Görgün, who also provided information about the Defense Industry Agency's activities for 2025, stated the following:
"Our good news and expectation regarding land vehicles is that, by the very end of the second half of this year, our main battle tank will be out of serial production and delivered to our heroic army. This will be an important development. Additionally, our kamikaze projects, the completion of the M60 tank deliveries with at least two units per month, and the delivery of armored amphibious assault vehicles will take place.
Furthermore, the contracts for our next-generation 6x6 and 8x8 vehicles will be signed, the configurations and qualifications for special-purpose technical wheeled armored vehicles (ÖMTTZA) in 5 different variants will be completed, and the delivery of vehicles under the GZPT and ZMA modernization programs will be part of our activities related to land vehicles in 2025."
Haber 7 - Cumhurbaşkanlığı Savunma Sanayii Başkanlığı koordinasyonunda, BMC'deki Türk mühendisler tarafından tasarlanan yerli motorlu 100 taktik tekerlekli zırhlı araç, Kara Kuvvetleri Komutanlığı ve Jandarma Genel Komutanlığına teslim edildi.