big if. a MASSIVE one.If it happens big win for Greece.
tbh the main objective seems to be to tilt the Turks. its passing through the areas stated in the 2019 deal, for crying out loud.
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big if. a MASSIVE one.If it happens big win for Greece.
this is a declaration of war in anything but name. and it should be treated as such.![]()
The route of the Egypt-Greece power line.
propose a dam project to Sudan and let Egypt dry up like California Raisins. arm Ethiopia and Sudan to the TEETH. seize the grain imports to Egypt.You cant reason with Egypt.
They are firmly with Greece.
Egypt needs to be weakened and destroyed.
propose a dam project to Sudan and let Egypt dry up like California Raisins. arm Ethiopia and Sudan to the TEETH. seize the grain imports to Egypt.
let these pharaoh LARPers face the music.
He and his descendants don't even speak albanian and even arabic (elementary level maybe). Their native tongue was Turkish and his Albanian origin is not clear. A classical Ottoman elite. Old European historians had a tendancy to find fictive origins for Ottomans. They are not reliable at all. We do not have enough historical facts about the origins of devhirmes and their families. Only rumours found in the letters of Italian embassies (Venice, Genoa). Mehmet Ali Pasha was not a devshirme. Devshirme system ended completely towards 1630s. His family is said to have Albanian devshirme origins. So he is a Turk, no matter if one of his grand grand father 200 years ago is albanian or serbian slave. He may have albanian, ethiopian, greek, serbian, ukranian, armenian etc blood. Like most of us in Türkiye.Yeeeah I don't think Egyptians should really take too much pride in Muhammad Ali. For one he was Albanian and did not consider himself Egyptian, for two his army was composed of all Ottoman ethnicities including Turks fighting another Ottoman army to depose the sultan and seize power for himself. It was essentially a civil war despite later Egyptian nationalist literature attempting to claim that he was trying to build some kind of Egyptian empire.
Yeeeah I don't think Egyptians should really take too much pride in Muhammad Ali. For one he was Albanian and did not consider himself Egyptian, for two his army was composed of all Ottoman ethnicities including Turks fighting another Ottoman army to depose the sultan and seize power for himself. It was essentially a civil war despite later Egyptian nationalist literature attempting to claim that he was trying to build some kind of Egyptian empire.
I don't see where the problem is. It looks legit.this is a declaration of war in anything but name. and it should be treated as such.
The thing is Egytpians nationalists have created this myth.
Muhammed Ali Pasha only wanted to seize the Ottoman Empire for himself.
It is said if he took Istanbul he was going to be the sultan. Most likely Muhammed Ali Pasha would not be living in Cairo or Alexandria but in Istanbul.
As you said it was a civil war many Egyptian writers at the time even complained about how Egypt was ruled by Turkish, Albanian and Circassian elites who ran Egypt as their own and barely spoke any Arabic.
Our diplomats should rip a new one to Greece with this.
They pledge they won't, but do so anyway, that's the difference.How? We buy Russian oil too.
Do you wish to complain to an organization that we're not part of that your neighbour is not obeying their rules?