Live Conflict Israel-Palestine War|Regional Escalations

Scott Summers

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Even then Israel is finished.

Before 7 October we saw a timide local population in the MENA-region, compromised with the status quo of the Abraham Accords and trading and recognizing Israel like their Arab dictators and kings did.

7 October and the Israeli massacres and extermination after that, changed everything and destroyed every hope for peace.

A big regional war is coming and if you like it or not, more nations will join this war because there is no other choice left. A rabid killing dog that spreads terror everywhere needs to be finished by all means.

You have a militairy colonialist entity of 8 million in the heart of muslim territory that can only survive since 1948 with massive financial and militairy support from the West and they are terrorizing the lives of 500 million muslims.

This can not be continue the same way as it did since 1948. Everything in this universe has a beginning and an end.



It's not even the US factor, Saithan. Iran's not a one-to-one competitor of Israel and they know it, it's an emperor with no clothes dealio. Iran's shook, especially in the wake of the Mossad dudes pulling off an assasination *inside a Revolutionary Guard complex*. That missile barrage a couple months back? That's all they *can* do, and they know it. Also, think about all these super-secret contingencies Israel had going with Hezbollah (remember, the reason Oct 7th happened in the first place is they were concentrating on Hezbollah so hard for years and neglecting the Hamas factor) - if they have those plans in place for *Hezbollah*, image what the fuck they have ready to go for Iran.

And again, Scott, if you're going to post this salivating-and-shrieking rabid shit, the least you can do is not triple-post. There's an edit function, use your basic motor skills and click it. Surely flooding every page with multiple posts one after another has gotta qualify as spamming, even with all the contemptible stuff that apparently flies in here with the mods.

EDIT: (See? It works!) Those Hezbollah strikes haven't even made the mainstream news, I doubt they caused any damage worth noting, if any. Hezbollah basically claims any time their rocket doesn't backfire and explode that they've spread incoming doom to the Israelits, it's never actually...credible.

Scott Summers

3 1,064
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Keep Israel in a state of alert and chaos at all the time.

Sooner or later their financial supporters must make a cost-bate analysis.

Where is the limit in supporting Israel? How much taxmoney are they worth? When does the realisation comes that supporting a rabid wild dog with our own money can cost our own youth their future?

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Heh, one of the Brit news anchors used the phrase "Hezbollah's getting deleted", Roox, seems pretty apt here.

Deleted. Baha.

Scott Summers

3 1,064
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Killed leaders and the destruction of South Lebanon is nothing new for Hezbollah or Lebanon. It was destructed many times before in the civil wars.

Nasrallah (may God save his soul) himself was a replacement of a killed leader.

This war can last for years like in Ukraine.

Israel didnt achieve any of their goals:

1. - Destroying Hamas (FAILED)
2. - Rescue all hostages (FAILED)
3.- Destroying Hezbollah (FAILED)
4.- Bringing back jews to North Israel (FAILED)
5.- Trigging Iranian response (FAILED)

If you are a irregular militia, your goal is not to defeat the enemy state army but to keep it in constant state of stress, anger, readiness, busyness and turmoil.


The IDF had already killed the next like 3 guys in line to replace Nasrallah before they even got Nasrallah, man.

*Morgan Freeman voice* Good luck.


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Killed leaders and the destruction of South Lebanon is nothing new for Hezbollah or Lebanon. It was destructed many times before in the civil wars.

Nasrallah (may God save his soul) himself was a replacement of a killed leader.

This war can last for years like in Ukraine.

Israel didnt achieve any of their goals:

1. - Destroying Hamas (FAILED)
2. - Rescue all hostages (FAILED)
3.- Destroying Hezbollah (FAILED)
4.- Bringing back jews to North Israel (FAILED)
5.- Trigging Iranian response (FAILED)

If you are a irregular militia, your goal is not to defeat the enemy state army but to keep it in constant state of stress, anger, readiness, busyness and turmoil.
Well Israel completely wiping out the Hezbollah leadership will make their upcoming invasion of Lebanon easier but I still fail to see how they expect to hold onto captured territory long term. They are already under international pressure and they made it clear that they don't seek any peace deal wit Hezbollah. I don't see any long Term gains for Israel, besides Netanyahus personal political gain of securing northern Israel from Hezbollah attacks. Even then, people will still be dissatisfied with him and his openly fascist political allies.


