Live Conflict Israel-Palestine War|Regional Escalations


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Right,IDF is known to be very careful in not upsetting "International community".Just as the "interational community is very worried about humanitarian crises caused by Israel.
Those two sentences have nothing to do with one another.

1). We can agree that the international community does a poor job of policing in favour of impoverished people. That's not simply true of thr Israeli / Palestine incident. There are oppressed people in every corner of the Earth that the global community could be doing MUCH more to try to help, but because of geopolical agendas, we're not. Some interventions happen, some don't. I've been to both Cambodia and Rwanda, where genocides happened that the international community ignored for long periods of time, culminating in millions of deaths between the two. I have no problem admitting that Palestine is in humanitarian crisis and better plan needs to exist to alleviate their suffering. Hell, I said earlier in the thread that I would support up to 250,000 young Palestinians coming to Canada as refugees/ immigrants, as long as they are willing to work hard and are vetted to ensure that they have no ties to extremism or religious fundamentalism.

2). Seperate from that is Israel's military capability and the pressure the international community, which funds Israel, places on them to restrain in their military responses within the region. Between the United States, Canada and the EU, Israel gets BILLIONS of dollars of macrofinancial and military aid each year. The expectation is that they use that aid in a mostly defensive posture, which they do. If we supported Israel addressing extremism at their borders the way the right wing element of their country wants to, Gaza and southern Lebanon would not be habitable.


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Between Shamanistic fascists, and calls for genocide this thread is like PDF all over again.

@Gary, its understandable you are passionate about this situation, but it is important not to take things to an extreme. Do you really believe in your heart that what the Israeli's have done to the Palestinians should be reciprocated back to them? Would you be able to do what they have done, if you were in the position to do so? To women? To children?

[AL-Quran 41:34] Good and evil cannot be equal. [Prophet], repel evil with what is better and your enemy will become as close as an old and valued friend,

[Sahih Bukhari] Abdullah ibn Amr reported that Allah has described the Prophet as follows:

سَمَّيْتُكَ الْمُتَوَكِّلَ لَيْسَ بِفَظٍّ وَلاَ غَلِيظٍ وَلاَ صَخَّابٍ فِي الأَسْوَاقِ وَلاَ يَدْفَعُ بِالسَّيِّئَةِ السَّيِّئَةَ وَلَكِنْ يَعْفُو وَيَغْفِرُ
I have called you a trustworthy man who is neither rude nor loud in the markets, nor does he return evil with evil, but rather he pardons and forgives.

[From the book of futuwwa / sufi chivalry by Muhamad Al-Sulami]
View attachment 61791

I would recommend this book as general reading. Here is a pdf link: .

No goodness can come from acting from our ego / nafs. We may be angered at what we witness going on, in different parts of the world not only against Muslims but against any of the weak and the downtrodden. If we happen to identify with a peoples, for example as fellow Muslims, we need to be careful about acting on the basis of of our own personal anger.

Because religion is being brought up, I'll just reply with the simple verse where it is allowed to retaliate in kind with same torture as have been exacted (src)

Yes, patience is preferred, but I don't think people have so much patience, especially today where you could see with your own eye babies getting pulled out of rubble, young children buried with their p[parents etc.

The last thing I want to do, when I imagine my family is buried inside those rubbles is peace.

But yeah I'll think about your advice


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According to Yunus Paksoy, the USA is preparing to send the second aircraft carrier strike group.

The USA may be preparing to try something. This could really get out of control.

They're not preparing to "try" anything. The Americans simply know that region is a powder keg and they want to be fully prepared to strike and fully prepared to back Israel, their ally, if any of the tough talk out of Eqypt, or Hezbollah amounts to them thinking they can join in on this attack against Israel.

This is a classic case of Hamas encouraging its friends to join the party and Israel inviting their friend as well.
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Because religion is being brought up, I'll just reply with the simple verse where it is allowed to retaliate in kind with same torture as have been exacted (src)

Yes, patience is preferred, but I don't think people have so much patience, especially today where you could see with your own eye babies getting pulled out of rubble, young children buried with their p[parents etc.

The last thing I want to do, when I imagine my family is buried inside those rubbles is peace.

