Live Conflict Israel-Palestine War|Regional Escalations

Scott Summers

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The killing of Nasrallah will trigger Iran, because he is their biggest pawn in this game.

And if Iran triggers something big, the US and UK will come to the rescue of Israel.

And Turkey will be surrounded by ships and troops and eventually take part this theatre of war.

It's 1914 again.

But this time Turkey will not stand on the wrong side.


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The killing of Nasrallah will trigger Iran, because he is their biggest pawn in this game.

And if Iran triggers something big, the US and UK will come to the rescue of Israel.

And Turkey will be surrounded by ships and troops and eventually take part this theatre of war.

It's 1914 again.

But this time Turkey will not stand on the wrong side.

Turkiye is not stupid to participate in a war.

Their ancestors participated in WW1 and were smart enough not to join WW2.

They are also smart enough not join this. Because its in Turkiye's interests is to have both Israel and Iran weakened in the region.

Lets not forget how the USA supports YPG against Turkiye.

Usa cant use the Nato card to defens Israel. Because Nato is a defensive alliance not a offensive one. Nobody will sacrifice their soldiers for Israel. Only USA would sacrifice their soldiers for Israel because Aipac is knee deep into their country.


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I doubt that Iran will retaliate in any way if Nasralah is dead... At most you can expect some militias in Iraq, Syria and Houthis launching some missiles towards Israel that won't change anything. What happened to the hundreds of thousands of rockets and missiles that Hezbollah had?

In the last few weeks Israel is absolutely destroying Hezbollah and to me it looks more and more like Iran is ready to sacrifice them to get on better terms with the West. Their new President Pazeshkian hinted how they are ready for a new nuclear deal, how they support Ukraine's territorial integrity etc. Hezbollah are the useful idiots that will be sacrificed like a used napkin. :D
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Turkiye is not stupid to participate in a war.

Their ancestors participated in WW1 and were smart enough not to join WW2.

They are also smart enough not join this. Because its in Turkiye's interests is to have both Israel and Iran weakened in the region.

Lets not forget how the USA supports YPG against Turkiye.

Usa cant use the Nato card to defens Israel. Because Nato is a defensive alliance not a offensive one. Nobody will sacrifice their soldiers for Israel. Only USA would sacrifice their soldiers for Israel because Aipac is knee deep into their country.
This is Israel's plan mate
If Iran intervened, then USA will intervene
And if the USA intervened, then Russia and China will intervene followed by the whole middle east; including Turkey, whether any party likes it or not

This is what we call the domino effect.

This is the inevitable. I dont know who Turkey will side with in the upcoming war but Israel's plan is to initiate a massive war that engulfs all Middle East nations so that they can re-establish their hegemony within the region. That is one of the reasons why Iran isnt intervening since this will be the best possible scenario for Natenyahu


Again, Iran would have responded about the Hamas douche being snuffed inside a Revolutionary Guard building if they could.

Those final three words are key. If they could, it would have been done already. No doubt they'll be absolutely fuming with fury about Nasrallah if it turns out to be true. Understandable. But what are they going to do? It'll be more "we will respond at a time and place of our choosing, it only serves the Zionist menace to announce our plans right now!". A year will pass, jack-shit, no cruise missile barrages, no assassinated Knesset members, no Revolutionary Guard guys going civvie-clothes and pulling off terrorist stuff in Europe.

Israel gets this. Nasrallah was a useful idiot to Iran, he was a big deal in a sense. He also wasn't something they're going to get Khamenei killed or a 2003 style Shock And Awe campaign over Tehran over.

Also seeing a lot of whineing about taking down the whole building Nasrallah was supposedly under. Like, yeah dude, maybe don't base yourself under a highrise in a civilian area, them's the breaks chief. That was on him, if he were sitting on the beach reading his scholarly tomes, they'd have blown him up there instead. Reality.


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I doubt that Iran will retaliate in any way if Nasralah is dead... At most you can expect some militias in Iraq, Syria and Houthis launching some missiles towards Israel that won't change anything. What happened to the hundreds of thousands of rockets and missiles that Hezbollah had?

In the last few weeks Israel is absolutely destroying Hezbollah and to me it looks more and more like Iran is ready to sacrifice them to get on better terms with the West. Their new President Pazeshkian hinted how they are ready for a new nuclear deal, how they support Ukraine's territorial integrity etc. Hezbollah are the useful idiots that will be sacrificed like a used napkin. :D

Iran will never sacrifice itself for Shia Arabs.

