they don't want it to get air superiority.. If I were Israel I wouldn't want that too... Erdogan constantly saying, Jerusalem is ours.. we will save it.. Israel is a terror state, We will send troops to protect palestinians.. Why would they trust you? If Israel is supporting PKK today, they have right to do as Turkey is openly supporting Hamas.

Apart from cruelty against palestinians, Israel won every war they entered and conquered those lands, they could have expel muslims like Turkey expelled Greeks after war or other nations did.. But They didn't, Palestine has been fell decades ago and that shouldn't be our concern. So if Israel says that Cyprus is Greeks' and We will save it from Turkey's hand! What do we feel about it? I feel sorry for palestinian civilians, kids etc. (not hamas terrorists) But actually those palestinians said Turkey is an invader in Cyprus! (I remember very well) and side with Greeks while Israel supporting us, those muslim brothers helped PKK a lot of times, they trained them in their camps. Everyone is using PKK so when Israel used them I think main target was Iran.

Do you know that in 90s Israel was planning to fund a project to get water from Turkey to TRNC than to Israel.. All this mess created by Erdogan, Israel and Egypt were on our side in East Med, but populism ruined relations for Palestinians freedom ( who sold their lands,lost all wars, who betray us times and times)

Turkey should be the mediator in between.. not fueling violence by boosting hamas agenda.. This will not help palestinians as well.
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3 1,805
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Northern Cyprus
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Northern Cyprus
And we often accuse Arabs being silence about Palestinian issue, not doing anything.. (apart from gulf states) Many Arab country fought with Israel many times and lost... Sacrificed a lot for Palestinians (yet they do terrorism).. For Example, Egypt even lost Sinai for a while.. Why would they spend more effort in this issue, half a century already spent and what achieved? Just a piece of land even smaller than Cyprus. I see many comments from AKP supporters in twitter, they want Turkey to send army, They want to fight with Israel.. Why they are so eager, it is another country after all, how could you intervene.. It is just pure populism which is creating dangerous hatred.. Also Turkey is constantly losing sympathy in west.. One guy, yelling Israel, than USA, than France, then Netherlands.. People there feel like you see them as enemy.. then when they do against Turkey, put embargoes etc.. Yea hypocrite west.. Turkey urgently needs logic, empathy and self criticism.. Foreign relations managed so recklessly


3 1,805
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Northern Cyprus
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Northern Cyprus
Big shame that Palestine doesn't have a big brother like Turk Cypriots had to step in and stop the ethnic cleanse.
They had mate, Egypt fought for them, Jordan fought for them but lost couple of times.. Nobody wants to sacrifice anything anymore.. But yeah Turkish Cypriots was lucky cos Greeks was not strong like Israel, and we had a big bro very close to us.


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Actually Israel and Kurds have a long relationship than PKK. Since Israel founded, it has been surrounded by Islamic Dictatorships and enemies, for years Turkey was he only reliable democratic ally in the region and kurds was the non-state ally to Israel. Against Saddam's Iraq, Against Syria and after revolution especially against Iran, Israel supported various kurdish groups including PKK. I don't know how was their vision about Turkey but Israel always wanted and secular ally Kurdistan in between Iran and Israel and pushed for that.. But Turkey feel threatened about it. I am sure support for Kurds was primarily against Iran and Iraq, up to Erdogan's AKP came to power, Israel's best buddy and defender was Turkey in the region.. Why would they want to destroy Turkey, also see how Israel is supporting Azerbaijan, wanting a strong ally Azerbaijan in the region.. Up to 2000s... all over the world Jewish lobby was blocking so called genocide acts.. See how it fell down.. I am sure if the things after one minute didn't happen, Turkey would get F35 even if it got S400.. But as They can't rely on Turkey, they don't want it to get air superiority.. If I were Israel I wouldn't want that too... Erdogan constantly saying, Jerusalem is ours.. we will save it.. Israel is a terror state, We will send troops to protect palestinians.. Why would they trust you? If Israel is supporting PKK today, they have right to do as Turkey is openly supporting Hamas.

Apart from cruelty against palestinians, Israel won every war they entered and conquered those lands, they could have expel muslims like Turkey expelled Greeks after war or other nations did.. But They didn't, Palestine has been fell decades ago and that shouldn't be our concern. So if Israel says that Cyprus is Greeks' and We will save it from Turkey's hand! What do we feel about it? I feel sorry for palestinian civilians, kids etc. (not hamas terrorists) But actually those palestinians said Turkey is an invader in Cyprus! (I remember very well) and side with Greeks while Israel supporting us, those muslim brothers helped PKK a lot of times, they trained them in their camps. Everyone is using PKK so when Israel used them I think main target was Iran.