But yeah I'll think about your advice
Where is the Palestinian outrage towards Hamas? Two days ago Palestinians were cheering in the streets at the fact that Israeli families had been killed in their homes and that hostages had been brought back to Gaza... Today they're in shock and outrage at the fact that retaliation is taking place and it's their children being killed.

Talk about hypocrisy at its finest. You don't want your babies to be slaughtered? How about not cheering on and supporting the organization that prompted those bombs to be dropped on your family.


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Where is the Palestinian outrage towards in Hamas? Two days ago they were cheering in the streets at the fact that Israeli families had been killed in their homes and that hostages had brought back to Gaza... Today they're in shock and outrage at the fact retaliation took place and it's their children being killed.

Talk about hypocrisy at its finest. You don't want your babies to be slaughtered? How about not cheering on the organization that prompted those bombs to be dropped on your family.

You can’t get more ridiculous than this.


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They're not preparing to "try" anything. The Americans simply know that region is a powder keg and they want to be fully prepared to strike prepared to back their Israel, their ally, if any of thr tough talk out of Eqypt, or Hezbollah amounts to them thinking they can join in on this attack against Israel.

This is a classic case of Hamas encouraging its friends to join. The party and Israel inviting their friend as well.
At the end of the day, the USA is left with Israel and one narco terrorist organization, pkk/pyd. Are you aware? The latest state of the building that the USA built with 70 years of effort. If the US actively goes to war on Israel's side, which they have not done before, this could lead to a complete collapse in US Middle East policies.


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and what color is that ?

i criticized Israel then as i doing it to you now

are you cheering for the coming monsters ?? is that a game for you ? what kind of sick men cheerfully wait for this tragedy ?

did Karl Von Clausewitz live in 2023 ? why you want to live in the world with laws of middle ages ??

@Gary @Ravager @Brace Yourself you folk are ISIS reborn

Well , by Indonesian moderate moslem standard . I've allready been called/considered as an outlier and western minded/oriented individual . To be called ISIS 2.0 was a new experience for me ... Let me savour this refreshing feeling for a bit shall we ... ☕☕
A very minor conflict, lasting only 34 days, before the UN brokered a peace deal that stopped Israel from escalating and severely destroying the infrastructure of Southern Lebanon. Israel was specifically made to fight with one hand tied behind its back in that instance, because the international community did not want a humanitarian crisis in the region.

Make no mistake about it, if Israel, with full support from USA, wants to inflict unfathomable damage to southern Lebanon, namely Hezbollah, they absolutely have the capability of doing so via horrendous air strikes and a much more intensive blockade than they used in 2006.
So , they have a free rein now ... What's the problem then ?? Just finish the jobs allready dammit ..
Everybody here have allready accepted the outcome .... The only question is would they go with a bang or not ??

Jeez ... You talk too much and spoil the shows here ... 🙄🙄
Nobody is Israel greenlit a genocide. That's just ridiculous propaganda. If they wanted to commit genocide they would drop 10,000 bombs and fire 100,000 artillery shells on Gaza, from a safe distance and annihilate the population in organized fashion.

Of course, they're not doing that. Naturally, innocent people will be killed because Hamas builds their infrastructure into civilian buildings on purpose, but Israel is not largely attacking civilian areas in anything close to their capacity to do so.

There will be no genocide. We can stop posting such propaganda.
Have you heard a term of shooting fish in the barrel ?? Are you mentally retarded or something ?? If for the armenia mass exodus you folks in the western medias have allready calling/labelling it as a deliberate genocide what should we callled this indiscrminate bombing as then ???
Are we still keep going with the semantics charading acts here ??

Just calls the spade as spades !!!


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Between Shamanistic fascists, and calls for genocide this thread is like PDF all over again.

@Gary, its understandable you are passionate about this situation, but it is important not to take things to an extreme. Do you really believe in your heart that what the Israeli's have done to the Palestinians should be reciprocated back to them? Would you be able to do what they have done, if you were in the position to do so? To women? To children?