Shia Arabs have always been used by the Shia Persians to do their bidding.

Khomeini once told the Shia Arabs to all rise up against Saddam Hussein even promising them support until Saddam crushed the rebellion and the promised support by Khomeini did not come.

Scott Summers

3 1,064
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Turkiye is not stupid to participate in a war.

Their ancestors participated in WW1 and were smart enough not to join WW2.

They are also smart enough not join this. Because its in Turkiye's interests is to have both Israel and Iran weakened in the region.

Lets not forget how the USA supports YPG against Turkiye.

Usa cant use the Nato card to defens Israel. Because Nato is a defensive alliance not a offensive one. Nobody will sacrifice their soldiers for Israel. Only USA would sacrifice their soldiers for Israel because Aipac is knee deep into their country.

The Israeli plan is to annex Gaza, West-Bank, Lebanon and Syria for more Lebensraum. It's called the Yinon-Plan from 1984.

Sooner of later the IDF will come to eye to eye with the TSK in North-West Syria. They allready have a pawn like YPG in that area.

Scott Summers

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And here is the biggest Bonus Question:

Where is ISIS? Or Al Qaida? Or Al Nusra? Or HTS?

Where are all those Allahu Akbar shouting knifeholders who attack civillians in the Western citiystreets?

Where are those 'brave, courageous, pious' muslims coming from all over the world with their families to Syria just to kill other muslims?

They never ever fired a bullet against the Shylock.

This is the biggest evidence that Western intelligence is behind ISIS, Al Qaida etc.


...ISIS got stomped by the US & Coalition the same way Al Qaeda did.

...Al Nusra was never a serious threat to anyone outside Syria.

...HTS is so smalltime the normies haven't even heard of them.

You talk so much nonsense, man. Itching for some huge global conflagration that isn't coming. The middle east isn't going to "rise up against Israel", all the major middle eastern nations get along better with Israel than they do Iran. The terror groups aren't biding their time waiting for their big unleashing of apocalyptic fury - the apocalyptic fury capability was never there in the first place, and they're just going to have to deal. Israel isn't going anywhere, the secular less-psychotic nations in the region are all cool with them, it is what it is. Oh yeah, once more, nukes n' stuff.


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Hezbollah "needs to" be a functional, credible proxy force of Iran's Shia group against Israel, if you want to get into that. That's their function, that's their purpose. To be a counter to Israel. To be able to hurt Israelis, inside Israel.

They've clearly displayed a complete incompetence at that this week. No idiot thinks Israel's going to wipe out every Hezbollah fighter, that everyone in the group is just going to disappear and the ideology will evaporate. That's also not the point. The point is, after being built up over 20 freakin' years as a formidable proxy force, they've failed and are back to near square one. Already. Half a week. There was nothing behind the big talk, at the end of the day. It's pretty easy to project an image of being a big scary adversary the Israelis really should think twice about engaging, but funny how it turns out you have to be able to substantiate that. They haven't and won't.

This post didn’t age well…
Welll , we will soon find out the result would we ?? ... What comes after this . Another nasrallah 2.0 or even a more radical and embokdened yet more tech savy cadre in their younger generation .
You are simply couldn't kill the idea ....

Scott Summers

3 1,064
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...ISIS got stomped by the US & Coalition the same way Al Qaeda did.

...Al Nusra was never a serious threat to anyone outside Syria.

...HTS is so smalltime the normies haven't even heard of them.

You talk so much nonsense, man. Itching for some huge global conflagration that isn't coming. The middle east isn't going to "rise up against Israel", all the major middle eastern nations get along better with Israel than they do Iran. The terror groups aren't biding their time waiting for their big unleashing of apocalyptic fury - the apocalyptic fury capability was never there in the first place, and they're just going to have to deal. Israel isn't going anywhere, the secular less-psychotic nations in the region are all cool with them, it is what it is. Oh yeah, once more, nukes n' stuff.

Israel's plan has always been to annex more Lebensraum like how they started in 1948 and how they explained it in 1984 and they have now the opportunity and the momentum with Gaza in rubbles (they already occupied the Philadelpi Corridor next to Egypt) and now they are going for South Lebanon till the Litani River.

They have the most advanced army of the world thanks to the US, UK and Germany and behind them is the total Western machinery of intelligence, supplies, finance and mass media to achieve this goal.

Bringing back hostages or the right to defend theirselves are all nonsense. That was never the goal.

