TR Military Operations in Northern Iraq


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Most of the uavs of Turkish army do not carry SAR payload,so they sometimes fly under cloud for observation,and this lead to low altitute mission and bring risk of being detected,targeted finally shot down.Akıncı and Aksungur uavs are not cheap,we have make some self defence system for them.
There's really no self defence system for drones like these except for DIRCM and actual lasers. Chaff and flare is used in conjunction with defensive flying. Aksungur or any other MALE drone cannot fly defensively. A simple barrel roll is not a defensive maneuver as well. DIRCM and lasers are expensive and use a lot of power, something Aksungur doesn't have with its two diesel engines. So you either don't fly them over contested areas, or accept the possible losses. This instance is of course unprecedented, as the area was more than likely deemed safe prior.

It is too soon to talk about this. With what's available, I'm leaning towards Iraqi central government trying to set some boundaries re its defence agreements with Turkey, especially re Kirkuk. Person who announced the action is an Iraqi general from the air defence command, with no known direct links to PMF or Iran. From an outside perspective, Iraq accepts Turkey's COIN operations in the north, as they are mostly powerless there anyhow, but they have been trying to rein in cities in the north(with our help in some cases) for the last 2 or so years. When we strike our targets in Iraqi cities, this also hurts the government's sovereignty.

Or, this is just Iranian elements in the army forcing their way and create a low trust situation between Turkey and Iraq. If that is the case, it would mean Iraqi military is even more fractured than previously thought post 2018, and the possibility of the Development Road going through to finish line just seems like a fool's errand. We simply lack the tools to handle Iran in Iraq.


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This is a clear sabotage to the improving Iraqi-Turkish relations.

What we saw is again a shame. The SAM system that shot down the drone had to be taken out. When I talk about deterrence I talk about this. All enemy militias and armed forces are harassing the Turkish Armed Forces without appropriate response. There is no respect left for the TSK in our backyard.

Lets put away the deterrence point aside for a bit and think about the combat and economy part of the situation. If you research how many Aksungur drones were shot down or fell in the last 6 month and you make the calculation I am sure you will be shocked. And how many Aksungur drones are left in the inventory? A tear comes to my eye.

There are certainly two parts of the Iraqi establishment fighting right now. One of them is the part that thinks about Iraq's interests first and the second is thinking of how we can sabotage the positive Turkish-Iraqi initiative for the Iranian interests.

I will ask an important question below.

We know that the Bashiqa base will be operated by Iraq and there will be a joint Turkish-Iraqi team taking care of training of local forces. We also know that there will be a joint counter-terrorism center in Baghdad. If such an event occurs in future involving the Iraqi Armed Forces (as it already happened) or an Iraqi militia (already happened) and we are forced to give the necessary response, then what's the plan? Who is going to take care of our military personnel in these places?

So the UAV was operating above Suleymaniye (a PUK-PKK-Iran stronghold), striking targets in Cemcemal. We previously killed multiple PKK terrorists including Iranians in this area or in close proximity to this area. The UCAV was shot down over Kirkuk which has a significant Turkmen population and recent internal political tensions. So how is this going to continue? For this economy project to proceed we should be cleaning PKK from Gara and Sinjar and we can not make it otherwise. How we should do it while there are people inside the Iraqi Government that are trying everything possible to prevent this project from happening?

Iraqi MP Ali Bandawi:

"The shooting down of the Turkish UAV in Kirkuk was a strong message to the international coalition forces and Turkiye.

Turkiye must immediately end its violations of Iraqi airspace."

So this was a message... Well, the last time we gave you a message 2 Iraqi generals were roasted while they were in a meeting with PKK terrorists. I am not sure if this is the best messaging procedure available especially right now. We also have our cards that we can play and believe me that one of the keys to your imaginable "sovereignty" is crossing trough Turkiye and if needed the whole region will burn together with you 30 more years. Come to your senses and take the hand of friendship that is extended by Turkiye. The ones that gave the order for this UCAV to be shot down will bring only misfortune for your future generations. Be smart!

Meanwhile the determination of the TSK in its areas of operation is full. We established new bases and control points in critical places and this winter is expected to continue without serious problems. PKK's logistics resupply capability is heavily hit and they will most probably not be able to resupply their tunnel networks within the operation Claw-Lock area anymore. They are in panic right now and this is proven by the recent attempt of high ranking leader to run from the Sida tunnel where he was neutralized. I also see the recent appointments of commanders in units concerning the counter-terrorism operations as very positive. The appointments are special forces service heavy so we expect to see TSK continuing to adapt its tactics and make unexpected moves with an operation style different than before, just as we saw during the recent operations in Metina where we managed to do what we had to do with a minimal casualties and a shocked enemy that couldn't comprehend what is happening.

