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Human rights lawyer Boyle: South Africa likely to win genocide case against Israel​

In the International Court of Justice (ICJ), the highest court of the UN, South Africa and Israel's actions in Gaza since October 7, 2023 and the United Nations (UN) Genocide of 1948 The hearing of the case he filed at the ICJ on the grounds that he violated the Convention on Prevention and Punishment will begin on Thursday in The Hague, Netherlands.

Professor Francis Boyle, who contributed to the preparation of the indictment against former Serbian President Slobodan Milosevic, who was accused of committing the genocide in Srebrenica but died in prison while his trial was ongoing, made a statement to the AA correspondent.

Boyle described various scenarios that could arise in the case if Israel is determined to have committed the crime of genocide. The scenarios in question include many possibilities, from South Africa going to the UN Security Council (UNSC) to implement the genocide resolution, to Israel's suspension from UN activities, prosecution and economic sanctions.

Boyle pointed out that he expects the decision to be made within a week and said:

"I have read all of South Africa's defenses. My analysis, based on my knowledge, judgment and experience, is that there will be a stay order against Israel on the grounds that it is committing genocide against the Palestinians. I believe that they will win. When this decision is issued, it may have very important consequences for Israel. At that point "The whole world will learn that Israel is committing genocide against Palestinians."

South Africa may go to the UNSC to implement the decision

Boyle points out that if the decision is in favor of South Africa, Israel will be under the obligation to "prevent" genocide against Palestinians in accordance with Article 1 of the Genocide Convention.

Pointing out that South Africa could then apply to the UNSC to implement the order, Boyle said, "So far, it seems that the US government will use its veto power to prevent the Security Council from implementing the order." he said.

UN General Assembly may take action despite US veto

Boyle points to another scenario in which, if the sanctions resolution is vetoed by the United States at the UNSC, South Africa could apply to the UN General Assembly for sanctions under the "Uniting for Peace" resolution.

The "Uniting for Peace" resolution is defined by the UN as "in a situation where peace is threatened, violated or an act of aggression, if the Security Council cannot take action due to the veto of one of the permanent members, the General Assembly may also take action."

Regarding the consequences that Israel may face in this scenario, starting with its suspension from UN activities, Boyle said, "The General Assembly can suspend Israel's participation in UN activities, just as the General Assembly suspended the criminal apartheid regime in South Africa at that time. And "Just like the genocidal Yugoslavia suspended its participation in the UN..." he evaluated.

Predicting that the General Assembly may accept Palestine as a full-fledged UN member state during the process, Boyle noted that he thought membership would protect the Palestinians.

Emphasizing that the General Assembly can refer Israel to the International Criminal Court in accordance with Article 22 of the UN Charter, Boyle said, "The UNSC established the International Criminal Court for the Former Yugoslavia, but the General Assembly can also do the same and condemn senior Israeli officials for genocide against the Palestinians." "He may be tried for war crimes against humanity." he said.

Boyle recalled that he launched such an initiative at the UN General Assembly, supported by Malaysia, Iran and many Arab and Muslim states, but it was "sabotaged by the usual suspects" at the time.

Additionally, Boyle stated that the General Assembly could propose "comprehensive economic sanctions" against Israel.

Citing the example of North Korea suffering from economic sanctions imposed by the General Assembly within the framework of the "Uniting for Peace" resolution, he said, "It's not that I support the current sanctions against North Korea, but the same thing can be done to Israel." said.

"South Africa will win the case"

Boyle pointed out that the decision taken in 1993 to "stop all acts of genocide" against Bosnians would be to the benefit of South Africa in this case.

Stating that he has read South Africa's arguments in the case, Boyle said, "According to my analysis based on my knowledge, judgment and experience, South Africa will win an order to stop the unfair practice against Israel in its genocide against Palestinians." he said.

Stating that there will be two hearings this week, Boyle said that a "stop order of unfair practices" against Palestine may be issued within a week.

Boyle stated that they are South Africa's best lawyers in the international arena and said, "According to the documents I have read, they definitely know what they are doing and I say once again; I believe they will win." said.

Regarding Israel's objection to the case in question, Boyle said, "Israel is aware that any international court decision against it will cause serious, irreversible wounds." expressed his opinion.

US role

Pointing out that the American President of the International Court of Justice, Judge Joan E. Donoghue, is a former US State Department employee, Boyle said that Donoghue can use her influence in Israel's favor.

Boyle stated that Donoghue may be passing information to the US administration in the background and said, "I am sure that he will shape the legal process in the case in favor of Israel and the USA and against South Africa." said.

Emphasizing that South Africa will appoint a judge to the court on its behalf, Boyle stated that they hope that this judge will be able to put up a good fight with Donoghue, and that Donoghue will leave his post on February 4, but this will happen after the interim measures hearings are held.

Boyle emphasized that if the court gives an "order to stop the unfair practice" against Israel, the US government will be condemned in accordance with the article of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide regarding "being complicit in genocide" and said: "The Biden administration is definitely complicit in the Zionist genocide against the Palestinians." "And he is aiding and abetting this. This is also contrary to the US government's own Genocide Convention Implementation Act." he said.

Pointing out that a lawsuit has been filed against the Biden administration in the USA for complicity in Israel's genocide, Boyle said, "This case is now in the US courts." he said.

Heavy criticism of the ICC

Boyle also criticized the inaction of the International Criminal Court, describing the court as "rotten, corrupt and despicable" and said:

"Since 2009, under 3 different chief prosecutors, the ICC has not lifted a finger for the Palestinians. Since this date, the blood of all Palestinians who died, including the 30 thousand Palestinians who died as we speak today, is on the hands of the ICC."