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Russian Armed Forces News Editor
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The IDF has released footage of Israeli Air Force F-15I fighters in action. During Operation New Order, the F-15s reportedly struck a Hezbollah leader's underground bunker in Beirut with an MPR-500 aerial bomb and others. The Israeli MPR-500 bunker buster bomb was introduced by Israel Military Industries Ltd in 2012. The MPR-500 bomb can be modified into a guided munition by installing an American JDAM GPS kit, and a rocket booster can be installed on the bomb. Weighing 227 kg, the MPR-500 bomb contains up to 60 kg of explosive and can penetrate 1 meter of solid concrete or four concrete floors up to 200 mm thick. The MPR 500 provides a concentrated explosive effect, creating about 26,000 fragments within a radius of 100 meters.



RMZN, they don't want to take/hold Lebanese territory, that's half the problem, that myth. Most of Lebanon gets that. The south, not so much. I do hope they don't take the bait by rolling in the tanks though - degraded as Hezbollah is already, you can do the rest of this by air. It's whack-a-mole, just wait for them to pop their heads up out of the tunnels ready to fire whatever rockets are left, and obliterate them there and then. All these dudes can do is tank-ambushes, that's about the level of their training. Just keep them at arm's length, shove some Hellfires up their rectums.

Man I love the 15's, Soldier30. Outdated or no, still about the coolest airframe out there, maybe 14 giving it a run for its money. You probably wouldn't want to put (even the updated avionics/radar) ones up against some of the newer Russian & Chinese stuff, but they're still more than enough for any second-tier nation, air-to-air and air-to-ground alike. Let alone comfortably bringing buildings down on terrorists' heads and looking damn cool while doing it, to the cheers of most of the Lebanese.

And that's not the same bunker buster Trump took down the huge tunnel complex with elsewhere, is it? Smaller versions I think, probably explains why multiple.


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If you have to resort to racist and anti-Semitic vocabulary to get your point across, think again.


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Shias are telling me this another Karbala.
Shiites say that Hussein's supporters died mainly from thirst, and not from the enemy's sword.
If you remove all the religious fluff, you can see that there was a struggle for power!
Many hadiths were invented later by the Persians.
The Persians are masters of storytelling. No wonder the most famous Persian is the storyteller Shahrizade ;)
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Israel's 🇮🇱 choice to wipe out Hezbollah leadership is an interesting one. They are counting on Hezbollah being degraded and disjointed because their command and control structure has been significantly reduced. I'd say that it's an excellent strategy overall. Now I'm really interested to see how quickly Hezbollah can pull it all back together into a structured fighting force. I'll also be curious to see to see if there will be power struggles amongst potential leadership.


Now I'm really interested to see how quickly Hezbollah can pull it all back together into a structured fighting force.

What's the over/under estimate? Going by the current state of affairs, 2044? :D

First they've gotta find another Nasrallah, guys like that with an actual vision come along about once a generation or two. You can't just throw any random "down with Israel!" guy with some 2006 combat experience into that. Nasrallah was basically second only to Soleimani in the military/structural wing of this whole Iranian machine. Given his next few choice guys in line are corpses, it'll be interesting to see who they throw in there. Smelling a "Bin Laden's son's head of Al Qaeda now!" whoopdi-fuckin'-doo nothingburger here, personally. All their guys with brains no longer have brains, what they're left with are the field grunts. Field grunts with thousands of rockets but a couple of dozen launchers left to shoot them from, no communications left, and no visionaries to tell them what to do.
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RMZN, they don't want to take/hold Lebanese territory, that's half the problem, that myth. Most of Lebanon gets that. The south, not so much. I do hope they don't take the bait by rolling in the tanks though - degraded as Hezbollah is already, you can do the rest of this by air. It's whack-a-mole, just wait for them to pop their heads up out of the tunnels ready to fire whatever rockets are left, and obliterate them there and then. All these dudes can do is tank-ambushes, that's about the level of their training. Just keep them at arm's length, shove some Hellfires up their rectums.

