We seriously need new fighter jets. if Hürjet can fly the same sortie and drop same bombs I'd say that's a winner in my book. I'm of course assuming our F16 aren't fully loaded, but with what's necessary. 
No goverment trying to surrender to PKK ATM.Is it true Turkey is going to start new ground operation in Syria ?
This is a recently cleaned tunnel in Metina, but I am not sure if it is one of the 5 big tunnels that we talked about. It is good to know that this tunnel is a small one compared to the others we are facing in Metina not to even mention Zap, but still it gives an idea of what kind of craftmanship and work is put into these tunnels
Huge cave found belongings to PKK
So you're saying it should be done as a move towards the problems in ME, and as a message to be sent to the adversaries that try to expand their influence in ME. e.g. Iran, and Israel with their greater Israel dreams ?I don't know if this is the right topic, but I wanted to share this: It sounds a bit demogogic at first, but please listen patiently to the end:
Pamukoğlu suggests re-establishing the 6th Army in Diyarbakır, which was established in the late 19th century and defended Iraq in the Great War. He also talks about the need to re-establish of its 2 corps and 6 divisions that have historical meanings for some countries. He also gives a nice anecdote: 'Vehicles, steel, of course, you take them to war, but first you have to take the spirit to war'. His re-establishing 6th army idea is essentially based on this logic. He also says that the Qur'ans and flags, banners of the old former regiments should be taken back from military museums, which I think is also very true.
OK but, does elections matter at all in IKBY?The initial results of the special voting are gradually being released by the media. So far, these results are from a limited number of polling stations, but the emerging trend is as follows:
- The KDP is overwhelmingly leading in Duhok and large parts of Erbil, while the PUK is dominant in Sulaimani and smaller PUK-controlled areas of Erbil as well as in Halabja. What stands out is that the New Generation Movement is competing strongly and at times surpassing the Kurdistan Islamic Union in Duhok. Additionally, the Halwest faction is gaining some votes, which, if this trend continues into the general elections, could potentially translate into seats for both New Generation and Halwest. This is particularly notable because the leading candidate for each faction is a former prisoner who was jailed for years by KDP security forces due to opposition activism and protests.
- In Sulaimani, where the PUK’s security forces are concentrated, Lahur Sheikh Jangi’s list is performing poorly. He had hoped to secure a reasonable share of the vote within the PUK’s specialized forces, given his former role as the party’s anti-terror commander and co-leader. However, most opposition lists are currently ahead of his People’s Front list. Overall, the Kurdistan Justice Group is also performing below expectations.
-40,000 votes cast by security forces in KRG elections have been counted
KDP: 51%
PUK- 23%
KIU: 5%
There are also reports about airstrikes on Gara.
I think yes. A mild start that will most probably escalate. In a similar manner MIT UCAVs are working in Kobani, Syria. Artillery units are also working on Tal Rifat, Syria.A respond on the TUSAS attack?