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Israeli newspapers have begun digging in and understood a EEZ deal with Turkey is more beneficial with Turkey than GC.
Imo the hindrance created by RTE is what prevents Israel from making a deal with Turkey. Regional strategic cooperation is more important than water territory and RTE has shown what animosity Turkish politicians can expose Israel to, thus unreliable. Perhaps on a level where only purging islam from politics can fix it after 50-100 years.
Very good. Talks and reconciliation with Egypt and Israel are necessary to break down the Greek-French lobby and isolation in the East Mediterranean.
AK party went out their way to destroy relations for no profit. These nations are most likely using Erdogan's desperation to gain more concessions from the greek side. The Israelis and Egyptions will say but the Turks are offering more, in which the greeks will say no problem boss we give it too because as greeks we bend when it concerns the Turks.
Its fascinating to watch how AK party supporters constantly support all this geopolitical failure. That's the problem when you mix religion and politics it creates a fatalistic approach to complicated and sensitive regional issues. Religion should only drive personal conviction, it shouldn't drive actual geopolitical decisions.
Whether you like the US or not, the reality is the more you provoke the US the more they will work against you. Its no good crying that they have done this, will do this or are doing that. Its a geopolitical reality that you up against a super power and must play the game accordingly. The USA has multiple decks of cards they can use against Turkey, while we have a poor hand. That doesnt mean you can't win, but it means its easy to lose.
Any fool knows that if you lose Israel then you lost America, the idea that you could destroy relations with Israel but still maintain good relations with the Americans is political islamist stupidity at its finest.
Religion in politics for Turkey has been a constant loser for us.
We shackle ourselves to stupid causes like the MB and Palestine.
Our mentality is basically fck the world while having that mentality of being a saviour.
Saviour mentality works with populist rehtoric.
Either our foreign policy is sitting like a mal, insulting everybody then acting like petty retards. Erdogan said his saddened because the Saudis did a exercise with the Greeks.
Lets not forget the words like Kandirildik.
Turkey has one way to win, to get on with everyone as best as possible and limit the harm that comes Turkeys way in order to buy Turkey time to develop her domestic military capabilities. Unless you have an Ataturk, Turks don't win with talks, just with fighting. Even then Ataturk had to win on the battlefield for his talks to be taken seriously.
Last year we saw partial success where the military fought. All that stops the Turkish military from winning bigger is domestic capabilities and political conviction to understand why the army is so cherished within the Turkish race. Like Ataturk said those nations that are willing to make the final sacrifice do not get beaten. A peoples/nation with this mindset have been blessed by Allah. If you don't have it you end up like the Syrians where most of the nation fled the battlefield. Not willing to defend the nation themselves by expecting the Turks to do it for them.
The last 2 decades so much time was wasted by the political islamists in Turkey, denouncing the Turkish state, the Turkish people and the symbols and historical figures of the Turks like Ataturk. Meanwhile they cucked the Turkish nation into falsely believing there was some big Islamic world out their that was waiting for the return of the Ottomans to embrace Turkish leadership.
Meanwhile the moment Turkey moved into syria to combat persian and pkk terrorists most of the muslim world supported the pkk and their american/russian/european backers against Turkey. When Turkey moved against the Kurdish separatists the Muslim world bar one or two nations like Pakistan/Azerbaijan ran to denounce Turkish actions.
In Libya Haftar an american cia agent who has sold every resource for peanuts to outside western/european/russian nations, is supported by the Muslim world meanwhile Turkey supporting the GNA is denounced by the same Muslim world.
Concerning the greek hostility towards Turkey we watch a number of Muslim states rushing to support her and hold joint military drills against Turkey.
The Muslim world loses because for the most part it has no sense of dignity or honour. What it has is absolute abundance is egotism and arrogance all desperate to be the leader of a sinking ship, instead of being humble and lowering their sense of self to repair the holes in the sinking ship. Hence why we see Muslim leaders building palaces, buy expensive cars and having 747 planes are personal transport.
To go back to your original point, when it comes to state decisions, you have to win. There can be no room for failure. They supported sides based on ideology instead of reality, hence why they keep losing.
The GCC reconciliation allows Turkey to strengthen its relations with Qatar, Kuwait and Oman while reaching a detente with Saudi Arabia and, to some extent, the UAE
Cairo sometimes sends mixed or conflicting messages, as it wants to open up to Turkey without losing the others
I just noticed some thing. When i saw this "diplomatic note" i did a search on the last hour.
Apart from DailySabah, AA, Anews (Erdogan mouth piece media). I saw Ahval and Alarabiya. So, clicked them also.
It appears that Erdogan banned those sites in Turkey as they do not open. So sad to see that one man can deprive Turkish people of their right to reach information which should have been protected by Turkish Constitution. Turkey is turning into North Korea.
Bro, that is your personal opinion. Another personal opinion can be "shut all the media except A haber".My personal opinion as long as it is done within the frame of law procedures(proving their link to terrorism) it is alright to ban these.
I am not talking about Alarabiya btw, I dont know about it. I am talking about that Gulenist media: Ahval.
I dont know if any jurisdical procedure was followed but we all know they are Gulens media after all and their whole purpose is to demonize Turkey or misinform foreigners about Turkey.
Opera browser with VPN can kneel down all media oppression. That's why information technologies more dangerous than nukes.I just noticed some thing. When i saw this "diplomatic note" i did a search on the last hour.
Apart from DailySabah, AA, Anews (Erdogan mouth piece media). I saw Ahval and Alarabiya. So, clicked them also.
It appears that Erdogan banned those sites in Turkey as they do not open. So sad to see that one man can deprive Turkish people of their right to reach information which should have been protected by Turkish Constitution. Turkey is turning into North Korea.