[AL-Quran 41:34] Good and evil cannot be equal. [Prophet], repel evil with what is better and your enemy will become as close as an old and valued friend,

[Sahih Bukhari] Abdullah ibn Amr reported that Allah has described the Prophet as follows:

سَمَّيْتُكَ الْمُتَوَكِّلَ لَيْسَ بِفَظٍّ وَلاَ غَلِيظٍ وَلاَ صَخَّابٍ فِي الأَسْوَاقِ وَلاَ يَدْفَعُ بِالسَّيِّئَةِ السَّيِّئَةَ وَلَكِنْ يَعْفُو وَيَغْفِرُ
I have called you a trustworthy man who is neither rude nor loud in the markets, nor does he return evil with evil, but rather he pardons and forgives.

[From the book of futuwwa / sufi chivalry by Muhamad Al-Sulami]
View attachment 61791

I would recommend this book as general reading. Here is a pdf link: .

No goodness can come from acting from our ego / nafs. We may be angered at what we witness going on, in different parts of the world not only against Muslims but against any of the weak and the downtrodden. If we happen to identify with a peoples, for example as fellow Muslims, we need to be careful about acting on the basis of of our own personal anger.

In Gaza, it was as if I would fight to the death against a herd of carcasses ready to kill millions of people. But I wouldn't touch civilians either. I would not hesitate to do this even at the expense of the lives of innocents in Gaza. Yes, if I had the opportunity, it would definitely happen this way. No one should make excuses not to fight against a community that has been determined to commit such genocide for 100 years. Those who commit such genocide in Palestine today will commit such genocide at our doorstep in Syria 20-30 years later. Then they will annex our border. Maybe they will even show up at our door. What will we say then? They have nuclear weapons, we should get along well with them, maybe they won't touch us? If you make friends with a snake, you may not find anyone to help you when it haunts you.


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You can’t get more ridiculous than this.
Agreed. Ridiculous people being outraged by the fact that they've had the same thing happen to their children in retaliation. You and I are on the same page. It doesn't get more ridiculous than cheering on the death of somebody else's children, then acting dismayed and outraged when they kill yours.

Be an adult in the room. Acknowledge that not a single bomb would have fallen on or near a Palestinian home in the last 72 hours, had Hamas not launched 3000-5000 rockets into Israel and sent assault teams into Israeli communities, killing upwards of 1000 Israeli citizens (children included) and taking more than 100 hostages back to Gaza.

Can you be an adult and just say the following?

"Hamas' actions over the weekend in Israel, directly led to deaths of Palestinian children. Israel dropped the bombs, and bears responsibility, but not a single bomb would have been dropped had Hamas no attacked Israel."


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Well , by Indonesian moderate moslem standard . I've allready been called/considered as an outlier and western minded/oriented individual . To be called ISIS 2.0 was a new experience for me ... Let me savour this refreshing feeling for a bit shall we ... ☕☕

So , they have a free rein now ... What's the problem then ?? Just finish the jobs allready dammit ..
Everybody here have allready accepted the outcome .... The only question is would they go with a bang or not ??

Jeez ... You talk too much and spoil the shows here ... 🙄🙄

Have you heard a term of shooting fish in the barrel ?? Are you mentally retarded or something ?? If for the armenia mass exodus you folks in the western medias have allready calling/labelling it as a deliberate genocide what should we callled this indiscrminate bombing as then ???
Are we still keep going with the semantics charading acts here ??

Just calls the spade as spades !!!
Yes, I am clearly mentally retarded for pointing out the simple truth that there is presently no genocide occurring in Gaza. Civilian deaths are going to happen, yes. That's what happens when 2+ million people are stacked on top of each other and allow terrorists to build their infrastructure alongside the homes of the people that live there. Clearly, munitions are only so precise and citizens are going to be killed as a result. That's what happens in war. It's unavoidable if you hope to achieve victory.

But let this mentally retarded Canadian continue to be correct in stating that this isn't what genocide looks like. Genocide has a very specific definition and outcome. This isn't it.


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According to Yunus Paksoy, the USA is preparing to send the second aircraft carrier strike group.

The USA may be preparing to try something. This could really get out of control.