Do you know that in 90s Israel was planning to fund a project to get water from Turkey to TRNC than to Israel.. All this mess created by Erdogan, Israel and Egypt were on our side in East Med, but populism ruined relations for Palestinians freedom ( who sold their lands,lost all wars, who betray us times and times)

Turkey should be the mediator in between.. not fueling violence by boosting hamas agenda.. This will not help palestinians as well.

Islamic dictatorships 🤣🤣🤣

Egypt, Syria, Iraq are really Islamic dictatorships.

They were secular, pan arab or baathist dictatorships you dont know shit.

Saddam once promised the Kurds autonomy guess what the Iranians and Israelis told the Kurds in iraq to reject it and to fight Saddam guess what they got stomped.

Kurds are just useful proxies. Every empire and state used them for their own benefit hence why they are useful.

Israel was only close to Turkey for their own benefit nothing else. We seen their true nature which is backstabbing like their Arab cousins.

When the Allies invaded Anatolia guess what the Jews switched to their sides with ease. In ww1 lets see Zion mule corps, nili spy ring. We just focus on the Arab revolt but somehow the Jews were loyal citizens.

BS one by one I destroyed the various myths Turkish Israeli fanboys and shills kept on spouting.
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Turkey is defending the Palestinians we are getting hated for it even by them.

If a opportunity comes for a treaty between Turkey and Israel regarding Al Aqsa mosque and the Muslim quarters i would take it plus Jordan has failed as a protector.


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Turkey is defending the Palestinians we are getting hated for it even by them.

If a opportunity comes for a treaty between Turkey and Israel regarding Al Aqsa mosque and the Muslim quarters i would take it plus Jordan has failed as a protector.

In such a case, providing the Palestinians also got a fair deal, you would have the full support of Pakistan, Bangladesh, possibly Indonesia and a lot of other non-Arab Muslim countries.

I hate that the Palestinian issue has been monopolized by the failed Arab states.


4 1,245
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From an Indonesian side of political view . Truthfully , We ain't give a shit about jews or non jew ( hell , we do a lot of clandestine acquisition from them after all ) . It's the occupational/apartheid lines of treatment thing that rubbed us in the wrong way . Contrary to many people believe we are Indonesian doesn't give a much of consideration about skin's color and whatnot . back during the day , the soeharto's regimme treat the East timorese the very same treatment as much as the rest nation . which is hammered every sticking nails hard till flat !! Everybody get stomped flat during those days and yet the ET's were thinking they were the only one that get a special treatment and get delusioned because some " western knight in shining armor " coming in to their " rescue " and then conned their abysmall oil reserves for good right in front of their own eyes ...
Anyway ... return the 1967 border and we are all cool with it . Every body then could be merry and sing kumbaya together . Keep circling this up forever ?? then , so be it ...
When we do come .... and boy , we will come for it eventually either in peace or in arms ( just because we couldn't today it doesn't mean we couldn't tomorrow ! World always goes round in full circle after all ..) . We won't make any half measured effort at all .


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I remember a Arab guy in my class telling me when it comes to politics of the Arab World.

Either become a Secular Dictatorship or a Islamic Dictatorship. Whole struggle in the cold war was not just politics in the middle east but also ideology.

Israel is a Secular State with Jewish characteristics that make it a Jewish state but not entirely a Jewish state Israel does not rule by Jewish law. Ben Gurion gave some concessions to the religious crowd to maintain the balance between the secularism and religion in the the State of Israel.

Foundation of Israel especially with Zionism was always to form a homeland for Jews while maintaining it has to be secular.

Modern world still has this conflict between Secularism and Religion along with tradition especially the conservative Middle East.

I know im going off topic but I do believe this whole struggle between Arabs and Jews and even among themselves is not just race and along with settling in lands while pushing each other out but has ideology attached to it.

You look at the Palestinians and the Israelis their struggle is not a unified one their causes among themselves are different. Hamas and PLO are different Hamas is more Islamic while PLO led by Abbas is more left wing. Israelis themselves too you have secular, zionists, liberals along with the ultra religious crowd on what they believe is the best for Israel.
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Pakistani political leadership will just give the usual worn out statements to placate the stupid, ignorant public. Sure enough PM Imran Khan did that exactly that today. Pakistan has enough issues with nearly 20% of the globe to the east without being sucked into conflict with the entire West.

