Live Conflict Israel-Palestine War|Regional Escalations

Scott Summers

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Even then Israel is finished.

Before 7 October we saw a timide local population in the MENA-region, compromised with the status quo of the Abraham Accords and trading and recognizing Israel like their Arab dictators and kings did.

7 October and the Israeli massacres and extermination after that, changed everything and destroyed every hope for peace.

A big regional war is coming and if you like it or not, more nations will join this war because there is no other choice left. A rabid killing dog that spreads terror everywhere needs to be finished by all means.

You have a militairy colonialist entity of 8 million in the heart of muslim territory that can only survive since 1948 with massive financial and militairy support from the West and they are terrorizing the lives of 500 million muslims.

This can not be continue the same way as it did since 1948. Everything in this universe has a beginning and an end.



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It's not even the US factor, Saithan. Iran's not a one-to-one competitor of Israel and they know it, it's an emperor with no clothes dealio. Iran's shook, especially in the wake of the Mossad dudes pulling off an assasination *inside a Revolutionary Guard complex*. That missile barrage a couple months back? That's all they *can* do, and they know it. Also, think about all these super-secret contingencies Israel had going with Hezbollah (remember, the reason Oct 7th happened in the first place is they were concentrating on Hezbollah so hard for years and neglecting the Hamas factor) - if they have those plans in place for *Hezbollah*, image what the fuck they have ready to go for Iran.

And again, Scott, if you're going to post this salivating-and-shrieking rabid shit, the least you can do is not triple-post. There's an edit function, use your basic motor skills and click it. Surely flooding every page with multiple posts one after another has gotta qualify as spamming, even with all the contemptible stuff that apparently flies in here with the mods.

EDIT: (See? It works!) Those Hezbollah strikes haven't even made the mainstream news, I doubt they caused any damage worth noting, if any. Hezbollah basically claims any time their rocket doesn't backfire and explode that they've spread incoming doom to the Israelits, it's never actually...credible.

Scott Summers

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Keep Israel in a state of alert and chaos at all the time.

Sooner or later their financial supporters must make a cost-bate analysis.

Where is the limit in supporting Israel? How much taxmoney are they worth? When does the realisation comes that supporting a rabid wild dog with our own money can cost our own youth their future?

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Scott Summers

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EDIT: (See? It works!) Those Hezbollah strikes haven't even made the mainstream news, I doubt they caused any damage worth noting, if any. Hezbollah basically claims any time their rocket doesn't backfire and explode that they've spread incoming doom to the Israelits, it's never actually...credible.

They dont made the mainstream news because the mainstream news is in the hands of AIPAC and downplaying Hezbollah's attacks is a good strategy to break the morale and motivation of your enemy.

Netanyahu (or 'SatanYahuud' like he is called) is now the undisputable leader of the Western World, killing 50.000+ civillians and just coming to New York to give a speech at the UN headquarters without being arrested.

Adolf Hitler begun even less attrocities but ended very bad.


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