@Gary @Afif @Kartal1 @Zafer @mehmed beg


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"Is ethnic cleansing the answer"

zionist owned media pushing these narratives now against Muslims. Where will we be in 20 years? What happens if zionist mossad creates a few false flags in the west and blames it on Muslims? Are we one or two events away from Islam being banned in the west?


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"Is ethnic cleansing the answer"

zionist owned media pushing these narratives now against Muslims. Where will we be in 20 years? What happens if zionist mossad creates a few false flags in the west and blames it on Muslims? Are we one or two events away from Islam being banned in the west?
You are absolutely chasing ghosts my dude. Not only is the Muslim population in the Western world as large as it had ever been and continuing to grow exponentially through immigration, Muslims have largely integrated themselves into Western societies and largely participate as peaceful, productive tax payers in our (now their) communities.

There are Muslims participating in all facets of Western life and they hold positions of power, authority, influence, wealth and respect, despite the majority of modern Western nations having a foundation in Christianity.

This paranoia that Muslims are facing a genuine risk of being banned from the West is not founded in anything resembling the reality on the ground. You can find some extremists talking about it on third rate television networks and isolated internet shows, but Muslims are being welcomed by the hundreds of thousands and millions every year in the West, as they leave many of their countries to seek greater opportunity, education, access to better healthcare and social systems, escape political instability, violence, etc... Hell, some are simply seeking a new adventure.


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? Are we going to use a mathematical formula to determine the Genocide? Or we should give a Nobel Peace Prize for the remarkable restraint and humanity of The Jews?
Since you are in the analytical mood, can you break down, how many bombs were used specifically for children? Women? Older people etc. You can use it as to furtherer your " humanitarian point.
I think that for this post you should be banned from here , I usually don't complain but I know you from other forums.
You are a pathological, indecent, cynical, callous, malicious poisonous coward. Nothing more than that.
Frankly, I was in a war and I k Ed without a ceremony but for you i would take my time. Simply it is necessary.
I can't believe that after 56 years of my life, I would live to see a day that, degenerated immoral animal like you can freely and shamelessly say such things.
Also, you do it , of course to lesser extent in regards of the russians Ukrainian war.
I don't know what this world has produced, seemingly callous morbid animals like you.
Utterly without shame, honour, decency.
I don't like the Serbs or Croats or many other people and for me in many cases , it is personal but I never ever think even fractionally like you.
You are a maggot

What's you expect from him anyway bruh ?? Just read all of his previous post .....
Let him drowned in his own hypocrisy ...

honestly what is going on with female idf soldiers? Its either dancing like clowns or crying.

Too much of good time .... Before realty sinked in and drown them for good


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Al-Qassam members carry out an ambush on an Israeli force south of the Zaytoun neighborhood

Al-Quds Brigades target an Israeli force holed up in a house



Indonesia Correspondent
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Qassam Brigades fighters target occupation vehicles and forces in northern Gaza and burn a Merkava tank with an Al-Yassin shell



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Isrealis take out Hezbollah leader.
While Iranians and their proxies keep on talking the Isrealis are assassinating their men with absolute impunity.

reminds me when trump toasted their general.

One thing you have to accept about anglo-americans and zionists, they do as they please while most Islamists just talk and talk and talk. If only talking could win wars political Islamists would rule the world.
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They went from celebrating October 7th to screaming genocide and hoping to celebrate the accusation sticking against Israel. What a colossal failure on the Palestinian side.

If political Islamists and their backers never want to look at themselves first and foremost, they will continue to fail moving forward. I feel for those who don't support this failure but are dragged down with it nevertheless.

Like i said at the start when hamas conducted that silly little meaningless attack that achieved nothing strategically for them, it opened the doors for a real military with things like F35 to flood in and destroy them.

As much as the hamas fighters don't look like your typical joke middle eastern fighters, how long can they sustain relentless airstrikes from the zionists whose stockpile is endless since the americans will keep supplying it. Sometimes i feel like middle eastern islamists are really "masochist" like they love pain, death and destruction. Like they enjoying screaming and crying over their loved dead, because they constantly make decisions that brings them the same terrible results.

To me it looks like another grand failure. Once the dust settles all nations predominantly (arab) will rush back to Isreal to normalise relations.

Even the political islamists of Turkey and their supportes, your watching your own government do NOTHING except expand trade with Isreal and lie about it.

mehmed beg

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Yes political Islam is one and the same thing. Hz Umar RA was part of the political Islam and he let the Jews come back to Jerusalem.
Only political Islam is problem, and we can see by example of Hz Umar RA , that it is all the same in every single situation.
Evangelical politics, Zionists, Hindutva politics aren't so much problems because the main problem in everyone life is actually Islamic politics.
Oh yes , I forgot the Atheists politics like Ocalan. Yes. Yes religion, for example in Europe burned 50k women as witches in 300 years period. They had to kill sometimes in a week 100k of women, because they believed in the witches.
Scholastic and nominalistic thinking are one of the darlings of of the " enlightened " people, St Francis would be proud.
So I am confused now , I really am.
If you fight then you are a dumb treacherous Islamist but if you don't then you can also openly approve Natanyahu , Bolton , Isis , Emirates and let's not forget The Palestinian Authority.
At least in that approval, someone can say that he or she agrees with someone who also ( mostly) are against political Islam in every instance. At least in this instance, people can agree.
I don't see the 3rd option, I don't know what possibly it can be???
Only maybe if someone decides to be a hippy but then in a such case why bother, even to write something?
The sentences like " We need to be clever" are especially tedious. What does that actually mean if it is said and it is not followed by at one logical example, which can be analysised??!!!!
All of that means truly nothing and I don't see ,how it could?

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