Palestine was lost the day the Ottomans were defeated in WW1.
Bro, i know that very well, same with turkey, i said in long term. Those 3 countries have potential to form strongest entity after usa and china, i did not said it would be walk by beach amd it looks like impossible task, but who knows will smarter people come after us which could at least start activities in thatt direction. What is not hard thing to do is that eac of those 3 countires stop steping on each other toes, that would be huge leap forward from current state of affairs.

Sorry on of topic,


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Bosnia & Herzegovina
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Bosnia & Herzegovina
I remember a Arab guy in my class telling me when it comes to politics of the Arab World.

Either become a Secular Dictatorship or a Islamic Dictatorship. Whole struggle in the cold war was not just politics in the middle east but also ideology.

Israel is a Secular State with Jewish characteristics that make it a Jewish state but not entirely a Jewish state Israel does not rule by Jewish law. Ben Gurion gave some concessions to the religious crowd to maintain the balance between the secularism and religion in the the State of Israel.

Foundation of Israel especially with Zionism was always to form a homeland for Jews while maintaining it has to be secular.

Modern world still has this conflict between Secularism and Religion along with tradition. For the conservative Middle East.

I know im going off topic but I do believe this whole struggle between Arabs and Jews and even among themselves is not just race and along with settling in lands while push each other out but has ideology attached to it.

You look at the Palestinians and the Israelis their struggle is not a unified one their causes among themselves are different. Hamas and PLO are different Hamas is more Islamic while PLO led by Abbas is more left wing. Israelis themselves too you have secular, zionists, liberals along with the ultra religious crowd on what they believe is the best for Israel.
Problem is that islamic world thinks with western mindset and ideologies. First khilafet was first secular state in the world if you look closely. Western labels are problem and chain needed to be broken and free minds and societies.


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Problem is that islamic world thinks with western mindset and ideologies. First khilafet was first secular state in the world if you look closely. Western labels are problem and chain needed to be broken and free minds and societies.

Modern world is made by the west hence why we use their mindset and ideologies.

You know why we starting adopting them look into Ibn Khaldun when a people are defeated they start copying and following their conquerors in everything.

When the West colonised amd conquered most of the world including the Islamic World apart from Turkiye. We fought for our independance when our empire came crashing down i mean we nearly got colonised.

This perception came to Muslims that our religion got defeated by the forces of the modern world hence why we tried to look for answers for centuries due to this we look towards the west.

Pretty demoralising period actually i mean the Arabs reached France while the Turks reached Vienna. Mongols nearly came close to conquering Europe same with the Huns.

Now Europe wentn on conquering the whole world. They subdued China!!! Think of this China even has a period in its history called the century of humilation!!


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Actually Israel and Kurds have a long relationship than PKK. Since Israel founded, it has been surrounded by Dictatorships and enemies, for years Turkey was he only reliable democratic ally in the region and kurds was the non-state ally to Israel. Against Saddam's Iraq, Against Syria and after revolution especially against Iran, Israel supported various kurdish groups including PKK. I don't know how was their vision about Turkey but Israel always wanted and secular ally Kurdistan in between Iran and Israel and pushed for that.. But Turkey feel threatened about it. I am sure support for Kurds was primarily against Iran and Iraq, up to Erdogan's AKP came to power, Israel's best buddy and defender was Turkey in the region.. Why would they want to destroy Turkey, also see how Israel is supporting Azerbaijan, wanting a strong ally Azerbaijan in the region.. Up to 2000s... all over the world Jewish lobby was blocking so called genocide acts.. See how it fell down.. I am sure if the things after one minute didn't happen, Turkey would get F35 even if it got S400.. But as They can't rely on Turkey, they don't want it to get air superiority.. If I were Israel I wouldn't want that too... Erdogan constantly saying, Jerusalem is ours.. we will save it.. Israel is a terror state, We will send troops to protect palestinians.. Why would they trust you? If Israel is supporting PKK today, they have right to do as Turkey is openly supporting Hamas.

Apart from cruelty against palestinians, Israel won every war they entered and conquered those lands, they could have expel muslims like Turkey expelled Greeks after war or other nations did.. But They didn't, Palestine has been fell decades ago and that shouldn't be our concern. So if Israel says that Cyprus is Greeks' and We will save it from Turkey's hand! What do we feel about it? I feel sorry for palestinian civilians, kids etc. (not hamas terrorists) But actually those palestinians said Turkey is an invader in Cyprus! (I remember very well) and side with Greeks while Israel supporting us, those muslim brothers helped PKK a lot of times, they trained them in their camps. Everyone is using PKK so when Israel used them I think main target was Iran.

