Guys, I have realized, actually all the world knows that the present Erdogan's Turkey dreams a new Seljuk/Ottoman Empire, by the irredentist, interventionist and expansionist foreign policy in the Eastern Mediterranean, the neighboring states Cyprus, Greece, Iraq, Syria, as well as in Africa, including Libya.
Mavi Vatan is a neottoman tool for the "Sultan Erdogan" in order to influence the Turkish people.
Another example is the revival of Ottoman tradition, greeting Palestinian president Abbas with an Ottoman-style ceremony in the new presidential palace, with guards dressed in costumes representing founders of 16 Great Turkic Empires in history. Or the change of the names such as the rebirth of the old Ottoman term külliye to refer to university campuses rather than the standard Turkish word kampüs.
Erdogan wants to become an Ottoman sultan and abandon the secular and democratic credentials of the Republic.
you should be ashamed of your self for using Islam to turn the turkish people against each other . what's really funny that you contradict yourself , you praise the secular era of turkey like you didn't know that on the 70s at the highness of secular turkey is when Turkey slapped Greek really hard .
finally before you give others lecture on secularism , look at this picture from the resent rafale delivery