Time will tell.
I can't find much information on the projects Turkey is doing. There is this.
Libya and Turkey to develop and activate 26 economic agreements – Libya to create economic and investment Roadmap and Free
By Sami Zaptia. Aldabaiba and Hwej at the Libyan-Turkish Economic Forum held on 13 April in Istanbul (Photo: GNU). London,www.libyaherald.com
That Zuwara - Ras Jeder is a TINY section of road. italy on the other hand got back their contracts on getting the entire coastline road from Tunisia to Egypt. Turkey has not got back all of its contracts I think.
Italy confirms commitment to implementation of Libyan coastal road project
Luigi Di Maio confirmed that the government of Italy is committed to continuing with the implementation of the Libyan coastal road projectconstructionreviewonline.com
It is already telling.

Turkish exports to Libya surge 58% January-April
Exports from Turkey to Libya jumped 58% year-on-year in the first four months of 2021 to $826 million (TL 6.98 billion), a top Turkish trade group said...

Turkey’s planned logistics base in Libya to revitalize region
Turkey is negotiating the technical details of establishing a logistics base in Libya after completing the project phase, a high-level trade official said...