I have to give nasrallah a credits here . For all of his shortcoming and divergent ideas . For sure he is a shrewd and brilliant strategist . I admit that i couldn't be as smart and patients as him ...
Many will lose their cools and start to leash out when you got a heavy casualties in their rank which in turn could only make you vulnerable and show a weakness to exploited further in ...but , no ....he is biting the bullets never fails upon Israelis taunts and bluffs and persistenly marching on his own pace . Incrementally leveling the tempos and dictates the dynamic of northern front skirmishes who are really ..really start to be felt and experienced by Israelis civilian ( debatable allright
) right now .
It's was Israelis who backed in the corner right now . After another diminishing leverages and means . Hizbo are still digging in and thriving ... Waiting for the overeager and anxious israelis reservist to jump on their preapared gauntlet of misery ...
And boy ....wouldn't that be a sight ...

Many will lose their cools and start to leash out when you got a heavy casualties in their rank which in turn could only make you vulnerable and show a weakness to exploited further in ...but , no ....he is biting the bullets never fails upon Israelis taunts and bluffs and persistenly marching on his own pace . Incrementally leveling the tempos and dictates the dynamic of northern front skirmishes who are really ..really start to be felt and experienced by Israelis civilian ( debatable allright

It's was Israelis who backed in the corner right now . After another diminishing leverages and means . Hizbo are still digging in and thriving ... Waiting for the overeager and anxious israelis reservist to jump on their preapared gauntlet of misery ...
And boy ....wouldn't that be a sight ...