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Nothing will happenNegotiations between the US envoy and Iranian officials are going on full steam.
Israel and US manage to keep state level actor to behave or at least show some restrain.Nothing will happen
Iran, like always, will fire some missiles and Israel, with the help of the US fighters and ships, will stop them
And the average retarded muslim will clap and call it a strong retaliation
Iam fed up of this cycle
Typical writing of fanatical tekfiri Hawarijj.To think that just 2 years ago I was pro-West and generally apathetic towards Palestine.
Typical writing of fanatical tekfiri Hawarijj.
All of this is out of jealousy
Yusuf Bassem never betrayed Egypt or Palestinian cause. In the context of this issue( Palestine)for me ( I am not secularist) Yusuf Bassem is very useful.
He has similar ideas like so many Egyptian officers who died fighting in those desperate Arab Israeli wars ( I remember 1973) . For Daniel or Gary they are the traitors. Proper Muslims would say " Mey Allah SWT forgive their sins, enhance good deeds, hopefully they died on religion, now it is between them and God"
Having known an Egyptian general , I can say Sadat was a devoted Muslim but Nasser was an atheist.
That gentleman, General A new them from the academy.
For someone who kinda rediscovered Islam 2 years to act as an ideologies, besides being ridiculous is just the sign of the absolute narcissism.
Someone whose main point is about the continuous chaos ( order through chaos, wink wink) then bombing Muslims on the beach in Somalia is an achievement. We Know that one Muslim life is more worthy then Qaba but not foe Gary.
Mr Gary, about your idea of the permanent chaos, I was thinking for a long time 25 30 years ago.
Umm no, he has something to do with the downfall of Morsi, which was then replaced with zionist secular fag**ts like Al-Sisi.
Morsi is as we remember it, an ally of Muslim in Palestine.
The only truthful Egytpian officer I know is Al-Islambouli. The rest are the losers of the Arab-Israeli wars who accepted the status quo.
But then again, the hikma of the "Arab"-Israeli wars are that these wars are fought under the name of nationalism and secularism (Baathism). So the loser here are attributed to those 2 ideologies.
If there's one power who will liberate Palestine it is Islam. In which the army, the conditions and the path for its revival and return are now being steadily clad from the the mountains of Pakistan, the desert of Sahel, the mountains of Caucasus and Yemen and lest but not least, the arid desert of the Levant and Mesoptamia.
Umm no
Yes, inshaAllah this entire region will be set aflame, that flame was ignited in 1979 (remember the thread I wrote here not so long ago) and it will continue to burn the entire region until the desired outcome is achieved, namely:
Yes, this is what I want, and I will get it.
- The total wipeout of the zionists state
- the total wipeout of Western ideologies that was imposed on the Muslim population in the 20th century
Found out the Sadat's assassin was an Egyptian of Turkish descent.
Islambouli i think is derived from Istanbulu. I think his dad or mum was an Egyptian Turk.
Which is interesting. Mums name is Qadriya which is Kadriye in Turkish. Its obvious.
Im wondering how many settlers or even nomads the Seljuks and the Ottomans sent. Then again you have the Tulunids and Mamluks who brought their own settlers.
So now that Hamas has been battered and beaten to the point of operating almost exclusively from the tunnels under Gaza, I think Israel has to make a choice.
1. Develop a strategy that forces them out of the tunnels, which, objectively, is not an easy undertaking.
2. End the war in Gaza and turn the attention to Hezbollah and Iran.
I think the "hot" phase of the war in Gaza is about basically over at this point.
The Levant, stretching from the occupied Palestinian territories to Syria, and Egypt are home to far more people of Turkish origin than thought. The problem is that the cultural link has been completely severed by assimilation and is still a taboo to talk in these countries. However, there are isolated tribes in Lebanon, Syria, Palestine, Egypt and Libya who know that they are descended from Turkic Boy(greater tribes), even if they do not speak Turkish and mostly lost connection to their ancestors. Turkish settlements in these regions plus todays Iraq began centuries before those in western Anatolia(proto-Turks separate issue). Although the political history of the region has brought with it significant migratory movements, these settled populations have merged and fused.Found out the Sadat's assassin was an Egyptian of Turkish descent.
Islambouli i think is derived from Istanbulu. I think his dad or mum was an Egyptian Turk.
Which is interesting. Mums name is Qadriya which is Kadriye in Turkish. Its obvious.
Im wondering how many settlers or even nomads the Seljuks and the Ottomans sent. Then again you have the Tulunids and Mamluks who brought their own settlers.