Do you know that in 90s Israel was planning to fund a project to get water from Turkey to TRNC than to Israel.. All this mess created by Erdogan, Israel and Egypt were on our side in East Med, but populism ruined relations for Palestinians freedom ( who sold their lands,lost all wars, who betray us times and times)

Turkey should be the mediator in between.. not fueling violence by boosting hamas agenda.. This will not help palestinians as well.
Israel had strong relations with KDP of Barzani (mostly in 1960-es) never had relations with PKK. PKK was founded and supported by Assad, they had training camps in Lebanon in Assad controlled territories and Syria itself.


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Modern world is made by the west hence why we use their mindset and ideologies.

You know why we starting adopting them look into Ibn Khaldun when a people are defeated they start copying and following their conquerors in everything.

When the West colonised amd conquered most of the world including the Islamic World apart from Turkiye. We fought for our independance when our empire came crashing down i mean we nearly got colonised.

This perception came to Muslims that our religion got defeated by the forces of the modern world hence why we tried to look for answers for centuries due to this we look towards the west.

Pretty demoralising period actually i mean the Arabs reached France while the Turks reached Vienna. Mongols nearly came close to conquering Europe same with the Huns.

Now Europe wentn on conquering the whole world. They subdued China!!! Think of this China even has a period in its history called the century of humilation!!
This video is a quite interesting in the context of what you talking about.

I've found that tradionalist thinkers like Rene Guenon, Seyyed Hossein Nasr, Abdal Hakim Murad (Timothy Winter) are useful in understanding the relationship between modernity and the muslim world.


The soldiers sitting on the ground in the center of the photograph are Ottoman soldiers captured as a result of the siege of Gaza and the fall of Jerusalem.

Those around the soldiers are our so-called Muslim brothers from Palestine.

Ottoman soldiers were taken prisoner, the Turkish flag was taken down from the post and the British flag was taken in its place, our soldiers were taken prisoner, and the Palestinians watch the Turkish soldiers who have been protecting them for years, ensuring their safety and ensuring that they live under a flag, like watching a theater show, like watching a circus show.

Rioters do not represent all Arab Israelis​

The violent Arab protesters who took to the streets to hurt Jews have mostly harmed the Arab public in Israel.​

By Yoseph Haddad

Published on 05-12-2021 12:37
Last modified: 05-12-2021 12:39

The instigators of violent riots across Israel do not represent the Arab society. They are the extremists among us who managed to recruit hundreds of young men with nothing better to do.
Follow Israel Hayom on Facebook and Twitter

Nevertheless, the responsibility of being the mature adult rests on the representatives of the Arab public, especially the Arab members of the Knesset. Instead of calming the storm, they attacked the Jewish state and its policies and expressed full support for the rioters.

As a result, the Arab-Israeli society has been dragged by these extremists and political leaders into the Israel-Hamas confrontation. Social media has exploded with anti-Arab messages and calls to boycott Arab businesses, but let's take a moment and understand: there were several hundred rioters, but there are 1.9 million Arabs living in Israel. Generalizing all Arab Israelis as rioters is simply not true.

We, Arab Israelis, stood with the Jewish state during the coronavirus pandemic as doctors and nurses, battling the virus side by side with our Jewish colleagues. Remember Ibrahim Maher, an Arab Israeli nurse at Ha'emek Medical Center in Afula who recited the traditional "Shema Yisrael" prayer for his Jewish patient, who was on his deathbed and whose family was most likely not going to make it in time to see him?
We, Arab Israelis, mobilized a week ago to offer support following the Lag B'Omer disaster. Arab cities like Tamra and Zarzir set up rest stops for evacuees from Mount Meron to have something to eat and drink on their way home. Residents of Jish and Yafa an-Naseriyye helped the evacuees and even went to donate blood to help those injured.
All surveys conducted in recent years show that the issues the Arab society cares about the most are internal social problems: violence and crime, housing, education, and infrastructure. In every single survey, the Palestinian conflict ranks at the bottom of the list.
The same is true of the political arena. The Arab Israeli public has chosen the party that promised to represent the interests of Arab citizens and act, first and foremost, with our interest in mind, even at the expense of foreign issues (a promise they, unfortunately, seem to have gone back on).
The extremist minority among us was waiting for an opportunity to stir up violence. And what better way to do so than staging a danger to the Al-Aqsa Mosque? These rioters took to the streets to hurt Jews, but what they harmed the most was the Arab Israeli society. They undid all the effort of integration and partnership that was in full swing until then.
If one looks at who benefits from the situation, one will understand the complete picture. Extremists on both sides, who oppose coexistence, use the current events to justify their actions, and the vast majority, the sane ones, pay the price.
We must not let this set us back. It is unclear how much damage these events caused or how long it will take to rebuild the trust we worked so hard to acquire, but we, the Arab Israelis, have an opportunity to support and promote a new Arab leadership that will do all that members of Knesset Ayman Odeh and Mansour Abbas have failed to do: genuinely represent the Arabs of Israel and turn us into an integral part of Israeli society.
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Do not you think that they already paid heavy price for that? If that is reason for simpinf for israel it is beyond pathetic.