Without Western support they wouldnt exist 1 day. American Airplane cargo's are bringing tonnes of bombs and material daily. They can free range kill every civillian in the MENA-region without problems and hiding behind the most stupid explanaitions (rockets in living rooms, schools as weapon depots, hospitals are command centra etc). Even the Western nations couldnt get away with so much nonsense for their crimes.

Hezbollah, Hamas, Houthis are just irregular militia with low firepower and random technology. Their 'strenght' was hyped and overhyped and overoverhyped by the Israeli militairy and media for years just to receive enough funds and support to build a large scale Blitzkrieg like the one after 7 october.

Hezbollah is just the same ordinairy Hezbollah with some rockets and a large group of shouting towelheads, thats it. But Israel described them like the Arab version of Vietcong, what it never was.

Israel is a powerfull militairy state. They dont see those irregular militia as a real danger. They take only other state actors serious. So they can just carpetbomb every living person in those regions without hesitation, like how the Sonderkommandos killed their own brothers and sisters in the deathcamps.

And those tates need to stand up like Egypt, Turkey, Iran, Pakistan, Algeria etc.

It's time now.

Otherwise no civillians would be left in the muslimworld like during the Mongol invasions.


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Turkiye is not stupid to participate in a war.

Their ancestors participated in WW1 and were smart enough not to join WW2.

They are also smart enough not join this. Because its in Turkiye's interests is to have both Israel and Iran weakened in the region.

Lets not forget how the USA supports YPG against Turkiye.

Usa cant use the Nato card to defens Israel. Because Nato is a defensive alliance not a offensive one. Nobody will sacrifice their soldiers for Israel. Only USA would sacrifice their soldiers for Israel because Aipac is knee deep into their country.
Israel's army is more than capable of fighting a ground war backed by foreign Special Forces and overwhelming force from U.S. and British Air Force and Naval assets in the region. No significant quanties of foreign soldiers would have to be at risk for Israel to survive a major regional war. Western Air Force and Naval aviation assets in the region would be completely unstoppable and could completely massacre ground forces of Iran and its regional proxies if they tried to go onto the offensive against Israel. Air supremacy for the IAF, USAF, US NAVY and RAF would be established immediately and those countries have enough medium and long range PGMs to rain hell down on any army at war with Israel.

This is not hyperbole. The following is an estimate of Israeli, American and British 4th and 5th generation strike aircraft and attack helicopters in the region, not counting attack drones.

F-15: 66
F-16: 175
F-35: 35
AH-64: 48

U.S Air Force
F-22: 12
F-15: 24
F-16: 12
A-10: 12
AH-64: 27

U.S. Navy
F-18: 36
F-35: 10

Eurofighters: 18

Approximate Total: 485


16 1,810
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Israel's army is more than capable of fighting a ground war backed by foreign Special Forces and overwhelming force from U.S. and British Air Force and Naval assets in the region. No significant quanties of foreign soldiers would have to be at risk for Israel to survive a major regional war. Western Air Force and Naval aviation assets in the region would be completely unstoppable and could completely massacre ground forces of Iran and its regional proxies if they tried to go onto the offensive against Israel. Air supremacy for the IAF, USAF, US NAVY and RAF would be established immediately and those countries have enough medium and long range PGMs to rain hell down on any army at war with Israel.

This is not hyperbole. The following is an estimate of Israeli, American and British 4th and 5th generation strike aircraft and attack helicopters in the region, not counting attack drones.

F-15: 66
F-16: 175
F-35: 35
AH-64: 48

U.S Air Force
F-22: 12
F-15: 24
F-16: 12
A-10: 12
AH-64: 27

U.S. Navy
F-18: 36
F-35: 10

Eurofighters: 18

Approximate Total: 485
I'm not writing this to be an annoying contrarian, but if there was a region wide popular mobilization, I can see Israel being defeated conventionally. We don't know how Israel can actually deal with an actual naval blockade of Red Sea and Mediterranean or Turkish pipelines, let alone a proper ballistic missile barrage followed by a militia zerg rush. Regional actors are too disjointed and divided to do this but if the stars align somehow, Israel can absolutely be beaten on the battlefield, if you don't count the nukes that is.

And just to add, this adding and subtracting aircraft inventory is a little childish. Readiness levels, munitions availability, command capability, political will, military infrastructure, logistics, weather, luck, espionage all play into the result. I believe this joint force composition has a great potential for dealing damage but would fail to ultimately hold back a decentralized but relentless attack by a large opposing force, especially if that attack comes after a relatively effective BM bombardment.
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