Children and sick detainees in Israeli prisons 17.04.2023
There are many children among the Palestinians detained by Israeli forces on various allegations. Some of the Palestinian children are sentenced to prison by Israeli courts after these detentions.
While it is recorded that Israel has detained 882 Palestinian children in 2022 and approximately 50 thousand Palestinian children since 1967, detained Palestinian children are also deprived of education and training in conditions that violate international law and conventions on children's rights.
Of the nearly 5 thousand Palestinian detainees in Israeli prisons, 31 are women and 160 are children under the age of 18.
Among these people, the number of those sentenced to life imprisonment is 554, while nearly 700 sick people are detained.
Israel continues to hold in prison 24 detainees with cancer who are in serious need of care and 700 patients, some with tumors of varying degrees.
NGOs dealing with prisoner rights point out that Israel implements a policy of "medical negligence" and "slow killing" against Palestinian prisoners and warn that the right to health of sick prisoners is violated.
Israel's "administrative detention" practice
With the practice it calls "administrative detention", Israel can detain Palestinians for 1 to 6 months without even being charged with any crime. This period can be extended up to 5 years if the military courts decide that the detainee "poses a danger to the security of Israel".
There are 1016 "administrative detainees" in Israeli prisons, including 6 children.
Reports published by human rights organizations point out that there has been a significant increase in administrative detention orders recently, including new arrest orders and renewals of previous detention orders. Accordingly, as of the end of 2022, 2 thousand 409 administrative detention decisions were made, and this was recorded as the highest number in the last 5 years.
Filistinli insan hakları örgütleri, 2022'nin İsrail’in Filistinlilere karşı gözaltı ve tutuklamalarla ağır insan hakları ihlallerine ve cezaevlerinde artan baskıcı politikalarına tanık olunan bir yıl olduğuna dikkati çekiyor. - Anadolu Ajansı
There is no court for these children. These children leave home at the age of 13 and return home at the age of 30-40. In which country in the world did you see this?