Good. The EU can suck a fat one.The EU is unhappy with Russian and turkish Presence in Libya and see the Balance like they imagine in the Region threatened.
Remembering this from July.Remembering this from May.
Or maybe Turkey should watch out for its own interests rather than those of Arab countries. USA has relations with Egypt, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, UAE, Kuwait, both sides of Libya that benefits them more than what they do for that countries. But we are fighting Saudis and UAE for Qatar, fighting Egypt for Libya and so on. I don't have to align my concernes with those of the AKP's. For years you have to be against Sisi government because they were in conflict with Erdoğan government, now the same Sisi government is treated as an ally by the Erdoğan government.Turkiye should watch out that is all.
Or maybe Turkey should watch out for its own interests rather than those of Arab countries. USA has relations with Egypt, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, UAE, Kuwait, both sides of Libya that benefits them more than what they do for that countries. But we are fighting Saudis and UAE for Qatar, fighting Egypt for Libya and so on. I don't have to align my concernes with those of the AKP's. For years you have to be against Sisi government because they were in conflict with Erdoğan government, now the same Sisi government is treated as an ally by the Erdoğan government.
EVERYONE knows than Italians are not trustworthy. The inventor of opportunism. And we know it too.LNA is training in Italy. There is even pictures of them.
Didnt I say one day that Italy cant be trusted.
Turkiye should watch out that is all.
LNA is training in Italy. There is even pictures of them.
Didnt I say one day that Italy cant be trusted.
Turkiye should watch out that is all.
Important is to have a Detterence that goes far beyond the Aegean and the Capabillity to strike their Bases on Land and to strike their Aircraft Carrier and LHD with ASBM and Super AShM.
LNA is training in Italy. There is even pictures of them.
Didnt I say one day that Italy cant be trusted.
Turkiye should watch out that is all.
Before shouting betrayel we have some questions to ask:
A) Did Italy ever give Turkiye a promise, regarding Libya
B) Does having relations with Italy automatically mean Italy will stop pursuing her own interests?
C) Did we betray Italy by standing on the opposite side?
What I mean to say, countries have their own regional interests un regarding military or economic cooperation's. So do we, why are you surprised?
Perhaps "Turkey should be watched." Why don't Turkish people show appreciation to those who actually maintain good relations with us? If I were a neutral outsider, I wouldn’t want to work with Turkey. Our foreign relations feel immature and overly emotional. Take the UK, for instance, despite being an ally, Turkish people tend to only insult them.Lets be honest here Italy was about switch sides until the GNA was about to fall.
Not about screaming betrayal. But Italy should be watched out just like with Russia and France.
What nonsense! (colleague, this is about the article). It turns out that the authors of the Bible knew 2000 years ago that the Northern King (Europe) would attack Libya (and Egypt), and the King of the South (Iran) would win this fight... What complete nonsense!The Crisis in Libya is Threatening the Oil Supply in Europe. Libya is an Oil rich Country which is close to Italy. Since Europe imposed Sanctions on Russia, there is a need for alternative Energy Supplies. The Author of the Article bring a possible Intervention of Europe into play. This will be a likely Threat for turkish Interests in Libya.
The original Article:
Chaos in Libya—Chaos in Europe?
Oil is drying up in North Africa. How long until someone intervenes?