Man I love the 15's, Soldier30. Outdated or no, still about the coolest airframe out there, maybe 14 giving it a run for its money. You probably wouldn't want to put (even the updated avionics/radar) ones up against some of the newer Russian & Chinese stuff, but they're still more than enough for any second-tier nation, air-to-air and air-to-ground alike. Let alone comfortably bringing buildings down on terrorists' heads and looking damn cool while doing it, to the cheers of most of the Lebanese.

And that's not the same bunker buster Trump took down the huge tunnel complex with elsewhere, is it? Smaller versions I think, probably explains why multiple.
Without even holding on to any territory, invading Lebanon will be an even bigger waste of resources. Hezbollah will simply rebuild anything that is destroyed during a short-term invasion. Same with a long-term invasion.

Playing whack-a-mole also wont stop Hezbollah from eventually regrouping and rebuilding everything lost. So if Israel cant even deliver any kind of "finishing blow", what use even is the invasion of Lebanon?


Hence why I hope they don't unwisely go into Lebanon on the ground. It's justified, yes, but unnecessary. Israel neither wants/needs the territory, nor necessarily needs to take it militarily. Just squash the bugs from the air any time they make themselves known, simple. Most of the *launchers* are already gone, no matter how much ammunition remains. And guys with AKs & 50-cals in trucks? Who cares? So long as you maintain a strong Israeli border, that (majority) of the Hezbollah force is a nothing-factor.

They'll regroup, I agree with that. Thing is, it took them 20 years to build what they had last week. That's 90% gone. Just leave 'em be, if they can indeed rebuild, it'll take 20 years, we'll have the follow-up smackdown of Hezbollah in 2044. In the meantime, focus on the head of the snake, Iran.


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Hence why I hope they don't unwisely go into Lebanon on the ground. It's justified, yes, but unnecessary. Israel neither wants/needs the territory, nor necessarily needs to take it militarily. Just squash the bugs from the air any time they make themselves known, simple. Most of the *launchers* are already gone, no matter how much ammunition remains. And guys with AKs & 50-cals in trucks? Who cares? So long as you maintain a strong Israeli border, that (majority) of the Hezbollah force is a nothing-factor.

They'll regroup, I agree with that. Thing is, it took them 20 years to build what they had last week. That's 90% gone. Just leave 'em be, if they can indeed rebuild, it'll take 20 years, we'll have the follow-up smackdown of Hezbollah in 2044. In the meantime, focus on the head of the snake, Iran.
This is exactly it. You're not going to eradicate them, but if you can spend a $10 Billion usd to bomb into oblivion the current version of Hezbollah and their infrastructure and weapons systems that have taken 20 years to compile, you made yourself safer on your border.

A ground invasion would be a silly mistake by the Israelis. That's the exact war that Hezbollah wants to fight. A multi month campaign using bunker busting weapons to target weapons caches and targeted killing of higher ups and middle management is what's in order here. You won't eliminate the militant organization but you can significantly degrade it's capability, which will take a long time for them to build back.


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Killed leaders and the destruction of South Lebanon is nothing new for Hezbollah or Lebanon. It was destructed many times before in the civil wars.

Nasrallah (may God save his soul) himself was a replacement of a killed leader.

This war can last for years like in Ukraine.

Israel didnt achieve any of their goals:

1. - Destroying Hamas (FAILED)
2. - Rescue all hostages (FAILED)
3.- Destroying Hezbollah (FAILED)
4.- Bringing back jews to North Israel (FAILED)
5.- Trigging Iranian response (FAILED)

If you are a irregular militia, your goal is not to defeat the enemy state army but to keep it in constant state of stress, anger, readiness, busyness and turmoil.
"The conventional army loses if it does not win. The guerrilla wins if he does not lose."

Henry Kissinger

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