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View attachment 20835 The soldiers sitting on the ground in the center of the photograph are Ottoman soldiers captured as a result of the siege of Gaza and the fall of Jerusalem.

Those around the soldiers are our so-called Muslim brothers from Palestine.

Ottoman soldiers were taken prisoner, the Turkish flag was taken down from the post and the British flag was taken in its place, our soldiers were taken prisoner, and the Palestinians watch the Turkish soldiers who have been protecting them for years, ensuring their safety and ensuring that they live under a flag, like watching a theater show, like watching a circus show.

Rioters do not represent all Arab Israelis​

The violent Arab protesters who took to the streets to hurt Jews have mostly harmed the Arab public in Israel.​

By Yoseph Haddad

Published on 05-12-2021 12:37
Last modified: 05-12-2021 12:39

The instigators of violent riots across Israel do not represent the Arab society. They are the extremists among us who managed to recruit hundreds of young men with nothing better to do.
Follow Israel Hayom on Facebook and Twitter

Nevertheless, the responsibility of being the mature adult rests on the representatives of the Arab public, especially the Arab members of the Knesset. Instead of calming the storm, they attacked the Jewish state and its policies and expressed full support for the rioters.

As a result, the Arab-Israeli society has been dragged by these extremists and political leaders into the Israel-Hamas confrontation. Social media has exploded with anti-Arab messages and calls to boycott Arab businesses, but let's take a moment and understand: there were several hundred rioters, but there are 1.9 million Arabs living in Israel. Generalizing all Arab Israelis as rioters is simply not true.

We, Arab Israelis, stood with the Jewish state during the coronavirus pandemic as doctors and nurses, battling the virus side by side with our Jewish colleagues. Remember Ibrahim Maher, an Arab Israeli nurse at Ha'emek Medical Center in Afula who recited the traditional "Shema Yisrael" prayer for his Jewish patient, who was on his deathbed and whose family was most likely not going to make it in time to see him?
We, Arab Israelis, mobilized a week ago to offer support following the Lag B'Omer disaster. Arab cities like Tamra and Zarzir set up rest stops for evacuees from Mount Meron to have something to eat and drink on their way home. Residents of Jish and Yafa an-Naseriyye helped the evacuees and even went to donate blood to help those injured.
All surveys conducted in recent years show that the issues the Arab society cares about the most are internal social problems: violence and crime, housing, education, and infrastructure. In every single survey, the Palestinian conflict ranks at the bottom of the list.
The same is true of the political arena. The Arab Israeli public has chosen the party that promised to represent the interests of Arab citizens and act, first and foremost, with our interest in mind, even at the expense of foreign issues (a promise they, unfortunately, seem to have gone back on).
The extremist minority among us was waiting for an opportunity to stir up violence. And what better way to do so than staging a danger to the Al-Aqsa Mosque? These rioters took to the streets to hurt Jews, but what they harmed the most was the Arab Israeli society. They undid all the effort of integration and partnership that was in full swing until then.
If one looks at who benefits from the situation, one will understand the complete picture. Extremists on both sides, who oppose coexistence, use the current events to justify their actions, and the vast majority, the sane ones, pay the price.
We must not let this set us back. It is unclear how much damage these events caused or how long it will take to rebuild the trust we worked so hard to acquire, but we, the Arab Israelis, have an opportunity to support and promote a new Arab leadership that will do all that members of Knesset Ayman Odeh and Mansour Abbas have failed to do: genuinely represent the Arabs of Israel and turn us into an integral part of Israeli society.

Okay now post about how Ben gurion betrayed us.


Jordanians demand to open the border with Palestine. They want to help the brotherly people of Palestine.

Jordan security forces trying to hamper however
Jordanians bypass the security forces and move towards the borders with occupied Palestine.

Currently Israel Jordan border

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