Live Conflict Israel-Palestine War|Regional Escalations

Scott Summers

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The killing of Nasrallah will trigger Iran, because he is their biggest pawn in this game.

And if Iran triggers something big, the US and UK will come to the rescue of Israel.

And Turkey will be surrounded by ships and troops and eventually take part this theatre of war.

It's 1914 again.

But this time Turkey will not stand on the wrong side.


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The killing of Nasrallah will trigger Iran, because he is their biggest pawn in this game.

And if Iran triggers something big, the US and UK will come to the rescue of Israel.

And Turkey will be surrounded by ships and troops and eventually take part this theatre of war.

It's 1914 again.

But this time Turkey will not stand on the wrong side.

Turkiye is not stupid to participate in a war.

Their ancestors participated in WW1 and were smart enough not to join WW2.

They are also smart enough not join this. Because its in Turkiye's interests is to have both Israel and Iran weakened in the region.

Lets not forget how the USA supports YPG against Turkiye.

Usa cant use the Nato card to defens Israel. Because Nato is a defensive alliance not a offensive one. Nobody will sacrifice their soldiers for Israel. Only USA would sacrifice their soldiers for Israel because Aipac is knee deep into their country.

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