They are pressing in time ... The bears are starting to get their shit together and china allready doubling down on their repossesing efforts and they can afford the waiting games . They have to wrap the midle east " bussines " as fast as they can . Before things spiralling out of their scripted controls ...
In Gaza, it was as if I would fight to the death against a herd of carcasses ready to kill millions of people. But I wouldn't touch civilians either. I would not hesitate to do this even at the expense of the lives of innocents in Gaza. Yes, if I had the opportunity, it would definitely happen this way. No one should make excuses not to fight against a community that has been determined to commit such genocide for 100 years. Those who commit such genocide in Palestine today will commit such genocide at our doorstep in Syria 20-30 years later. Then they will annex our border. Maybe they will even show up at our door. What will we say then? They have nuclear weapons, we should get along well with them, maybe they won't touch us? If you make friends with a snake, you may not find anyone to help you when it haunts you.
Do not base your defence strategy upon other's good intention . Especially if such intention was scripted by a foreign power ...

I guess i have to go fellas's way past my sleeping time schedule 🙏🙏


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Life goes both ways, so have patience.

Al-Rimal neighborhood



the good thing some wont comment on this but on other things.. everyone do what they feel and with what they are concerned..
its this way for many people I saw palestinians or lebanese without any feelings things they do not want to be done to themselves and are blaming what evil thing it is ... they would do instantly if they had the chance to the other side..

alike people blaming putin or else as such wicked.. will stick together with whom they "love" the rules they set up are not applied for everyone.. so dont expect people to be on your side and condemn this kind of pictures they will condemn and hate those which they already hate.. some people are not like this and condemn what is to be condemned and see the bad in whats bad but mostly people are biased and have an agenda and loved ones and hated ones and no ability to see throgh this..

you wont find any words nor any little comment of condemnation even it would be a little one because they dont feel it as bad unless its about themselves and alike

we may witness in the coming weeks real animalism and chanting people...


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1). We can agree that the international community does a poor job of policing in favour of impoverished people. That's not simply true of thr Israeli / Palestine incident. There are oppressed people in every corner of the Earth that the global community could be doing MUCH more to try to help, but because of geopolical agendas, we're not. Some interventions happen, some don't. I've been to both Cambodia and Rwanda, where genocides happened that the international community ignored for long periods of time, culminating in millions of deaths between the two. I have no problem admitting that Palestine is in humanitarian crisis and better plan needs to exist to alleviate their suffering. Hell, I said earlier in the thread that I would support up to 250,000 young Palestinians coming to Canada as refugees/ immigrants, as long as they are willing to work hard and are vetted to ensure that they have no ties to extremism or religious fundamentalism.
My point was Israel does not abide by any international laws,let alone showing any restraint when it comes to civilians and the "international community"doesn't care about it.If they did Israel would face some consequences instead of being rewarded with hundreds of billions while advancing their occupation and killing unarmed people by the thousands.

2). Seperate from that is Israel's military capability and the pressure the international community, which funds Israel, places on them to restrain in their military responses within the region. Between the United States, Canada and the EU, Israel gets BILLIONS of dollars of macrofinancial and military aid each year. The expectation is that they use that aid in a mostly defensive posture, which they do. If we supported Israel addressing extremism at their borders the way the right wing element of their country wants to, Gaza and southern Lebanon would not be habitable.
One might say killing babies and leveling whole towns or bombing countries whenever they feel like it is not a defensive use of those billions but then again what do I know I am not a part of the "international community".


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At the end of the day, the USA is left with Israel and one narco terrorist organization, pkk/pyd. Are you aware? The latest state of the building that the USA built with 70 years of effort. If the US actively goes to war on Israel's side, which they have not done before, this could lead to a complete collapse in US Middle East policies.
We don't actually care about the Middle East dude. They have been killing each other in the name of tribalism, religion and territorial dispute for centuries before our countries ever existed. They'll continue to kill each other en masse, for centuries after we leave the region. We're self-interested (namely in your resources), selfish people just like you guys are. We care about what is better for our society.

The United States is simply adhering to its alliance with Israel and sending a show of force to make sure that other countries in the region don't get any ideas to try to "team up" on Israel.