Almost every night a TSK resupply is continuing to flow trough Amediye going East. New base areas are reinforced and with the last delivery there was a tank reinforcement.

Don't think that there is no activity because we don't report it. The operations are going full speed, it is just that most of the developments are routine and it's not worth reporting.


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The operations are continuing and there is not so much to report. We have the routine activities and airstrikes.

An important development is the targeting of 2 vehicle PKK convoy in the vicinity of Suleymaniye. According to the initial information we got, there are 2 dead and more wounded.

It was thought that pro-PKK media was going to conduct an interview with a high ranking PKK target. In result an operation against the predetermined targets was launched.

One vehicle was hit on the spot, killing the journalists Hero Bahadin and Gulistan Tara on the spot, heavily injuring a journalist named as Rebin. According to the information we got, there are 6 more injured. The killed journalists were reporters for Sterk TV, ANF and Roj TV (pro-PKK media). There was a second vehicle which miraculously was not directly hit.

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It is important to note that brothers of Gulistan Tara were the DEM Party Batman provincial chairman M. Mesut Tekik and former deputy mayor A. Bulent Tekik. Bulent Tekik was expelled from the municipality by a statutory decree in 2017.
Meanwhile the recently killed "civilian", "journalist" Gulistan Tara (Tekik).


Fuzuli NL

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Another Turkish UAV is shot down. I wrote shot down because it has clear shrapnel damage on the wing in the second photo.

According to Iraqi sources, the Armed Forces of Iraq shot down the UAV. The UAV is Aksungur. 4 ground to air missiles are fired to shoot down the Aksungur UAV.

The reason is to sabotage the Turkiye, Iraq, Qatar, and UAE meeting that is happening today in Turkiye. The meeting is about a trade route that will pass through Iraq and Turkiye. Qatar and UAE is willing to provide financial aid for the project. I think the usual suspect is Iranian assets inside the Armed Forces of Iraq.
Official statement is that they "identified the UAV as unknown" and only later they realised it was Turkish.
But how can you trust Iraqis who are being controlled by the mullahs in Iran...


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I am very worried, I am afraid that there will be a war between the ethnic groups.
At the moment Turkey knows what foreign countries want, the best example is the sponsorship of the PKK/YPG by the USA and Europe and the active/passive support of the PKK/YPG on the ground by Iran and Israel, because it benefits them.
They are doing everything they can to drive the Kurdish/Turkish population in Turkey and abroad into conflict and into a wedge in the form of a civil war both at home and abroad.
They are waiting for a big short circuit, either through a massacre of Turkish/Kurdish citizens by the PKK/YPG on Turkish soil or for Turkish soldiers with false information to bomb some village in Southeast Anatolia on the border, killing Turkish/Kurdish innocent citizens again, so that these terrorists can then go vote-catching in Southeast Anatolia through the HDP/YYP.
They don't give a damn about the Kurdish Turkish citizens, they oppressed and betrayed you back then, and they will do it again today. This is how the HDP/YYP works, with the ammunition that is supplied to them politically, which they use to manipulate the population, and the HDP/YYP is in turn financed and controlled from abroad.

This is what I am most afraid of: that these agents and middlemen could at some point ignite a conflagration in southeastern Turkey through false information and false flag operations.
I have said several times that I am of Kurdish-Turkish descent and know very well how manipulative the terrorist organization and its official political parties are - they are well structured.
Turkey must be protected from this at all costs, otherwise they will poison the entire population.


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I think no one can stop us from clearing the PKK in the north, but how will we continue to the south once the north is cleared? Can't the Americans and PUK just keep the PKK alive in the Süleymaniye region? Also, Sinjar is an important base for the PKK, but it is far from our borders.

Note: This is a few months old map from Suriyak


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What is the precentage of females within pkk?
There was statistics from 90's about PKK in Yüzbaşı Price's Twitter account. There was education data and such but I don't remember there was a gender data. I assume female percentage increased last 30 years. There is also factor of eliminating the PKK from Turkey, probably smaller percentage of Syrian or Iraqi Kurds are females, compared to Turkish ones. University girls are probably the main source of PKK's female recruitment.


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Our universities are a breeding ground for all kinds of Turkophobic activity as we speak.
We simply lost them.
Nothing easily fixable. We have YÖK. Universities aren't independent like they in the US. 90% of the universities are in acceptable situation. You can fix remaining 10% with good governing.

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