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What needs to be done now is full normalization with Egypt. Also, the Iraq issue is very important and we must hold both these doors.

you can forget egypt.. have you ever been there as a turk? forget it..
Iraq is a mess egypt is a mess... your only chance was saddam.. be lucky he did not bomb turkey when he had all the rights to do as we allowed their destruction.. a moment inhistory that was very idiotic and self destructive...

if you were in the position to do so? To women? To children?
I stated it out many times I met people who are incapable of seeing the bad in this.. some would do..


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My point was Israel does not abide by any international laws,let alone showing any restraint when it comes to civilians and the "international community"doesn't care about it.If they did Israel would face some consequences instead of being rewarded with hundreds of billions while advancing their occupation and killing unarmed people by the thousands.

One might say killing babies and leveling whole towns is not a defensive use of those billions,but then again what do I know,I am not a part of the "international community".
I have a simple rule of thumb. I don't expect a country to abide by international rules or laws, if their opposition in a conflict doesn't abide by those same laws.

I'll make you a deal, I'll start holding Israel's feet to the fire regarding international laws, when you (and others) start holding all of the countries surrounding Israel to the same standards. But that's not what the Arab and Muslim countries in the region want. They want to cry wolf that Israel isn't playing by international rules, while they maintain that their respective religious and tribal rules supersede international laws.

You can't have your cake and eat it too. If you want one party to be subject to international laws and international scrutiny, you have to accept that reality for the other side as well. Try convincing Hamas or Hezbollah to play the game by established "rules". Good luck with that.


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In Gaza, it was as if I would fight to the death against a herd of carcasses ready to kill millions of people. But I wouldn't touch civilians either. I would not hesitate to do this even at the expense of the lives of innocents in Gaza. Yes, if I had the opportunity, it would definitely happen this way. No one should make excuses not to fight against a community that has been determined to commit such genocide for 100 years. Those who commit such genocide in Palestine today will commit such genocide at our doorstep in Syria 20-30 years later. Then they will annex our border. Maybe they will even show up at our door. What will we say then? They have nuclear weapons, we should get along well with them, maybe they won't touch us? If you make friends with a snake, you may not find anyone to help you when it haunts you.
Some facts for you;

-Israel is a state that follows an expansionist-invasive policy in our region and aims to destroy the countries it has identified as targets through internal or external interventions.

- And finally, when it comes to making those target countries its vassals, it will want to intimidate its enemies by showing them its nuclear weapons.

-It is obvious that what happens when Israel finally annexes a region to itself will be no different from the genocides committed in Palestine today.

This is the summary of the policy that Israel has followed since 1948. You can't gloss over this.

-Israel will not stop targeting you if you do not 100% embrace its politics. He may postpone his account with you. But it will never hesitate to eliminate countries it sees as obstacles to itself.

We are sitting right in the middle of their plans for the next 50 years.
You are jealous of the US's strategic depth. "But they are making their plans on a 50-year, 100-year scale," you say. Then, you tell people that it is strategic depth to remain a bystander to the beings in your own neighborhood that pose a direct threat to your future. This can only be explained by weakness.

Even if we cannot make plans on this scale as of today, we need to be aware of the plans made for us.
We need to be aware of this before it is too late tomorrow.


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the good thing some wont comment on this but on other things.. everyone do what they feel and with what they are concerned..
its this way for many people I saw palestinians or lebanese without any feelings things they do not want to be done to themselves and are blaming what evil thing it is ... they would do instantly if they had the chance to the other side..

alike people blaming putin or else as such wicked.. will stick together with whom they "love" the rules they set up are not applied for everyone.. so dont expect people to be on your side and condemn this kind of pictures they will condemn and hate those which they already hate.. some people are not like this and condemn what is to be condemned and see the bad in whats bad but mostly people are biased and have an agenda and loved ones and hated ones and no ability to see throgh this..

you wont find any words nor any little comment of condemnation even it would be a little one because they dont feel it as bad unless its about themselves and alike

we may witness in the coming weeks real animalism and chanting people...
I'll comment on it.

It's horrible that civilians are caught in the crossfire. Again, I'd take hundreds of thousands as refugees in my country (if I had that kind of power) simply to get them to safety. That said, this is a predictable reaction to a cowardly attack on civilians by Hamas. The leadership of Hamas is not stupid. They knew this would be the outcome and they embraced it with open arms.

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